I haven't toyed with adding Music/Sounds to the Game yet, but before doing so I wanted ask whether the process of adding new audio sounds that are for specific Civilizations/Leaders is the same/similar one as for Units or any regular sound effect. I want to add new Sounds/Music tracks that I can play/stop manually using lua, so nothing that replaces existing audio files or is specific to something. Ex: adding multiple Sounds from which I can randomly pick one to play when Event X happens.
I started to follow the script for Civilization/Leader music, but meanwhile, I changed that and started to play what I wanted. You can make all sounds (you make all sound events of stop, play, resume, and so on) and organize them in all folders you want (in Wwise) and they play in-game when you want, but in UI scripts. Im not too much into Lua events, but I play/stop music when my units move.