Phoenicia RP victory 1050 AD. (still v88)
Top scores were Phoenicia 1000, India 780, China 300, Egypt 200, Japan 200.
Stability was 48 / 34 / 264 / -39; STABLE.
I noticed that when you settle Carthage and it becomes the new capital, if your first city was somewhere other than Sur, then your original palace does not get deleted. In many years of Civ I never had two palaces, so I took great delight in that! My first city was 2W of Mt. Sinai. It's possible to get both Mount Sinai and Jersualem's fish tile.
Then I settled around both coasts of Africa, 9 cities total. I only fought defensive wars.
I never got any free Harbors and didn't understand why not.
I also made peace with the pirates, which was very convenient. (I decided the game would be a safe zone for exploits.)
In addition to the RP victory, I was going for a Sacred Sites cultural victory. In this case I'm glad the RP victory came early, because I think the cultural victory would have been a little boring to finish.