Update on 4UC Integration (5.0) and the Future of VP

While that is most certainly true, game studios (or rather publishers) seriously underestimate the long-term damage they'll cause for themselves when they release half-baked crap. Short-term gain, but more and more long-term loss.
I think BG3 proved that a different business model is possible. But they probably make a heck of a lot less money than Activision so what do I know.
While testing, we've encountered an issue where memory is becoming corrupted, with an unclear cause and leading to gamebreaking bugs. Having difficulty finding the cause, so unfortunately there will be more delay since I can't do a new release in this state.
Turns out this is an issue present for several versions (and that was very hard to catch) causing Diplomacy AI approach scores towards human players to become randomly corrupted, often with huge positive or negative numbers, leading to high aggression or passivity for no reason. Happy to have caught and fixed that.
Turns out this is an issue present for several versions (and that was very hard to catch) causing Diplomacy AI approach scores towards human players to become randomly corrupted, often with huge positive or negative numbers, leading to high aggression or passivity for no reason. Happy to have caught and fixed that.
So was it possible that an AI you were allied with could flip to hostile within one turn? Because stuff like that happened to me quite a few times. Situations where an AI opponent would become hostile and highly aggressive from one turn to another. If that is indeed fixed, I'll be extremely grateful.
So was it possible that an AI you were allied with could flip to hostile within one turn? Because stuff like that happened to me quite a few times. Situations where an AI opponent would become hostile and highly aggressive from one turn to another. If that is indeed fixed, I'll be extremely grateful.
It is possible for this to happen intentionally through a reevaluation (such as when you declare war on someone, causing all AIs to reevaluate you), or occasionally from time to time if the scores of the two approaches are close enough to each other. However, the bug was causing it to happen unintentionally for no reason.
"I can't do a new release in this state."

How I wish professional game studios would say this when the product isn't ready. Take your time.
I just read this in the new 2UC release notes:

"Removed atrocious Firaxis implementation for diplomacy message log
Was VERY slow and inefficient, looping through every sent message (up to 60) to see how long it's been since a specific message was sent
And it would do this for many types of message the AI can send, and repeat for every other player
And then, at the end of its turn, it would go through all of the messages it's sent to each player, increment the "turns since sent" by 1 (which wouldn't update while dead)
And then go through them all AGAIN to write data from each message to a logfile, despite already logging the message on sending
Replaced this horror show with a simple two-dimensional C array that stores the turn number for each type of message and does [game turn minus turn sent] to figure out how long it's been
The mind boggles as to why this was not done originally, I cannot overstate how badly this was coded
Also, with this terrible code removed and azum4roll's reorganization, reworking the leader dialogue system in the future will be a lot easier"

I renew my compliment to you!
So was it possible that an AI you were allied with could flip to hostile within one turn? Because stuff like that happened to me quite a few times. Situations where an AI opponent would become hostile and highly aggressive from one turn to another. If that is indeed fixed, I'll be extremely grateful.
I think I remember that, It was at least a couple years ago but in one of my games both my allies flipped from friendly (in a defensive pact) to hostile and cancelled everything with me. At the time I thought it was just civ doing civ things. But stoked to hear you guys caught it.
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