What does City Hall do?


Jan 7, 2003
St. Louis, MO
As far as I can tell, this thing is kind of terrible: you get a 1 time 40 culture tile acquisition boost (which is so paltry as to be nothing for cities that have already claimed a couple tiles), but then pay 1 gold per turn for the rest of the game for it. The description seems to imply it might do other things, but I have not found any description in game or with a forum search on "city hall" to tell me what that might be, can anyone clue me in?
As far as I can tell, this thing is kind of terrible: you get a 1 time 40 culture tile acquisition boost (which is so paltry as to be nothing for cities that have already claimed a couple tiles), but then pay 1 gold per turn for the rest of the game for it. The description seems to imply it might do other things, but I have not found any description in game or with a forum search on "city hall" to tell me what that might be, can anyone clue me in?

Which mods are you using? I don't think it's coming from the VP base game.
Which mods are you using? I don't think it's coming from the VP base game.

There's no City Hall building in Vox Populi.
The only mods I am running were all installed by the VP installer linked in the sticky (the 7-29 version). The civilopedia for City Hall says it requires Progress and grants 40 Border Growth scaling with era, which is wording I have not encountered outside of VP: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/785248399684969492/026B44B8935EC30F0B22A5A21F472AD4570BBACE/?imw=1024&imh=640&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=#000000&letterbox=true

But the answer I think I am getting is that this might be some orphaned building introduced in VP at some point (perhaps from the last time I played it, which would be a couple years ago) which was never fully implemented, and the installer apparently didn't remove?
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I don't know about early VP versions (I wasn't playing it back then) but that sounds likely. Try doing a clean install on a new version. Never come across this building myself.
Ah I think that building comes from the Vox Populi Bare Necessities mod mod by Enginseer. I'm not sure which version of the mod you're using, but in recent versions of the mod mod the city hall's border growth bonus scales with era. So building it in a later era (especially in a new city with low border growth costs) can be quite nice. There's also the +1 bonuses to various yields after obtaining certain buildings, and the low build cost in later eras - it's a bad building early on, but later it's alright.
Based on the image you posted
It seems like you have some vp modmod installed previously that might be causing the issue.

I can see buildings from @pineappledan more uc mod (Carthage Tophet, Assyria lamassu gate)
As well as building from @Enginseer unique city state (crusader zeal, cev'aq) and bare necessities mod (déport, City Hall)

So you might probably have to give more details or ask these modmod developers for further help
Been playing VP since the beginning of time and I am pretty sure there has never been a city hall building. So it is probably from the modmods mentioned above by @ProCatGamer. If you are sure the modmods are not active, then try deleting cache and then running the autoinstaller again.
So, the culprit was a past installation of a MagnusMutatio VP modpack, which apparently installs some modmods into the VP folders that I wasn't aware of. Mystery solved, thanks everyone! ;)
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