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Worker Experience


Jul 24, 2007
I am trying to duplicate the worker experience levels from Rise of Erebus, but have been unsuccessful. Unable to get into the wild mod .dll files, i tried to fake it by setting <bFreeXP> to 1, but workers fail to earn any xp.

Has anyone successfully implemented this feature from that mod or have insight and be willing to share it?

Any pointers or suggestions would be greatly welcomed.

<bFreeXP> set to 1 only means that the unit gains experience from promotions like channeling.

the easiest way to give your workes experience is to set FreeXP to 1 and give them channeling or just give them a promotion similar to the hero promotion.
the workers however will not have any promotions to choose from, so you also have to give them a unitcombat. (not giving units unitcombat also screws their ability to get xp, like golems)

i can't help you on the merging of the rife feature however.

Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it. I have applied the iFreeXP and given them a promotion like channeling for the xp - but they still are failing to accumulate points.

You mention its necessary to give them a UNITCOMBAT -- where do I apply this? They have an entry for it in UnitCombatInfos, and they have it in their Unit entry too. Is there somewhere else I may be missing?

Again, thank you for the time you give answering this.

i can't look at the files right now, but when you look at units like the champion for example (in unitinfos.xml) you can see an entry like <unitcombat>melee</...> if the worker has no such entry or instead of melee there is unitcombat NONE you have to change that. bear in mind that a promotion like channeling only has a percentage based chance to apply exp so you may need to wait a few turns before the unit gains exp.
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