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(RFC3E) Welcome to RFCEurope Enhanced Edition

@gilgames I'm align with most of your opinions.

So, to give you the big picture, here's how I plan the future development of RFC3E:
  1. Add BUG improvements on the C++ codebase (aka BULL mod) + some improvements made by Leoreth over the C++ and Python codebase. These are just chore tasks, but they're essential before adding “real” things to the mod (which may only take a few weeks).
  2. rewrite the stability feature (with also collapse and respawn behavior)
  3. actually modify existing features, adding new items / features (rebalancing, new civs etc...)
About civics, I'm thinking only of renaming some of (legal, government, maybe theocracy) and adding a 6th civic for each category.
For UHV, I think there are too many conquest victory conditions (even though I like them and think this is the time and place for it). That why, I think we could add more cultural and economical victory conditions.
For instance, we could remove Ile-de-France and Orleans from the first english UHV and adding the requirement of an amount of gold to the second UHV (something like 7000 gold by 1776?) Same thing for France, I don't think that only holding Jerusalem is worth a UHV, this could be replaced by a cultural victory condition. In overall I'm agree with @gilgames, achieving UVH shouldn't involve the destruction of another civ.
About the rebalancing, I'm thinking about adding more changes over the time in the type of province for some civilizations (like France, England or Byzantium for instance). This would be a better way to fit the mod with the history of the european continent.
For new civs, I tought about the following: Bohemia / Serbia / Lombardy / Egypt (from RFCE++), also Switzerland, Florence, Napoli(?), a dedicated Tunisa civ(?). As for the previous point, I'm aiming to add more civs that actually exist in European history, but not especially those that lasted. I'm thinking of all the ancient and classical civilizations in RFC DOC that we know didn't survive the end of the classical era. That's why I'd like to improve the beginning of the map with additional civs. Apart from Lombardy (as in RFCE++), I don't have any specific civs in mind.
Finally, extra land to the east: I agree it's a lot of work, but it would make things completely different. I mean, we could have a civ dedicated to the Mongols (Timur), playable or not. But I don't think that's something we're going to do. So maybe 4 or 5 more columns might be worthwhile, to add more space to the Arabs and be able to turn around the Black Sea. But it's certainly not a priority.
So the first major change after balancing are the new civs.
That's something we discussed before, but here is my take.
The whole of Bohemia is one city with the bfc. Can you make a single city game interesting? I doubt. I'm on board to make Austria weaker, but idk how it would affect them.
Serbia, could be added so Bulgaria have some competition, but that makes ottoman game even harder. Also what timeline for them?
Lombardy: yes. Although Rome not obtainable makes it a bit akward. And Genoa and Venice takes away 2 valuable spot. But could be something early game thing as it was in rfce++.
Florence? No.
Absinthe wanted to add 2 Sicily for a while, but didn't got around. So yes.
Tatars/Timur/Mongols, idk man. While I enjoyed a destruction path in rfce++ as the tatars and it was kinda historical, it really felt off. I'm not against it per say, just be careful how you doing it.
Tunisia? Nah.
This is not a bug. I've changed the technology that reveals the date (and centering the map). It's no longer the calendar, but map making, because before the 11th century, nobody knew the calendar system we use today.
Could the required turn be added to "do by" UHV goals? It is a bit difficult, especially for the early civs, to plan ahead as map making tech is not something you would beeline as Bulgaria, for example.
Not to nitpicking, but our calendar called Julianus for a reason. And chronicles were dated before the 11th century. Maybe it wasn't a common knowledge among the peasantry, but it was known. Does it add anything to the game?
@gilgames You're right. I thought delaying the revelation of the date would give the same experience as early game of RFC.
But we can move back the date revealing with calendar technology (while showing the turn required for UHV goals). I still think we should keep the map centering with cartography.
@gilgames You're right. I thought delaying the revelation of the date would give the same experience as early game of RFC.
But we can move back the date revealing with calendar technology (while showing the turn required for UHV goals). I still think we should keep the map centering with cartography.
Centering is such a minor thing, you can add it wherever you like . :D
RFCEurope Enhanced Edition (RFC3E)

As I like a lot this mod and seen that's RFCE is not in active development for few years, I decided to work on a fork of this mod for the past months. My main goal is to bring the experience of this mod closer to the RFC DoC one.
I've been in touch with people who played the old RFCE++ modmod, and I would like to include some of its features.

For the moment, here's what's been done so far:
  • Large refactoring of the codebase (thanks to @Leoreth 's work in RFC DoC)
  • Added Blue Marble
  • Added some extra soundtracks from RFC DoD
  • Added the BUG mod
  • Some minor tweaks.
I plan to work on the following changes:
  • New gamespeed / new difficulty level
  • New civs (Serbia, Bohemia, Crimea, Lombardy, Egypt from RFCE++)
  • New techs and civics, rebalance of unique power and starting points
  • Adding personal unions and Holy Roman Empire features from RFCE++
  • New timepoint (like 1500AD)
  • Switching to the RFCEurope map with extra eastern lands (see here)
  • Maybe extend the time period to the industrial era (very hypothetical)
How to install this?
The code is in my GitHub repository.
You can either:
  • cloning the repo in your MODs location (you can use your favorite git client like GitHub desktop or the CLI. The main branch corresponds to this fork, the original mod is located in the original branch)
  • download a zip version in the release section of the repository.
The recommended way is to clone the repository, which allows you to get the latest changes by performing a git pull opération on the main branch.
A complete list of all features can be found here.
Province stability maps (and others) can be found here.
Ok, I tried to run the mod. Failed. I am very stupid for this, idk anything about github and any associated programs.
I could download it and load it, but it doesns't offer the same starting screen. I works like if I loaded the base game plus the mod together. Soa all in all, I cant start up any scenario. Help pls
@gilgames about centering I got it, I will make the reveal of the date with calendar again. ;)

About installing, did you copy the folder here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods ?
Still, I strongly recommend using the git version, to do so, you have to:
  • download the desktop client: here
  • Skip the signin step, type whatever the name and email you want (you can keep the default ones), this is only need if you want to contribute to the project
  • click on the clone button, go to the URL tab and fill the fields with the git URL and the destination path
The git URL of the project is this: https://github.com/VDuchauffour/RFCEurope.git
It's from the code button on the page of the git project.

The git version allow you to checkout the latest changes (on the main branch for instance) with the fetch button.

EDIT: here's the Leoreth's tutorial for using git and Github desktop ;)

Spoiler screenshots :

Capture d'écran 2024-05-23 185822.png
Capture d'écran 2024-05-23 185851.png

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It is great to see this mod back to life. My favorite among all. I would personally be thrilled about including the industrial age in this mode, I would love to see this mode being pushed as much as possible in the future. Simply because the industrial and modern ages are neglected historical periods, there mods on the ancient world, middle ages and renaissance. But nothing that allows the user to experience industrial and modern ages with the level of detail in the sense of map, techs, wonders and units that RFCE could provide.
@manio curio Thanks! :)
Adding the industrial age would be the icing on the cake, I always thought this mod should stop in 1914. But before going down that road, we need to clean the codebase and improve the existing timeline. Honestly, we'll see by the end of the year whether we've added any new features, civs and the like.
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@manio curio Thanks! :)
Adding the industrial age would be the icing on the cake, I always thought this mod should stop in 1914. But before going down that road, we need to clean the codebase and improve the existing timeline. Honestly, we'll see by the end of the year whether we've added any new features, civs and the like.
I have to say 1914 or 1920 was the year I have been thinking too for the mod end when you first posted the news about this project. This is awesome
It's so good to see someone working on this again! RFC:E has been one of my favorite mods for CIV4!

But I also want to ask, do you have any plans to add more religious diversity to the mod? Maybe something like Shi'a Islam and the Hussites? I feel like the mod could use more wonders for pagan nations as well
It's so good to see someone working on this again! RFC:E has been one of my favorite mods for CIV4!

But I also want to ask, do you have any plans to add more religious diversity to the mod? Maybe something like Shi'a Islam and the Hussites? I feel like the mod could use more wonders for pagan nations as well
Minor/Pagan religions could be added. I'll keep that in mind.
Minor/Pagan religions could be added. I'll keep that in mind.
Oh, I could get behind a tengri Hungary playthrough:D just to prove, Christianity wasn't the only way.
On a serious note, Lithuanias first is still super hard and kinda luck based. Either I'm missing some key strategy for it, or still unbalanced.
Awesome! If you have any draft that you can share, I'm all over it!
RFCE 2nd fix britain copy.png

Iceland has been moved so that it fits (just like in the current map). Britain and Ireland have been enlarged slightly (just like in the current map). Northern Russia and Northern Scandinavia have been shrunk slightly, because not much happens there, but I don't like the way the current map cuts off northern Scandinavia.
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