Turns 1-20

Or a warrior they can send to sneak attack someone:mischief:

Anyway it does look positive for us, we were the first to build a settler and it looks like we could be the first to get the pop back to 2 in the capital.
the population number is encouraging since we are only behind The Council. And we have an extra city.

I'm not sure why I can get into c3c MTDGs more than the civ4 ones. oh well.
That whale looks tempting. What if we put the next settler all the way N on the river (2E of cow) and held the whale access spot for a later town?
Tubby, it is well known that C3C fanatics have a hard time with CIV...
well that makes me feel a little better. But it still doesn't ease the fact that Simon kicks my butt rather handily :cry:
That whale looks tempting. What if we put the next settler all the way N on the river (2E of cow) and held the whale access spot for a later town?

The Warrior will soon reveal the rest of the area so we can plan the whole SE/E in detail.
Big tiles around there for a 3rd city :wow:
We'll have better intel when the time comes but we certainly have room for one on the lake for the whale and one on the cattle and FP for another 4-turner little glorious.
If corruption doesn't eat away the 7th shield, we've got a size 4-5 without mining a plain - with mining a plain and 2 BG's otherwise.
Wow, the council still hasn't built a settler. They are alreadly looking like Cannon fodder ;)
3rd city should get us some workers asap
I agree with ThERat. the 3rd city should go up there by the cow (1 NW of the warrior's current location). That city should be spitting out workers uber-fast. Then we can worry about settlers after we have at least 30 workers.
Wotan, could we get a look inside Hef's palace next turn?
So what will the next city name be?
Maybe Trumps tower :lol:
I was thinking more of Sweat Shop paying tribute to the 3rd world workers that make the fashion industry so profitable and able to pay hawt women to wear little clothes.
"Martha Stewart factory" its then:lol:
That location do feel right (1NW Warrior), at least with the info we have now.
A pic of city, sure will post. But it is pretty bland at the moment, size 2, 4 spt, 10 food in the stack.

The next town will be founded 11 turns from now if placed in the plains sugegsted. Good location from a logistics perspective too. road to follow almost all the way so only two turns move there.
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