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Unable to play Rex's map pack because of auto-defeat


Dec 2, 2012
I was looking for some custom FFH2 scenarios to play and I stumbled across Rex's map pack:


There are several interesting-looking scenarios here, but I can't get any of them to work. As soon as I load the game as a scenario, or through worldbuilder, I get the message "you have been defeated!" and the game ends right away. Any idea what I need to do in order to make these scenarios work? They seem really well-designed, it would be a shame to have them go to waste like this.

On a side note, is anyone aware of any other good working FFH2 scenarios? I found a working Warcraft map as well as some "Illuria" maps but that's it.
I was looking for some custom FFH2 scenarios to play and I stumbled across Rex's map pack:


There are several interesting-looking scenarios here, but I can't get any of them to work. As soon as I load the game as a scenario, or through worldbuilder, I get the message "you have been defeated!" and the game ends right away. Any idea what I need to do in order to make these scenarios work? They seem really well-designed, it would be a shame to have them go to waste like this.
These scenarios are from early 2008 and therefore for a deprecated FfH2 version. I may give them a look.
On a side note, is anyone aware of any other good working FFH2 scenarios? I found a working Warcraft map as well as some "Illuria" maps but that's it.

Not long ago, someone did two westeros maps (with pre-placed cities), for base FfH (not MNAI) and MagisterModmod in this forum.

I once converted a scenario (not just a map; with events etc.) to work with MNAI: Prince of Darkness. I can release it if anyone interested.

OK, I did it. Result is attached. The problem was a civic category not present in final FfH. I also Replaced all three ocurrences of Barbatos with a held lich.
The maps also used deprecated city styles, so if you spot something strange, I probably oversaw.


  • RexMapPack_updated.zip
    62.6 KB · Views: 86

If FFH3 is ever made, I will vote to have you as one of the heroes. Would love to see your converted Prince of Darkness scenario too.
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