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UPDATED: W.i.n.t.e.r's Resources


Jan 30, 2002
Monaco di Baviera!
Just my version of the resources file with easy-find symbols as well as in an all-clean version:

Download W.i.n.t.e.r's Updated Resources

Great thanks go to the people who inspired me to do this file with their works and designs:

The creator (?) of the first 3 extra resources following Gold U started it ;)
Bernd Brosing for his CivII terrain files (SubWar);
Arne (once I saw your beautiful Goose I just had to use it);
Bernd & Arne (again) for hosting Civ2000 (a great site);
Morten Blaabjerg (for the great units within his African Units/Terrain);
Favoured Flight (the wolves are from his Civ2 'Moria' Scenario);
Snoopy (I simply love his whale- so I had to make some similar ones);
The unknown creators of all the units I modified- I hope they all fit together nicely the way they are now- If somebody would like to be mentioned by name for implementing their works, please feel free to contact me at patricmayer2002@yahoo.com

ps. If anyone knows a way to modify the last 5 slots please tell me... wishes welcomed!

Not the largest but one of the finest resource collections I've seen so far. I think you're right, they really fit together quite well :)
What I definitely miss is an oasis, do you think you can do something like this in one of the last five slots?
Looks good. :goodjob: I love to see my little goos (What is "Ganter" in English?) with wife and childrens. ;) I didn't tested this ressources in game, but I guess, I would like the clean version more.
But that's not reasonable... not at all. Salt became much earlier than other spices. And salt was more important stuff than the rest of the spices together... and furthermore, salt is not a spice - it's a preservative ;)
I like how all the mama animals have baby animals! :D

The lion and the gator aren't family guys, apparently!

Seriously, good job!
Originally posted by snowmelk
Not the largest but one of the finest resource collections I've seen so far. I think you're right, they really fit together quite well :)
What I definitely miss is an oasis, do you think you can do something like this in one of the last five slots?

Thank U very much guys :) I am really glad U like it...

I C, hmmmm- while I have to admit I actually hate the Gallaghers I might inlcude sth. I had thought to put the 2nd Hippos in some sort of watery spot anyway

The lion and the gator aren't family guys, apparently!

Uhm, these are not quite ready yet- that's also why I asked for ideas ;) for implementation, etc

Right, I will put some spices in as well :)... and more resources if somebody could send me a resource file with more space.

Hehe- I made those lil ones once I put the two geese together (I am stuck to this Multiple animal-thing since I didn't like the idea of having a single horse standing around in the middle of nowhere and standing for great resources) and thought that something was still missing :love: they came out really sweet... I don't know what Ganter would mean in English, though... male Goose ??
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