"Who's Next" - Who shall be the Next one to go

Even if we did get to 100,000, I doubt Greece will have less than 50,000.

"War Culture" :mwaha:
We have Topled the French. The Next question that comes to rise is.

Should we continue Heading down to Persia after England. Or should we head to Russia after England.
If we did take out Russia, we would only have one border on each continent to deal with. Not that Russia is really a threat.
We could quite readily take out Russia, England and a third country simulataiously. Just a bit of strain on the DPs brain and clicking finger.

I'm looking to Persia as the third country simply because its defenses are weaker.
Russia has a few Size 13 cities, but probably still has riflemen (England still has muskets!). A good city bashing with our armies should do the trick up north.
If we use our Panzers and Cavalry just right, I think we can take Russia in two turns. We should wait for our ROP with England to run out before attacking them, or, better yet, we could attack Persia through English territory and attack England only once we are done with Persia.
As our list of targets is reduced, the need to keep our relationship meter in the black evaporates. At this stage of the game there really isn't any need to worry about ROP violations.
hehe, at that rate, we could sign an ROP with Russia, England, and Persia and take them ALL out in 1 turn! :mwaha:
I think England should be our next target, as I truly believe we can take all cities except Brighton in one turn. After that, I would be happy with either China, Russia or Persia.

I like the prospects of attacking China becuase they have the most developed rail network, though that could work to our initial disadvantage.

Russia is just waiting to be taken, but is mostly road so it would take two to three more turns than England.

As Feodor said, Persia has pretty weak defenses for its size, so it too could fall quickly.

We don't necessarily have to take every city from every nation. We should save any jungle cities for last, as we may not even need to conquer them to gain a Domination victory.

If we were to even attempt a three-front war, as Feodor suggests, I would go with England, Russia and Persia.
Originally posted by Chieftess
hehe, at that rate, we could sign an ROP with Russia, England, and Persia and take them ALL out in 1 turn! :mwaha:

Now that is a fine idea!! It would make it possible to get a domination victory, but own more than 2/3 of the land. We could own 90% of the world before the domination limit is set off...

but yes, this would be the best, and most spectacular way to win.
Looking at the terrain, England seems to have no roads leading to some of their cities, and may take an extra turn or two to get to that one English city. But, they'll be crippled during the preturn.

I'd also like have an offline "set up" preturn where I use workers to start building roads to cities, and moving troops, along with the build queues. If I waited for the turnchat to do troop and worker movements, that could take atleast 2 hours in itself. We'd have a 3-4 hour preturn if I don't do this.
I have no prob. with a quick offline Preturn, actually I'd think it would be better if we did that on a regular basis... no time consuming 2 hour preturns on t/c night. or at least a seperate mini t/c. IIRC this was proposed before.
How about I take out Russia and most of England while I'm at it? :soldier: :tank:

Nah, I'll probably save that for tomorrow's turnchat.
Originally posted by Chieftess
hehe, at that rate, we could sign an ROP with Russia, England, and Persia and take them ALL out in 1 turn! :mwaha:
I don't like the idea of an ROP rape. I think we should take them out honorably (England and Russia can be taken out simultaneously in two turns, and Persia will fall within a few turns, without violating ROP). I would not be opposed to declaring war on a civ when we have an ROP with them, provided we did not have many troops in their territory when war was declared.
There's only 5 nations left besides us, and two are so small, that they'll fall in a matter of turns. Realistically, we don't even need ROPs. Why? Because we border every nation. So, once we're down to the last two nations, domination will be VERY close. Everyone really wants to get this game over with.
Really at this point I don't think that our rep is important. If we wanted to we could probably shift our intire empire to military and take on the entire world at once, it would probably take a long time and wouldn't be the smartest idea but I think it is possible. The only real competitors left are Greece and China. I think we have basically won, all that is left is to win.
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