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v85 Portugal


Dec 20, 2004
Began a Portugal game yesterday, stopped sometime during the 1700s and will continue later.

So far, no bugs as I can see. Very stable and enjoyable.

One observation about the Portugal start is that there should be a coast tile connecting to the Azores. Portugal begins with 3 settlers. One is naturally used to found a second city on the european continent, one is naturally sent to Madeira (Funchal). The thrid one would be natural to send to the Azores. But since I can't send my settler onto ocean tiles it was easier sending it to Cape Town and found a city there instead, which I found a bit unhistorical and gamey.

Tech wise I think I'm a bit too early. Researching railroads in the mid 1700s, and Korea is at least 10 techs ahead of me.

The UHV seems to work alright. I've got about 900 points at this point by using ships and scouts to explore, and sending all my cargo ships to non-european cities. Arabia is a very good partner in this endevour!
  • Russia completed the Manhattan project in 1808
  • I could make peace with Terrorists the moment they appeared. I could also make peace with Pirtates when I first met them. Having both of them as my allied city-states makes me question my honourable motives...
  • I won the game in 1810 through UHV.
I used the standard difficulty level as I assumed that's the most balanced one. Guess it's prince?
i could not reproduce this. I also took Portugal and can't deal any peace with Pirates, as the button is locked.
How do you trigger that? is that a different screen from those where you click on the city?
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i could not reproduce this. I also took Portugal and can't deal any peace with Pirates, as the button is locked.
How do you trigger that? is that a different screen from those where you click on the city?
Just the normal screen where it should be locked, it just wasn't. I'll see if I can reproduce it next time I have time to play.
Did a new round with Portugal on Prince. Could not replicate peace with terrorists and pirates. Hopefully it was just a weird bug last time around.

I won in 1876 (or thereabouts), although I could probably have won earlier if I sent more cargo ships outside EU.

China reached Industrial age in 1589 as the first one. I followed sometime in the 1670s I believe. China completed the Manhattan project in 1891 and the Apoll program in 1872.

Japan was on a conquest spree. They were first to America (I believe) and already owned the mayan city when I discovered America. Later on the conquered Athens from Eastern Roman minor civ, and New York and Washington from USA (poor Washington just had Jacksonville left to fend for).
funny how i keep increasing tech costs and i keep seeing super fast speed. There must be something else causing it.

It seems to be that this is particularly an issue when the human player is controlling a Medieval civ. Is that the case?
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