VVV scoring system suggestion - Updated

Spot on zenmaster.

Compared to the Vanilla VVV which was based on gold silver and bronze which rewarded only the very best of competitors, this BNW VVV is a huge step forward. My knowledge of the game is very limited and yet the scoring system allows me to feel involved. I can fiddle around with the type of games that I enjoy whilst racking up points to my hearts content.

By the way zenmaster, as per our private discussion, I managed to get two BC finishes playing as Polynesia, one of them OCC and the other normal! I probably could have been a heck of a lot quicker if I had known that we can steal workers from more than one City State! Playing the old Vanilla version this was not possible and I have only just this minute found out!
Nice job! Polynesia indeed rocks in any victory type on any level on a water map.

I think your post highlights why this VVV system works well. It lowers barriers to entry. There are a decent # of players submitting games regularly at the moment. I think that # would be lower if you raised barriers to scoring and medaling.
The scoring system could be made much simpler by just listing the number of games each player has completed with each setting and then adding up the total games. The tables might even look about the same. We could also rename from HOF to CIV5 Player Participation.

The scoring system could be made much simpler by just listing the number of games each player has completed with each setting and then adding up the total games. The tables might even look about the same. We could also rename from HOF to CIV5 Player Participation.

Well, I care more about being part of a healthy player community. It is nice to see new players like NiceOneEmlyn and Svinopes take the tables by storm in their own ways, and it is simply good to see more than a handful of people playing the game a lot and enjoying it enough to submit.

If you are more into showcasing who is the "best" player, that is fine, but then I would suggest working on winning some medals rather than worrying overmuch about the scoring system. [emoji6] There are plenty of table entries with double digit participants you could try your hand at.
I think the biggest problem with the VVV scoring is the emphasis on fastest finish times. This scoring system came out for the BNW expansion, and the greatest reward comes from finishing the game before reaching the BNW content. For Domination and Culture games, the fastest finish times are before the Industrial Era. For Science (and Diplomacy) games, the fastest finish times come from hording GS and bulbing though the later eras in a few turns. The ideology choice comes down to whether you prefer rushing SS components with gold or GE (purchased with faith). A good number of the tables in the BNW HOF are duel sized maps which depend on rerolling several times to get the best results from ancient ruins.

Is there a way that the scoring system can better reward the full use of the BNW features?
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