When Technology goes awful wrong


Nov 20, 2004
A Hello Kitty mouse and keyboard! What will they think of next? :lol:

BTW my female officemates all went: "Waaah... :love: " when they saw the pics. :D
Dann said:
A Hello Kitty mouse and keyboard! What will they think of next? :lol:

BTW my female officemates all went: "Waaah... :love: " when they saw the pics. :D
Possibly a Spounge Bob USB Hub :eek:.
Awww, what do you have against Hello Kitty? ;)
My youngest brother was addicted to Hello Kitty for a while. He dropped the first plastic Hello Kity in the toilet, and after a while, he lost it. His second one he lost it. He cried for 10 minutes after he found out he lost it.
Chieftess said:
Awww, what do you have against Hello Kitty? ;)
From a certan simpsons episode, they used actual cats :p

That is enough to scare any man....
that's not right. a lego robot can solve the rubics cube thing, but i had to cheat to solve it. i feel like a real dumb shmuck now.
farting bob said:

That is enough to scare any man....

OMG i dotn wanna know what this is.... do I?
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