[Tutorial] Modding with BUG

Hello, not getting this to work. Using the code from here:


but I renamed LuckyCharms to Fundamentalism - no errors:

12:34:18 DEBUG: BugUtil - looking up BugCreditsOptionsTab.BugCreditsOptionsTab
load_module BugCreditsOptionsTab

12:34:18 DEBUG: BugConfig - loading mod file Fundamentalism
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugInit - loading mod Fundamentalism...
12:34:18 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Fundamentalism
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugOptions - getFundamentalism will return IniFile Fundamentalism
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugOptions - added option <Fundamentalism__Enabled boolean [True]>
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugOptions - added option <Fundamentalism__Leprechaun string [Larry]>
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugOptions - added option <Fundamentalism__MessageColor color [COLOR_YELLOW] list (0 colors)>
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugOptions - added option <Fundamentalism__FreeGoldAmount int [10] list (5 ints)>
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugOptions - added option <Fundamentalism__FreeGoldChance int [50] list (11 ints)>
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugUtil - looking up Fundamentalism.onBeginPlayerTurn
load_module Fundamentalism

12:34:18 DEBUG: BugUtil - looking up Fundamentalism
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugGameUtils - registering Fundamentalism
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugGameUtils - doCityCaptureGold - adding Fundamentalism listener
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugGameUtils - doPillageGold - adding Fundamentalism handler
12:34:18 DEBUG: Timer - load mod [Fundamentalism] took 3 ms
12:34:18 DEBUG: Timer - load mod [init] took 313 ms
12:34:18 DEBUG: Timer - BUG init [read configs] took 313 ms
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugInit - calling init functions...
12:34:18 DEBUG: BugDll - calling setIsBug()
load_module BugFinanceAdvisor

I'm running this in my mod which has been merged with Better AI/BUG - all works fine in my mod but this.

Fundamentalism.ini was created by BUG and looks like this:

# Fundamentalism


# Created by The BUG Mod.



# Default: True

Fundamentalism__Enabled = True


# Default: Larry

Fundamentalism__Leprechaun = Larry



Message Color = COLOR_YELLOW

[Free Gold]


# Default: 10

Amount = 10


# Default: 50

Chance = 50
I'm not sure what's going on here. Could you be more specific about what doesn't work?

Did you edit the XML files in the tutorial for the new Fundamentalism parameter?

I'm very confused by your post.
The tutorial disappeared from the servers a long time ago. Unless @ruff_hi knows where it is, I think it's lost forever. :(
nope. I got nothing.
thanks for the reply :) do you guys mind helping me with a question or two I have? I'll throw them out there either way:)

When adding mods to BBATAI that dont require a .dll, like Enhanced Tech Conquest v0.5, where do I put the \Assets\Python\EntryPoints\CvEventInterface.py since I'm not suppose to add anything to the CvEventInterface.py? I also read somewhere that when adding .py to just drop them in the Contrib folder? Is that what I should do to all .py that get dropped in the python folder and make an xml for it? Was that correct or is there a requirement before it should be put in the Contrib folder from the python folder?

I have a .dll question too, as I'm just amazed as too how many places had to be merged when adding the Ice Breaker Mod to the BBATAI-Source-Complete, I didn't realize there was that much and everyone who helps and/or put a mod out should receive praise and that goes to you guys as well:) but my question is this, if merging and winmerge wants you to replace a part of the existing mod code, can you copy over code grouping to the other file in between the next grouping area? That is, if the existing isn't conflicting with the other code, like in xml where it wants you to replace a tech when you're adding one and just create a space for the new tech as you were not getting rid of the old one?

BTW I love BAT/BUG/BULL :) I counldn't imagine playing a game without either BAT 4.1 or BBATAI.

Edit: PS not sure if was international or missed but when I winmerged BAT 4.1 and BBATAI 2.1, BAT had .2 .fpks that BBATAI didnt along with a different Varietas Delectat .fpk. I figure I'm late to the party and its suppose to be that way but figured I should mention it in case there was a chance it was forgotten.
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