I rolled fractal emperor epic map with hatty as leader. Actually regenerated once the map, this one was interesting.
Irrigated corn, sheep and stone.
Not many rivers around so actually am thinking about building mids and run some specs, so settling food cities is absolute priority. there seems to be around enough food.
Seeing the initial exploration i think making soonish blocker city is priority. I marked some spots, well looking at it now the blocker would maybe better 1SE, but will lose on river and has a lot of brown around :-(.
Is this situation where you would build settler on size 2? That's actually what I plan, building warrior first, then settler, worker improves sheep. Warrior is build on PH.
I am a bit unsure on tech path (got ah, mining, BW probably next), pottery is not high, but writing should be after BW probably. Masonry maybe right next after BW?
Irrigated corn, sheep and stone.
Not many rivers around so actually am thinking about building mids and run some specs, so settling food cities is absolute priority. there seems to be around enough food.
Seeing the initial exploration i think making soonish blocker city is priority. I marked some spots, well looking at it now the blocker would maybe better 1SE, but will lose on river and has a lot of brown around :-(.
Is this situation where you would build settler on size 2? That's actually what I plan, building warrior first, then settler, worker improves sheep. Warrior is build on PH.
I am a bit unsure on tech path (got ah, mining, BW probably next), pottery is not high, but writing should be after BW probably. Masonry maybe right next after BW?