Two ArchMage Questions


Jun 24, 2003
Ontario, Canada
I am playing as the Illians and my Archmages have Death III but cannot cast the spell to turn them into Liches. What am I missing?

Why can Ghosts and Chanters target my Archmages when there are Mages and Acolytes in the same city? How do I protect my Archmages - I have had 3 assassinated so far!
I'm pretty sure that the Channeling promotions decrease the likelihood of the unit defending, Channeling I being the most like to defend and Channeling III being the least likely. Obviously with assassins this is reversed. Defending against assassins was a pretty big discussion point awhile ago, it shouldn't be to hard to dig up something.

Bring scouts, perhaps? Before 0.34 people bropught hawks and workers along (since they have STR 0 and therefore got target first). However, this doesn't work anymore.

But either you find some other unit to bring along, or you bring along some cannonfodder, say warriors or skeletons or such, that create a meatshield around the stack(s) your archmages are in, or keep them in a stack separate from your main force, and counter with hawks and a small force of counter intelligence- assassins of your own. And keep pillageing some of your enemies roads, limiting his acces to your precious mages.

I actually quite like the cat-and-rat that takes place between assassins, other assassins and their targets. Sure ghosts have huge advantage here (especially my own which I've modded to have the sever soul-ability :lol:) but then again, that's what the Sidar are all about.
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