Upcoming Poll - City 6


Shades of the Sun
Oct 10, 2007

Where Shall We Build Our Next City? - City 6

Posts on this thread should be limited to:
1. Ideas for the Wording of the Poll
2. Ideas for the Choices on the Poll
3. Ideas for how long the poll should stay open
4. Ideas for the Date the poll should be posted
5. Opposition to polling the issue (simple yes or no with reasons if necessary)
6. Approval of polling the issue (simple yes or no with reasons if necessary)
7. :king:'s (or turnplayer's) warning that poll must be posted immediately

FOR ALL OTHER ISSUES, USE THE APPROPRIATE THREAD Please note that Approval or Opposition to the poll will not necessarily affect whether the poll is posted.

Appropriate Thread for Discussion:
City 6, sechs, seis, sex, six...

If the poll is due and I am unavailable to post it :king: will decide to post (or not post the poll).

There is a split over where we will actually build the next city, so a poll MAY be needed.
I think we should settle on the tundra spot, for optimizing the grid overlay, as well as having a more extended coastline to defend from the south, as well as maxing out Maoi Statues and making room for a gold/furs city that can specialize on commerce in the West.

I support tundra site.
I nominate the tundra hills south of the Iron.
This Poll will be posted in 24 hours with the following choices (See Attached Screenshot):

Choice 1 - tundra Tile 1NE of Fish
Choice 2 - Tundra Hill 1S of Iron

It seems that these are the only locations that are being considered, so any other options should be suggested right away to be included in the poll.


  • City 6 Template Dotmap.jpg
    City 6 Template Dotmap.jpg
    156.1 KB · Views: 271
Sommers, you are doing a fine job as Minister of Interior and Protocol!
I think the debate was settled with regards to location of city 6. warrior Bushir found a blue whale near gold and furs, which requires city six to be on the southern tundra, for us to settle another commercial city between the fur, gold and the whale. If we settle south of iron, we can forget about the nice blue whale we would have. I also like the idea of covering watertiles, having a neighboring specialist UU we still need to watch.
Provolution, the other progressive voice in favor of an industrial expansion, is right about the Whale/gold/fur city of the future. I'm ultra busy right now, but I'll provide you guys with a map for future cities that integrate perfectly the cities mentioned by provo next Thursday. Don'T settle the issue inthe meantime! :nono:
I think the debate was settled with regards to location of city 6. warrior Bushir found a blue whale near gold and furs, which requires city six to be on the southern tundra, for us to settle another commercial city between the fur, gold and the whale. If we settle south of iron, we can forget about the nice blue whale we would have. I also like the idea of covering watertiles, having a neighboring specialist UU we still need to watch.

The spotting of that whale changes very little!! If you were to build a city with the whale in the BFC what food is it going to get?!?! You have two tiles you presumably want to use, gold and fur, that produce zero food and the only other resource is on a tile with 2:food:. The only tile that could generate any surplus food is one grassland tile, and that isn't going be irrigated for a long while.

How on earth is a city like that supposed to grow? Time for a little reality check.

The 3rd Gold city will need to go 1NE of the Gold so the whale can come in the cultural borders after 2 borders pops so we get +1 happiness. It's not worth trying to get it in our BFC.
I agree getting the whale is does not look to possible. Unless there are more fish to the west - but even so that would be a pretty crappy city.

I am coming around to the hills location next too the iron as well. We need iron fast and waiting for a border pop is not ideal.
Provolution, the other progressive voice in favor of an industrial expansion, is right about the Whale/gold/fur city of the future. I'm ultra busy right now, but I'll provide you guys with a map for future cities that integrate perfectly the cities mentioned by provo next Thursday. Don'T settle the issue inthe meantime! :nono:

Boooo :aargh:

Who needs that anyway!


I'm afraid you're right.
Hey Herviov, does this mean that you will no longer propose alternative city locations:confused: If you need untill Thurs I will wait to post the poll but if you are OK with the choices as-is I will post the poll as planned...

@:king: What is the latest that we need to decide this? I would rather have it decided sooner as opposed to later but I wan to make sure we have all the legitimate choices on the poll...:)
I for one still want to see Herviov's dotmap. I think neccessity will dictate city 6 on the tundra hill. But settling cities is a pretty big deal so nothing wrong with looking at the potential city grid for that entire western area. We have plenty of time still before the settler gets to the region.
I agree with cav, no harm in deciding this earlier as it does influence our worker actions and also how quickly we even want to get the settler produced.

I think we are all agreed on the iron spot right? So it's just a choice between building on two tiles, we don't need much extra info for that, so any time you're ready in my view. Set a date at which point the poll will start, so everyone can make their case before that, and say how long it will be for, so people know how long they have to make up their mind.

I would say that once the workers are finished farming the FP or the Wine then the location of City 6 will affect their next actions.
@ :king: I think that you and Cavscout are saying opposite things... Cavscout IMO, is saying to wait for Herviov to post the Dotmap before posting the City 6 location poll. I think you are saying to go ahead and post the poll right away. Hmmmm... I will wait another 12 hours for Herviov's dotmap. then I will post the poll... dotmap or no... I think that is a good comprimise. :)
How many turns before we even have a settler ready? It sounds like Kaleb wants the city site nailed down in order to figure out what to do with workers now. Surely we have enough for our few workers to do elsewhere? What is the rush to post a poll when we still want more information?
I think Kaleb wants the tundra hill very much, which is fine :)

Yet, I think we should wait a couple of days for Herviovs dotmap, to respect his contribution to the team. The city grid is important to some of us, and leaving that out as a base for decision I find a bit undemocratic and misinformed.
We do need to know what to do with workers, but we are pretty sure that the next city will go for the Iron, so there is no reason to forgoe the plan to road to the Iron with two workers... we should do that. In the meantime, several have expressed a desire to delay the poll... Herviov says that Dotmap will be posted on Thursday, so on reflection, and especially given Donsig's recent posts on polling in general... I agree that we should wait to poll this issue.

I now plan to post the poll 24hrs from now. If the Dotmap is particularly complex (requiring prolonged discussion) maybe we wait longer, but we will have to see the map first.

This is of course subject to :king:'s (or Cavscout's) warning that the poll MUST be posted because of time considerations.
well still no rush as i see it, the worker actions are the same for both sites until the very end.
Yes, using the worker actions to speed up the poll was a most dubious and selective argument which should not heed much attention to.
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