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whoops - the AI built the UN

Well, Zulus have a higher score than me, but they no longer exist. My land area has more than doubled in the last 20-30 turns, but my score doesn't reflect it yet since the score is an average over time. It'll probably take 20-30 more turns to pass the dead Zulus, yet alone the Indians and Iroquois and Americans in terms of score.

I didn't know building it guaranteed you being on the ballot though.
Civ with highest population, biggest territory and UN owner.
(edit:as stated, UN owner always)
If this is true for only one civ, the second candidate will be the one who is next in that ranking (dunno exactly if pop counts more then area), as there are always two candidates (dunno what happens if only UN victory flag is checked and you have finished off the others).
There may be three candidates, but most of the time the territory king got the most population.
Originally posted by Grille
Civ with highest population, biggest territory and UN owner.
(edit:as stated, UN owner always)
If this is true for only one civ, the second candidate will be the one who is next in that ranking (dunno exactly if pop counts more then area), as there are always two candidates (dunno what happens if only UN victory flag is checked and you have finished off the others).
There may be three candidates, but most of the time the territory king got the most population.

Well, from my game yesterday I can definitively say it isn't the highest score.

I was 3rd in score and built the UN, so I got my automatic nomination. India was first in score by a couple hundred, and had been first for some time. When the vote came, it was 2nd place Hiawatha and 3rd place Joan who were nominated, with Joan (me) getting the victory:)
By using 'ranking' I did not refer to score but world ranking of population, territory.
Originally posted by Grille
By using 'ranking' I did not refer to score but world ranking of population, territory.

I didn't check population ranking or territory ranking.

I guess the only way to know for sure (if you don't have the UN) if you are going to be voted on is if you are 2nd or 1st in territory and population and the country that built it is first or second in those stats as well.

Then again, if the AI calls a UN vote, there isn't much you can do about it anyway.
Originally posted by billindenver

I didn't check population ranking or territory ranking.
You just can't check it in detail for every civ. You can make an estimation by demograph screen and a sharp look on world map, but the estimation often remains poor.
Originally posted by Grille

You just can't check it in detail for every civ. You can make an estimation by demograph screen and a sharp look on world map, but the estimation often remains poor.

I agree. In older versions of Civ, it seemed like it showed on the demographic screen. If you weren't #1 in the category, it showed you who was #1.

Personally, I think you should be able to view demographics for ALL civs you have embassies with. For God's sake, you have an EMBASSY there. You should know their GDP and population! I'm fairly sure the US and Germany know each others GDP, population, production, land area, etc, in real life.
Yeah, agree, some intelligence report would be fine (triggered by embassy and/or spy). Now the military advisor can give you a really substantial report of # of units. Why not have more info about certain things on the demograph screen?
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