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Where's my Silver?


Aug 23, 2011
So, I put a settlement down on top of a bonus silver and twenty turns later still no silver showing up in the commodities box.

Is this supposed to happen? I have another settlement on a cotton bonus and it's cranking it out regularly.

What gives?
You get the most advantage of a bonus resource if you have a colonist in your colony working that resource. If your colony centre is on the resource itself it can't be worked, so place your colony beside the resource not right on it.

In the case of your silver resource, that is sited on a hill so your colony centre will produce the natural raw material for hills which is ore. For your cotton colony it is sited on plains and the underlying resource for plains is cotton. In actual fact you will get a little more cotton because of the bonus resource but not as much as if you had a colonist working that tile.
Is it possible to mine/transport boundaries outside of your 3x3 city production array? I'm used to the base game fat cross array of production. I was hoping a wagon train could pick it up. Cultural boundaries expanded to include the mine finally but a silver mine is outside of the 3x3 array.
Is it possible to mine/transport boundaries outside of your 3x3 city production array? I'm used to the base game fat cross array of production. I was hoping a wagon train could pick it up. Cultural boundaries expanded to include the mine finally but a silver mine is outside of the 3x3 array.

Welcome to the forum aboveriver [party] :band: :popcorn: :beer:

Unfortunately the base 3x3 tiles are all you can work in your colony, even after expansion. However if you space your colonies just three tiles apart then all tiles can be productive.
Is it possible to mine/transport boundaries outside of your 3x3 city production array?
You can use a larger city radius production array. This small mod uses a 5x5 array -- 2 plot radius so 24 plots around the city centre can be exploited: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=15086

If you want to be more ambitious, he also combined this change with two others which you can easily install for your game with this mod: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=15123
I look forward to consider our first mods. Are they easily detachable for trying out different ones and/or returning to the based game?
Are they easily detachable for trying out different ones and/or returning to the based game?
Yes. These mods are each in a zip file. Just unzip the contents in the "mods" folder of your game. usually ...\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization\Mods. Then launch the game, go into the "advanced" page and choose "Load a mod" and select the mod's name. Then click "OK" and off you go. You can still launch the base game as normal. Any more questions on mods should be asked in the Creation and Customization directory of this Civ4Col forum.
w00t, TX!! First time I'm finding time to try to get moddin' up running. Now on to Alpha Centauri, too.
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