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Wal-Mart is sued over rude lyrics


It seems to me that if Wal-Mart hadn't got their policy on not stocking 'Parental Advisory' CD's, then the parents wouldn't have a claim.

Being on the moral high ground makes it much easy for everyone to take shots at you.
odintheking, the case isn't about the fact that she heard the words, it's about the fact that Wal-Mart claims they don't sell music like that.
SeleucusNicator said:
Somebody should tell BBC that Wal-Mart isn't a supermarket chain.
Having had a look at the sort of stuff it sells, it would be called a supermarket in Britain, and therefore it is accurate for the British Broadcasting Company to call it as such.
Xen said:
that said, I'm happy- the more done to pull down wal-mart, the better.

While I don't particularly like Wal-Mart, in this case I have to side with them. I'd rather see money-grubbing lawyers pulled down.
odintheking said:
She's freakin thirteen! IT's not like she's never heard a cuss word before. The parents just want money.
I think suing is a bit much (However, I don't agree with the suiing culture anyway).

I think whether she has heard a cuss word before or not is a completely moot point - the parents obviously noticed the swearing on the CD, when they expected there not to be.

My partner and I make every effort to check these labels and things like age restrictions on videos before we hire them. I wouldn't consider us overly prudish, but we do think that young children should be given the chance to grow up.

Forget that it was 'just a swear word' for a moment, and consider that it was (say) an R-16/18 movie that had a PG label on it. This is a matter of principle, not of a swear word.

That said, if it were me I'd be happy with an apology and the store to correct it (rather than suing).
i agree, suing is a bad idea. Come on, she bought "gothic pop" and didn''t expect swearing? she's 13! boo hoo, i heard the word "crap" in a CD. your not going to die.
but, if she's suing walmart, let's hope she wins :evil:
Are there laws on this? Must a CD have a label, if it contains swearwords? Or is it a private initiave by producers and retailers?

I think a government shouldn't make laws on labels on CDs that contain a few swear words.

Of course, there should be laws that prohibit retailers to lie. If you advertise with labels, then they must be correct. But, there seems to be room for mistakes, I think.
ComradeDavo said:
I find it crazy that someone would sue a shop over that. It is ridiculus.
I'm surprised it took this long for a parent to find a way to sue Walmart over the music they sell. Though Walmart is always so careful about their merchandise. Serves those smug asses well, but I hope they win.
We need to pass a law that says stupid people can't file lawsuits. I mean come on....she probably hears worse while shopping at the mall, I don't think she's really traumatized. The most Wal-Mart should have to do for them is give them their money for for the CD.
SeleucusNicator said:
Somebody should tell BBC that Wal-Mart isn't a supermarket chain.
Those we have here are supermarkets. And incredibly evil.

As for the case, well, Stapel's right in saying that false advertising might be a valid case, but aside of that it's completely ridiculous.
This doesn't make any sense, I bought both Golden Age of Grotesque and Holywood at Walmart, nonedited versions.
Immortal said:
This doesn't make any sense, I bought both Golden Age of Grotesque and Holywood at Walmart, nonedited versions.
In the US? If not I guess that doesn't say much as they don't seem to have that policy elsewhere. They sell all kinds of stuff here, maybe even porn, though I'm not sure about that.
Hmm, I only ever go there when the Jack Daniel's is cheap. Can't say I really know much about what they sell and for how much otherwise.
cgannon64 said:
You 13-year old. :p
There's a point in life from which you degenerate back to your childhood maturity. You might not have reached it yet, but I did so years ago (in fact I'm now worse that I ever was) and TLC is probably no exception either. ;)
Oh man, you're telling me I'm going to have to mature sometime in life, :p. Oh well, at least I can act like a stupid*** for now!!
Anyhoo, the girl bought EVANASENCE!!!!! They're a friggin' rock group, it's like buying a movie called "Porn XXX", then suing the person who sold it to you because they didn't tell you it had porn. Obviously the parents are ignorant enough to sue stupid WALMART about it.
Syterion said:
Just because it doesn't have parental advisory on it doesn't mean it won't swear.

And Evanescence isn't rock, it's goth-pop.

When I was testing games at Absolute Quality Inc., one game for preschoolers hinted at a swear word... (at the end of the first level).
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