This is a tutorial to get started using GitHub and the GitHub Desktop program. If you're collaborating on a project, using GitHub can make sure that everyone is up to date. This could also be useful if you're passing around playtests for a scenario, so everyone can easily get updates/bug fixes. Periodically uploading to GitHub will also act as a backup for your work.
1. Download and Install GitHub Desktop. Find it here:
2. Create a GitHub account.
3. Start GitHub Desktop, and select "Sign in to" (Blue Button)
If you're not already signed in to GitHub on your browser, you'll see this login page. If you are signed in, proceed to the next step.
4. Authorize GitHub Desktop. (Green Button)
5. Open GitHub Desktop when the pop-up asks. (White Button, NOT Blue)
6. Press Finish (Blue Button) to complete configuration.
7. GitHub Desktop should now look something like this:
8. For this tutorial, I downloaded a TOT conversion of Hammer of the North ( ), and placed it in the Scenario Folder. This will be a new scenario, which we intend to store on GitHub. To achieve this, we select the "Create a New Repository on your hard drive..." option:
9. We now give the repository the same name as our scenario file ("ToT_Hammer"), a description ("A repo created for a tutorial."), Choose the path to the directory containing ToT_Hammer, and select that folder. We won't worry about a license or Git ignore for now.
10. GitHub Desktop now looks like this:
You can look at the History tab to see the initialized files.
1. Download and Install GitHub Desktop. Find it here:
2. Create a GitHub account.
3. Start GitHub Desktop, and select "Sign in to" (Blue Button)
If you're not already signed in to GitHub on your browser, you'll see this login page. If you are signed in, proceed to the next step.
4. Authorize GitHub Desktop. (Green Button)
5. Open GitHub Desktop when the pop-up asks. (White Button, NOT Blue)
6. Press Finish (Blue Button) to complete configuration.
7. GitHub Desktop should now look something like this:
8. For this tutorial, I downloaded a TOT conversion of Hammer of the North ( ), and placed it in the Scenario Folder. This will be a new scenario, which we intend to store on GitHub. To achieve this, we select the "Create a New Repository on your hard drive..." option:
9. We now give the repository the same name as our scenario file ("ToT_Hammer"), a description ("A repo created for a tutorial."), Choose the path to the directory containing ToT_Hammer, and select that folder. We won't worry about a license or Git ignore for now.
10. GitHub Desktop now looks like this:
You can look at the History tab to see the initialized files.
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