Victory Conditions

What do you think of the Civ 7 victory conditions?

  • I like how they've be implemented overall

    Votes: 25 31.3%
  • Mixed on how they've been implemented overall

    Votes: 18 22.5%
  • I don't like how they've been implemented overall

    Votes: 8 10.0%
  • Need more information before I can decide

    Votes: 28 35.0%
  • I don't care about victory conditions at all

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters
That's just the name of the victory. It's flavor text. It doesn't say you have to complete a project.
I believe it was mentioned that all of the Modern age Legacies are the first step to unlock the actual victory which is a separated thing you need to do. Like it says here:

So whether it is a project or something else, Operation Ivy is something separated from the conquering cities part which is the legacy.
I like how they're tied to the legacies. :)
I like how they're tied to the legacies. :)
Agreed, and the tie can make sense too. Supposing Operation Ivy is on the lines of real life one, then makes sense a country would first have gone through some war conflict and is in a comfortable enough position on it to conquer some enemies cities to then go ahead and focus a lot of resources in a way to create a weapon that would just make the opponents rather just give up.
That's just the name of the victory. It's flavor text. It doesn't say you have to complete a project.

Based on the livestream, that's the name of the project you have to complete. The legacy just unlocks the victory project, which needs to be completed for victory.

It is flavor text in the sense that there's nothing significantly different about the "Operation Ivy" or say "World Bank" projects as far as we are aware yet - ie the are just victory projects that take X turns to complete presumably.
I'm not thrilled with what I'm seeing of the victory conditions thus far. Considering that one of their stated goals was to encourage more players to finish the game instead of abandoning it, it seems to me that making the victory conditions even more esoteric and with more hoops to jump through works against this goal.
I'm not thrilled with what I'm seeing of the victory conditions thus far. Considering that one of their stated goals was to encourage more players to finish the game instead of abandoning it, it seems to me that making the victory conditions even more esoteric and with more hoops to jump through works against this goal.
I can't agree. Are they particularly esoteric? Certainly nothing on the level of culture in VI, if anything I would say they are a bit basic. I'd also argue that you have more hoops in most of the victory conditions in VI; domination sounds like it might be quite manageable here, whereas it was a total chore in VI.
OK, so can ALL of the victories be sped up with more appropriate legacy path points earned?
Yes, they clearly said so in the last dev stream. The more points you have, the faster you'll complete the projects (or in the case of economic, the less it will cost you)
OK, so can ALL of the victories be sped up with more appropriate legacy path points earned?
Yes the legacy points you accumulated through the ages will reduce the production/ (gold for economic?) cost for the victory projects
Is there a possibility in the future to introduce a religious and diplomatic victory? I think we also need a religious or diplomatic advisor in this regard
Historically, religion and diplomacy have been among the most important factors in the history of civilization.
Is there a possibility in the future to introduce a religious and diplomatic victory? I think we also need a religious or diplomatic advisor in this regard
Religious Victory is the second age Cultural Legacy
Is there a possibility in the future to introduce a religious and diplomatic victory? I think we also need a religious or diplomatic advisor in this regard
I can definitely see Diplomatic victory being implemented in the future. If i had to guess i'd say they are trying to figure how to make the world congress/UN fun and engaging for a change.
Religious Victory i hardly see it making a come-back, considering religion is already the core of Culture Legacy in Exploration age, and a key component of Military Legacy as well, and Exploration Age is when a powerful religion makes the most sense historically. A Religious Victory would have to occur in the Modern Age, and you'd need a Religious legacy path in both previous ages. Now it's not impossible, there's Pantheon in the Antiquity and they could re-design a non-religious culture legacy for Exploration if they wanted to go that route, but honestly i don't think it would make much sense. As important as religion have been for culture, national identity, conquest, and even science (despite what some modern atheists are saying), religion was always part of something, there's no real world equivalent of a "religious victory"
From the reviews I've seen, it seems as though having some sort of victory condition / proper climax to each Age would help with both pacing and to create a feeling of closure that would make the new Age reset feel a little better. Sounds like a good idea to me, and I think they mentioned they were looking at this?
Finished my first session on Vicerory (3rd difficulty level) via Military Victory. And while I get that capping all other capitals was a rather excessive victory condition in Civ 6, I don't quite like the last bit of the Modern Military victory condition in Civ 7, and I don't really like how capturing settlements on my homeland doesn't count for the Exploration Military victory condition (unless I'm playing as Mongolia apparently).

Specifically regarding Modern Military, there's a bit of a drag at the start when I have to research specific ideologies and techs, and I'm basically building two wonders at the end, which feels very anticlimactic. I like how I eventually get to the blasting and capturing in-between those two points, and the additional points for capping settlements of opposing ideologies feels thematic. I'm mostly glad I didn't have to actually drop a nuclear bomb on another civ.
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