[v1.52] "Game.AIPlay"


Jan 25, 2006
When using the "cheatmode" Game.AIPlay command the player is effectivly removed from the game.
All assets of the player just fanish from the game...
When the AI has finished playing x turns the game returns with the current player being a lion on a unmovable spot on ice.
That lion is all the player has/is after this command has finished.

Im not sure if this was intentional or not but i would have guessed this command tobe used for testing how a player build civ would do when auto-played for x turns by the AI.
When you get wiped off the history like this, its rather a unuseable command.

I would like to have the AI play x turns for me with my civ and return to me after that.
I mean isnt that what this command suppose todo?

PS: if you delete this lion, you will get the "defeated" status for your civ...

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Enable cheatmode by setting "CheatCode = chipotle" in CivilizationIV.ini file
  2. Load a presaved game or start a new one.
  3. Open console by pressing the [`] key.
  4. Type "Game.AIPlay x" where x is any number, you want the AI to play x turns.
  5. Wait till AI has finished playing x turns.
  6. You are now a lion as explained.
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