Welcome to VP Congress Session #8! This is a Special Session almost entirely dedicated to the integration of a third and fourth unique component for all civilizations, following the landslide vote in favor of the integration (255 in favor, 40 opposed).
This session is extremely busy, and I am open to extending the voting period if it's too much for voters to digest, but in the past we've found that the vote outcome generally becomes clear early on.
Thank you to the sponsors who've agreed to take on quite a bit of work for the DLL integration (especially @azum4roll, who has generously offered to handle all the database integration work), as well as to @hokath, @ichris22 and @Stalker0 for their work in moderating this session. A special thanks to the two new MAGI, who've undergone a trial by fire in dealing with this, and to @hokath for going the extra mile by creating all the multi-proposal voting threads.
Voting closes on August 15, 2024 at 7 AM CDT. This will provide one week of voting time. As most votes are cast shortly after the Voting Phase begins, this should be ample time for voting.
Due to the rule changes for this Special Session, there are no super complicated polls. All you need to know is to vote Yea for every option that you'd be okay with if it passed (you can vote for multiple options). There is no "Nay" vote (except for the special votes), as agreed to in the 4UC vote.
Furthermore, only a single option was sponsored for 8 of the 43 civilizations, and these have passed automatically as a result:
There are two special votes that I have permitted for this session as well. These do have a "Nay" option, and if that option gets the most votes, no changes will be made.
Disabling events by default will require a supermajority vote, but it is now a 70% supermajority instead of a 75% supermajority, which means that the previous vote would have passed under the new rules. As a supermajority vote, it also only permits a single Yea/Nay choice (can't vote for both).
I will highlight these two special votes here:
Without further ado, here is the list of civilization votes. Note that only proposals which result in the civilization having 4 unique components were allowed, so there are many proposals which are "everything from this proposal but with this one change" type votes. Read each thread carefully, and feel free to discuss in the thread if something about a proposal is confusing.
This session is extremely busy, and I am open to extending the voting period if it's too much for voters to digest, but in the past we've found that the vote outcome generally becomes clear early on.
Thank you to the sponsors who've agreed to take on quite a bit of work for the DLL integration (especially @azum4roll, who has generously offered to handle all the database integration work), as well as to @hokath, @ichris22 and @Stalker0 for their work in moderating this session. A special thanks to the two new MAGI, who've undergone a trial by fire in dealing with this, and to @hokath for going the extra mile by creating all the multi-proposal voting threads.
Voting closes on August 15, 2024 at 7 AM CDT. This will provide one week of voting time. As most votes are cast shortly after the Voting Phase begins, this should be ample time for voting.
Due to the rule changes for this Special Session, there are no super complicated polls. All you need to know is to vote Yea for every option that you'd be okay with if it passed (you can vote for multiple options). There is no "Nay" vote (except for the special votes), as agreed to in the 4UC vote.
Furthermore, only a single option was sponsored for 8 of the 43 civilizations, and these have passed automatically as a result:
Spoiler :
There are two special votes that I have permitted for this session as well. These do have a "Nay" option, and if that option gets the most votes, no changes will be made.
Disabling events by default will require a supermajority vote, but it is now a 70% supermajority instead of a 75% supermajority, which means that the previous vote would have passed under the new rules. As a supermajority vote, it also only permits a single Yea/Nay choice (can't vote for both).
I will highlight these two special votes here:
Without further ado, here is the list of civilization votes. Note that only proposals which result in the civilization having 4 unique components were allowed, so there are many proposals which are "everything from this proposal but with this one change" type votes. Read each thread carefully, and feel free to discuss in the thread if something about a proposal is confusing.