Unique Cultural Influence


Oct 12, 2010
Each culture is unique, and their influence on other cultures is also unique.
If you think Arabia, Japan and Zulu aren't supposed to sell blue jeans and pop music, then this mod is for you.

With "Unique Cultural Influence" the effect of becoming "influential" with another civilization will be different depending on whom you are playing as. And by "effect" I mean the sentence that the influenced civilizations will tell you; this mod is just for flavor.

BNW, of course. The concept of "becoming culturally influential" doesn't exist in vanilla and G&K.

The code is meant to be very adaptable. To add new statements for other mod civilizations all that is required is writing a few XML lines.
Check under "text" in your Civ V mod directory (for windows users is inside "Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Unique Cultural Influence"), open the "xml" of your language and you'll find several examples.
The Tag must be "TXT_KEY_GENERIC_%YOURCIVNAMEHERE%_INFLUENTIAL_ON_AI_1". Replace %YOURCIVNAMEHERE% with whatever is the "type" label that defines the civilization, but without the "CIVILIZATION_" part.

The code is meant to work with all the languages supported by Civ V. There is an "xml" file for each of them, however some are just filled with the default text. Currently German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Polish are customized, Chinese and Korean are simply available for customization.

NOTE: In case you want to edit the text remember that apostrophes (or actually single quotation marks, 'like these') are forbidden characters in SQL. Type them twice to solve the problem (''like this'') they will appear as one in the actual game.

That's the point.
I like to believe that it is implied that by becoming influential with another civilization you do something more profound than simply selling clothes, commercial music and souvenirs. However these remarks are supposed to come from leaders that are all but happy about that. The idea is that they aren't exactly lying, but they purposely mention the more mundane, and superficially famous, aspects of the influential culture.

At this point I'm no longer accepting suggestions on that regards, that is mainly because it would be a problem to update the changes in all the other currently translated languages.
Remember though that you can very easily change the text. So you can personalize it to suit your preferences.

This mod was made for single player only. The text will change for just one human player.

The civfanatics and civilization subreddit communities for their insightful ideas and suggestions.
JFD for providing me with the fundamental line of code to make this mod work.
Aendaeron Bluescale / Ettanin for the German translation
ffdeke for the Spanish translation
***** for the Polish translation
Fedatur for the Russian translation

Mirrored from Steam Workshop


  • Unique Cultural Influence (v 4).civ5mod
    12.6 KB · Views: 2,042
Yay, finnaly Unique Cultural Influence on Civfanatics. Now nothing stops me from making russain translation of it. So when I'll translate it should I sent you text in PM or post it here?
Yay, finnaly Unique Cultural Influence on Civfanatics. Now nothing stops me from making russain translation of it. So when I'll translate it should I sent you text in PM or post it here?

However you wish :)

A Russian translation would be nice, with it then only two languages would be left.
This is a pretty cool mod! :goodjob:

That said, a request for an improvement: Can you modify the mod (or explain how to edit the mod) so that there are multiple possible sentences for each culturally-influential civ, and one of those sentences gets chosen at random each time another civ comments? That way, you don't see the same sentence over and over again in each game.
A bit of a bump, but I only just saw this and since I've been messing with diplomacy quite a bit lately, I can answer EndoConvert's question.

This is a pretty cool mod! :goodjob:

That said, a request for an improvement: Can you modify the mod (or explain how to edit the mod) so that there are multiple possible sentences for each culturally-influential civ, and one of those sentences gets chosen at random each time another civ comments? That way, you don't see the same sentence over and over again in each game.

That would be quite easy to do, actually, and in a way that wouldn't require any changes in mods that already include compatibility with this.

In fact... I can't test this now but this should do it:
function ChangeInfluentialText()
    for iPlayer = 0, GameDefines.MAX_MAJOR_CIVS - 1, 1 do
        local player = Players[iPlayer]
        if player ~= nil and player:IsAlive() and player:IsHuman() then
            local text
            local tag = "TXT_KEY_GENERIC_" ..string.gsub(GameInfo.Civilizations[player:GetCivilizationType()].Type, "CIVILIZATION_", "") .."_INFLUENTIAL_ON_AI%"
            --print( tag )
            local locale = "Language_" ..Locale.GetCurrentLanguage().Type
            --print ( locale )
            for _ in DB.Query("SELECT Text FROM " ..locale .." WHERE Tag LIKE '" ..tag .. "'") do text = _.Text end
            if text then
                --print (text)
                for _ in DB.Query("UPDATE Diplomacy_Responses SET Response = '" .. tag .. "', Bias = 500 WHERE Response = 'TXT_KEY_GENERIC_INFLUENTIAL_ON_AI%' OR Response = 'TXT_KEY_GENERIC_INFLUENTIAL_ON_AI_1'") do end
                Locale.SetCurrentLanguage( Locale.GetCurrentLanguage().Type )
(I put OR there since I can't check whether they use '%' or '_1' in the original game files right now, and it's probably better to check for both anyway. Bias is there so that it's about guaranteed to appear all the time.)

Then all you'd have to add in the XML is additional entries numbered 2, 3, and so on. For instance, for Japan (no offense meant, it was the first one I could think of multiple responses :blush:) you could have:
    <Text>Our people are now buying your kimono and watching your anime. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture.</Text>

    <Text>Our people are now buying your katanas and playing your video games. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture.</Text>

    <Text>Our people are now dressing up as ninjas and eating your sushi. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture.</Text>
I've been a bit busy lately so I didn't check the forum for a while. Yes I think I can make those changes as suggested by Typhlomence, but I'll need to test it first. I'll try to do it a soon as I have a bit of time.
Just a thought I had about it... it might be a good idea to still replace the generic line anyway, since for some reason Civ V will throw the generic line in to appear sometimes even if you don't define it as a valid response (that's the reason why I set a huge bias for the new response).

Alternatively you can stick with replacing the original line, and set any additional lines to be "TXT_KEY_GENERIC_INFLUENTIAL_ON_AI_2", "TXT_KEY_GENERIC_INFLUENTIAL_ON_AI_3" and so on. I checked in the original game files and the entry for the response is "TXT_KEY_GENERIC_INFLUENTIAL_ON_AI%" so adding the additional lines should add them to the rotation - it's just by default there's only the one line.
Is there a way to make this compatible with the Community Patch? Right now the Community Patch overrides this mod and I'm not sure how to change that.
Is there a way to make this compatible with the Community Patch? Right now the Community Patch overrides this mod and I'm not sure how to change that.

Does it? Heck, I never realised. That's a shame. A reference would do it, as Danmacsch says, but is the author still around?
A CP reference wouldn't help, because CP actually replaces the Influential Reached line with three variants:

		<Row LeaderType="GENERIC">
		<Row LeaderType="GENERIC">
		<Row LeaderType="GENERIC">

UCI would thus need to be edited to replace all three of those line variants if CP is active.
Couldn't you just green those out?

As in, comment them out in the XML?

I haven't tried that, but I'm not sure how well the CP DLL would respond to that when it tried to fetch the dialog lines it's looking for when you become Influential on an AI.
Nice flavorful mod. Would it be ok if I try to edit the mod to be compatible with the cbp?
Did a version of this mod for the CPP. Should work with both the cp only and the cbp. Special thanks to Typhlomence whose code I should have used in the first place before spending countless hours trying my own stuff with no real modding experience :crazyeye:.
Edit: And now that I read it Vicevirtuoso suggested it, too.


- implementing of multiple possible responses now possible by adding ..._1, _2, _3 etc. at the end to the xml like with other civ responses. Game will choose a random response each time.

- added typhlomence's alternative japan responses as a concept

Should be compatible with all civs that support UCI.


  • Unique Cultural Influence for CPP (v 1).zip
    19.7 KB · Views: 229
Nice. It was certainly a shame UCI didn't work with the CP, so I'm glad to see this and will definitely check it out.
Thank you. It's because of the other helpful comments in this thread that i was able to put it together. Also added a line "stolen" from JFD so v2 should work without the CP, too. All credits for it go to him.


  • Unique Cultural Influence for CPP (v 2).zip
    19.8 KB · Views: 277
Hi, sorry for the necro but any possibility this could still be updated? I'm playing the version posted above with VP 3.7.12 and I'm getting the wrong messages for my civ e.g. I'm Portgual but I get a message about wuxia movies (which is China I think). Also, it throws me off if I get a message that mentions cars but it's 1400AD.
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