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War Advice

Apr 17, 2007
Quick version of this post - skip to the end.

I am currently in a war. I am Elizabeth on a marathon/huge/fractal map striving for a space victory because I haven't done it yet. I didn't war until too late, I think, and now that I've united my continent (hit Hatty when she had longbows and I had swords) I began being a little belligerent diplomatically to my two lead rivals in the space race. That is, they actually started the Apollo Program while I was still building infrastructure and getting ready to upgrade my troops.

So, China hits me with his Tanks and Mech Infantry (Artillery too) against my Rennaissance troops. I had just earned Infantry tech and had Artillary as well but I hadn't yet built up the funds to modernize my troops! BIG MISTAKE.

I cracked down! I spent five weary years consolodating my grip on power while my outdated forces fought these mechanized soldiers from science fiction. Grenades down the tank hatch, IEDs, daring cavalry charges against fortified Mech Inf, huge projectiles ranging from stones to iron balls to explosive shells pounded the enemy. But their field artillery had tracks, armor and machine guns! Even the infantry had these things! We had no idea China had come up with such terrifying devices. They don't even use horses any more, but used mechanized transport for everything.

Now I'm in war mode. I have Police State, Theocracy and Nationhood going. I've started drafting modern Infantry (well, modern except for the squad level light tanks that the Chinese use for troop transport). I have the all important Artillery. I have Machine Guns. We've been experimenting with troops using rockets, but haven't put them into service yet since there's nothing to shoot at in the air and the eggheads tell me it's pointless to fire shoulder mounted rockets at anything on the ground. I don't see why; it seems to me that one could have, I don't know, some sort of rocket for ground use...something with a name like a Rocket Propelled Grenade...or Light Anti Tank Weapon (light because it's not the Artillery) or even something silly like BAZOOKA!!!

So! I've lost a city and there's a large stack of enemy forces, but I still have fairy large reserves of obsolete troops.

How do I handle this?
I think it would help a lot if you posted a save. Otherwise you're going to receive very general advice.
This might be obvious, but get as many units as you can (Artillery and Infantry, currently your best units) upgraded to Combat II and then Ambush for a bonus against armored units.

Sounds like you have Rocketry--maybe bee-line to Flight next (rather than Industrialism) for Gunships, the game's most effective counter to Tanks. Try to sock away some gold to upgrade your best Cavalry units when Gunships are on-line.

Good luck--sounds like you're going to need it!
When you post a message, scroll down. Under "Additional Options" you will see a button that says "Manage Attachments". Push the button and it will open a window. Here, you simple click "Browse" and you can select the file you wish to upload.
Then, post your message. That's it.
One option, if you can upgrade troops but don't have the money, is drop your research to little or none for a few turns, use the gold to upgrade, and then get back to it. Not sure if that fits the situation though.
When you post a message, scroll down. Under "Additional Options" you will see a button that says "Manage Attachments". Push the button and it will open a window. Here, you simple click "Browse" and you can select the file you wish to upload.
Then, post your message. That's it.

I can't upload it because it's over the 500 kb maximum. It's over 900 kb.
One option, if you can upgrade troops but don't have the money, is drop your research to little or none for a few turns, use the gold to upgrade, and then get back to it. Not sure if that fits the situation though.

I've already done that. Glad to know you agree on that.
if I were you, I may capitulate (just kidding). I probably start another game.
Situation seems pretty desperate.
If I got everything correctly :
You are aiming at a space victory;
The AIs are already started on the spaceship and you can't even build Appollo;
Sometimes it's not that bad, because space race is research-limited, not production-limited;
But your research is currently at zero to upgrade troops for a defence against overwhelming odds;
You already lost a city. Not that big a deal if it's a border city, a very big deal if your core cities are close to the border;

Well... How about starting over ?

Seriously, the defence will be fun, and after a few tough years, if your production capabilities hold you'll be able to bring the fight in Chinese lands. But what's the point ? At the time when you counter-attack, the odds are that one of your two rivals will be close to launching.
The game seems lost to me, go on if you will but forget about space.
You can also try for fission and launch nukes and have fun.
Good luck though.
I restarted.

Good call.

If you have the time to kill (unemployed, holidays...) why not play ? It can be fun. If not... that game was a goner, better concentrate on doing better and learning from your last game.
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