Unit pricing mods


Oct 31, 2001
Chino Hills, CA
If you look at the unit costs, some things don't make sense.

An immortal (4-2-1) is the same price as a swordsman (3-2-1), yet a Gallic Swordsman (3-2-2) is 20 shields more expensive.

A war chariot (2-2-1) is the same price as a chariot(1-1-2) and a horse (2-1-2).

Med Inf (4-2-1) is the same price as Longbowmen(4-1-1).

There are many other pricing quirks (Conquistador, Hwach...) where another unit is the same price with less power/speed. Quite often the same priced unit has less resource needs.

Also ever notice how all units cost multiples of 10. It would seem that you should be able to determine a units costs by adding up it's characteristics.

Just my two cents on the topic
Keep in mind that in theory, the UU's are supposed to be the same production cost as the units they replace. That's why the Immortal cost the same as the regular Swordsmen. In the case of the Gallic, the extra movement point is a huge thing to have available early on something with some teeth. It's all about balance...
I agree with slug. The production price is just something you have to consider when picking your civ
Adding up the characteristics isn't a very good way to determine the price of a unit. You want units to become better when technology progresses and if you increase the price of a unit the same as its statistics, then it won't become a (much) better unit. Also not all statistics are equally important. Movement is much more important than attack or defence. An third, if we could build a 6/1/2 instead of the knight, a lot of people would use this unit a lot more than the knight. You often only use one of the statistics of a unit (attack or defence), so adding them up is not a good way to compare units.

I think, most units in the game are correctly priced. Maybe a few exceptions. I would make musketmen and riflemen a bit cheaper (maybe 10 production points). But this will be different for all players.
The programmers do use a base formula for determining production costs for a unit, but those numbers are adjusted after beta-testers play the hell out of the game and find out what sucks and whats broken.

Again, that's the theory. I'm at a loss in regards to the F15 and Man'O'War.
When I play i doble the Unit's Stre. def. mov. so the diference between a Swordsman (6-4-1) and a spearman (6-4-1) is clear.
or like a calivary (12-6-6?) and a rifleman (6-12-2)

believe me you won't be using a defensive unit if your attacks.
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