Please share your methods of fighting the Hun hordes, I'd really like to know.
In the game I am in now, I am in an alliance with them and they have no grievance and so cannot break the alliance, currently I have 8 horseman, 4 elephant platforms and 2 super aggressive chariots, however they have 30 huns.
Do I want to fight them? I am probably a little light but it would be fun trying. The elephant platforms are just super strong against them. It is a question of who has an advantage and they have +7 combat strength ATM and are taking out my other neighbour which is the other side of me!
I suspect what will happen is they will capture some cities and then those cities start coming under my influence giving the huns the opportunity to break the alliance. When they do, it seems to occur over 2 turns, (I am double checking) and so I will declare once they break the alliance. Now with the huns you want to be on the offence, with 2 stacks vs 2 and the first attack I should be able to destroy one stack with eles and chariots and horse, if not 5. The 3-4 left have maybe the chance of killing one unit. Down to 22. I then place a spare horse at the front to capture any attacking stacks and allow me to repeat. I have learnt these tricks from the AI but it does not seem to remember it uses them. You can do the same thing with horsemen, with both you do move to pick open ground but it’s not hard with 8 stacks cruising around your civ. the key thing is to get in there with good troops.
If they attack first then you pull back from the front line and make them come to you, they run out of MP and are easier to catch. The killer is to watch their strength. The AI seems to always give them a jolly nice bonus for a few turns so it is about delay.
they also only have a range of 1 and cannot cross fortifications, both can be used to your advantage. The worst you can do is cower and let them smash you to smithereens but they can do it if your visibility is poor so working your luxuries is also key.
TBH I have never faced this many and am glad I have time to grab some more eles. They are nice because they do not wear down with multiple combats easily. I got the smite Tenet so they are all experienced and current pushing civics for +1 combat also.
Looks Scary
But it is going to be fun trying the grand plan
While tere was a grievance it is gone now