Surprised to see that standard and slower paces are still so dominant. I never went with anything faster than normal in previous editions, but this game feels just not suited to so many turns.
My go-to settings - I've managed to address my main frustrations (pacing, high predictability, unchallenging late game).
- Quick speed, Fractal with low seas or Seven Seas, hot and wet climate (less snow, more trees), add a civ or two, reduce city states (if using barb clans)
- Modes:
Tech shuffle is mandatory (I just enjoy the bit of chaos it adds, and AIs don't skip governments anymore),
Barb Clans are fine
other modes are sloppily executed fluff, unfortunately (ranging from enjoyable and broken to plain silly)
- Science / Culture slowed down a bit with the brillant and very flexible
Take your time Ultimate (no need to go overboard - usually set it on 125% and low scaling) Mitigates the drawbacks of quick speed (armies obsolete when reaching the border).The balance of yield types is off since Gathering Storm, anyway.
ARS Improved movement - makes limited stacking possible and gives more freedom of movement (no, it's not ideal because the game is not designed for stacking - i.e. it's too easy to hide your vulnerable units - but it's still more fun). CIV7 has to introduce more stacking options.
Most importantly, it makes the tactically inept AI a bit more dangerous. (You will still outsmart them, of course, but with Late Game AI and stacking, AI armies can actually be overwhelming if you're not careful. )
Also, I play quick speed, so units have to go faster to scale.
Late Game AI and
Real Strategy
Late Game improves AI scaling - slower starts, but an avalanche of creative bonuses in later eras - anything higher than Emperor is pretty brutal and can lead to insane unit carpets (even with stacking). Try it if you want to see a seemingly smooth-running game come apart. Even with Emperor this provides a very different experience where you can take a lead early, but still have to watch your back and can't afford to fool around.
Real Strategy makes the AI a bit more efficient, but I especially like the greater variance between different personalities.
- Hammurabi replaced with a modded, eureka-free alternative.
I may use some rulechanging mods for fun like Sukritact's Oceans, Silk & Spice: Trade Route Rework, but these don't change the dynamics of a game much.
Also, I think
Historical Spawn Dates is a brillant and underrated mod to play around with (not for every game though, doesn't make sense to use with Late Game AI, and you need to invest some time to learn the options - but it's worth it).