What kind of Civ player are you?

The Modder
already turn 10, and I've only noted 42 things to change, fantastic, this time I'm going to reach turn 20 before quitting and analysing the logs !
Plays Civ for : Playing something else
Likely to play: Random, never play long enough to use any Civilization/Leader UA anyway...
An easy builder and inventor here, no need to hurry anything on Deity, just calm down.

Then play the game as is, but I do admit, I restart many times.

First position is vital for me, if I have no hills I restart. Production is key!
Contented Balancer
Play at marathon pace on the largest Terra maps, against 20+ civs and 35+ CS so that I don't know until move > 500 whether I have a chance of winning or not.

Special characteristics : the Contended Balancer has a very strong PC ...or quite some patience.
I'm a Builder, and I love to go Wide, doesn't matter what Civ I'm playing
Builder/Plague (occasionally Builder/Stout when I want the game to go faster)
I like to build a nice civilization and paint as much of the map as possible (which is why I really want the ability to choose my jersey in single player; I'd like to paint the map with colors I actually like). To that end, I often play with fewer civs than the default for the map size. I'd rather have a large, happy civ with lots of wonders and lose peacefully than win with a ruined dystopia.
The Builder/Plague/CookieCutta/MicroManager/Achievement Greedy
Move over, I'll do it my way.
Plays Civ for: Wide Empire building for the win!
Likely to play: All of them, eventually. And then I replay the non-domination ones that I like the most.
The Wordbearer
Get a load of this heretic.
Plays Civ for: Spreading the one true faith.
Likely to play: Arabia "Ayyubid on getting a religion, but I had the Last Prophet motive."


Except I like to play Russia. I love all that tundra and not having to purchase tiles.
The BadA&$
“Because I’m Batman!”
Plays Civ for: one size fits all gameplay. Science? Through the roof. Culture? You bet. War? I’ve already conquered everything on my continent.
Likely to Play: Babylon or other imba, leet or meta civs. (You know you want to bring them back, Firaxis. They’re like the Sideshow Bob of civs. You want to hate them, but they’re just too good at what they do.)
The Late Bloomer
"I'm a grower, not a shower"
Plays Civ for: Late game domination and economics
Likely to Play: America. Filled with hubris, this player can't help but choose a weak early game civ and watch the world develop and wants to build multiple powerhouse cities filled with a variety of districts while expanding rapidly and collecting a rapidly expanding list of enemies. When the late game arrives (if it does) a repressed tide of emotions spreads across the world in the form of global military and/or economic domination. Also, when it comes to TSL maps who better to start next to than your Friendly Neighborhood Montezuma!
Quick, Quicker, Quickest
If I set the map on online Speed, new world age, wet rainfall, high sea level, abundant ressource, legendary start, tiny map but 6/9 civ/cs, low graphic, no animation, quick attack/deplacement, then I will have explosive start with high production land, not too much to settle, and finish the game under 3 hours without too much micromanaging!
Plays Civ for: 1-time fun, my game must have a high rentability fun/time!
Likely to play: Everyone, as you can try everything with the minimal time!

The overdiplomatic
Why Poundmaker? I give you everything! I give you Open Borders, Trade Route, Embassy, extra Gold for nothing except increase your trade balance modifier, same government, I have an alliance with everyone, not engaged in a single war nor took cities and my spies never get detected didn't spy you. Why don't you want my friendship?
Plays Civ for: reassure his inner self-esteem by making some AI love him peace and love
Likely to play: Cleopatra the "double-Trader Alliance", or Poundmaker the "I can see your Spies in my territtory because of shared visibility Alliance, fool!"

Machiavelic one-city underdog conqueror, an oddly specific strategy
Settlers are forbidden and classical dark age. Fools the enemy to settle near you, then get high population and miedeval golden age: all the cities near you have bad Loyalty. Add some Breads, Spies and Circus, and conquer the world peacefully.

Play Civ for: For the experimentation and beyond! And see if dumb unique strategies can actually work.
Likely to play: Catherine de Medici, soon Eleonor
(basicly, all unique and mostly dumb strategies, I just say one)

Spies! Spies are love, Spies are life!
Play Civ for: Spies
Likely to play: Catherine de Medici
The personality
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas kwheen Cleo, slay those Civs with your sickening plagues hunty
Plays Civ for: The leaders unique personalities, animations and flavour
Likely to play: Cleopatra "Come through Mama IteRu"

Category is: mediterranean extravaganza!
A Builder/Plage variant: The Craftsman

Empire has to grow tall and wide, but also has to look nice: misplaced AI city in that cute Peninsula you wanted to settle: conquer and raze. +6 campus location has a lovely forest: nope, get that +4 one instead.

Plays civ for: Building an empire that stands the test of time and art. CV preferred but others can fit if they meet the history built around the picture.
Likes to play as: Any civ provides different material to work with... so all. Builder-civ types might be preferred.

(Just tought it could be named The Architect, too)
Playing on Deity most of the times is to settle as quick as I can. But Civ6 has barbs and even nastier AI's around. so usually it is most about defending.

When that is sorted, I do like to be a builder, just make sure I can defend myself. I don't care about wonders early on this difficulty, but will grab a
few later ones.

I like to play the diplomacy game. In early stages, they hates your guts. Well I drop them now and again so maybe they don't like my farts.
So 7 red/yellow AI's early can be 5 best friends in medieval, I just need to concentrate on their wants or not. A civ or 2 will not budge.

The games I DO finish, I build a lot of stuff and I feel that is the most fun for me. I don't want to kill someone just because of this or that, but
if a neighbour attacks me twice, he/she is gone.

If I have 6-8 cities out by turn 100 I am happy, this is including no warfare during this time. If I do that I might have 4-5 cities more.

Then I build, build...
Inoffensive stout ie I never start wars but very happy to tear invaders a new one generally with artillery/ranged
The personality
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas kwheen Cleo, slay those Civs with your sickening plagues hunty
Plays Civ for: The leaders unique personalities, animations and flavour
Likely to play: Cleopatra "Come through Mama IteRu"

"Miss Cleo-patra: in the main challenge, you won...by a Nile. And your runway look had the judges wanting to take...One More Turn.

...condragulations, you're the winner of this week's challenge."
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