World History Mod development thread

Australia has been added to the list, thank you for reminding me. It will have it's own civ in late-game.

Zuul, yes they can be found in the map thread. In the near future, I will have an official list/stats/pictures section in this thread.

I think that representing Australia as a combination of the Aborigines and then later the settler-Australia is a better idea.

I mean, it's not like the Aborigines aren't important in terms of Earth's history, they ARE only the longest surviving continuous culture of 40,000+ years. ;)
I think that representing Australia as a combination of the Aborigines and then later the settler-Australia is a better idea.

I mean, it's not like the Aborigines aren't important in terms of Earth's history, they ARE only the longest surviving continuous culture of 40,000+ years. ;)

Wow Dale, that's really cool; I did not know that the Aborigines have been around for over 40,000 years. That's really impressive!
Well, I'll be representing all major indegenous groups with natives (independants), and the same would go for aborigines, because I already have well over a hundred civs, and they're more of a culture than a civilization. By Australia I refer to the modern peoples.

I will, however, have them already settled in Australia when the game starts.

A giga version of RFC....this seems a very ambitious project, like many others who end up incomplete. But judging from your map, and from the fact that you seem to have clear ideas of what to do and how, I think and hope you'll achieve it. Make sure you credit me where needed ;)

BTW, I noticed the odd choice of not including Rome. No, Italy is not Rome.
Don't worry about crediting, you get the biggest honour :P I'm still not sure how your system works in great detail, but I'll play around with it

I really can't believe I forgot to include Rome... (all existing standard civs are already in-game obviously).


EDIT: :) it's already there
Dragging the thread kicking and screaming back on-topic... (D'oh, too late)

Given that the new map will have such a variety of terrain/climates are you planning to allow the player to transplant organic resources to suitable climates?

I'm sure I saw someone do this in another mod (anyone remember who, and how sucessful it was?); you can take any plant/animal resource you have access to (via trade or control) and you can plant it in an available and appropriate tile.

The gameplay implications would be that you could simulate a scenario where someone has a luxury resource that you do not and instead of buying it off them you could grow it yourself if you have access to the right climate (you couldn't transplant Tropical Fruit to a tundra and you'd have a hard time intoducing Cows to a desert!).

This replanting would have to be very time consuming so as not to make it an unfair (and unhistoric) exploit.
My answer to that would be maybe. I would like to keep resource control rigid. Currently resources are being placed in both modern and historic places.

However, there are some that are just plain obvious- I don't remember, but something (yams and something else) was brought from Asia and adopted by the East Africans. Same with corn moving to the other side of the world.

Since I already have a lot of work cut out for me, if someone has done this already, and I know what resources I will be allowed to where, I'll impliment it for those historic replantings.

Probabaly the most obvious one is potatos and maybe tea and rubber to a lesser extent.

Look, if you want a hand I'd be more than willing to help (where I can), this project is just the kind of thing I'd like to see working out and as I said before I've built up alot of ideas for historical accuracy improvements.

Or if your of the 'too many hands spoil the broth' school of thought I can bite my tongue. Your call

I am open to suggestions and will consider anything suggested. I am very careful (and have to be) of what I include, but I believe you'll find that many people are both beneficial and neccessary to the project. So please, let's not question that anymore :) And any help given by anyone is much appreciated, whether or not the advice is instantly taken

I'd love to hear your ideas on the resources- just make sure it's on the map page, I'm trying to keep everything related to the mapmaking, resources and settler maps in that thread, at least until the map is released. A lot of resource discussion goes on in there

Are you going to have some sort of resource for regional "exotic animals"? For example: Siberian Tiger, Panda, Giraffe, Lion... maybe just "Asian exotic animals" and "African exotic animals"?

They could give +1 happy at a zoo (if there was a zoo building) in modern times, and +1 happy at the Colosseum in Classical times.
I really like your idea... I wish I could do something with it.

The biggest problems are that it would be really weird to combine them all into one resource, and none individually are important enough (nor is there the space) for them all seperately.

There is a pelts resource I will be implementing... I could do that at areas of high tiger/panda/zebra hunting, etc.

And you never know, maybe I can get them included as animals (possibly static, the mod is supposed to be run with animations frozen anyways :P)
I am truly excited that someone who takes on such a task actually appears competent and ambitious enough to complete it!

With that, I have been thinking of how dumb the current civic system is and thought I might throw in my 2 cents.

Some economics-related civics:

Currency Civics:
Barter System: Gold an unnecessary and undiscovered commodity. Civilizations that existed early enough to use this first systems weren't large enough and therefore not advanced enough to use gold. Gold was discovered only until mines were built. Under this system, economies grow tremendously slow. Inflation non-existent

Commodity System: After a civilization had grown large enough and advanced enough to move beyond the barter system, gold becomes the currency of choice. Economic activity grows exponentially. Inflation occurs infrequently.

Fiat System: Gold Standard abolished. Civilizations grow so large that the amount of available gold cannot satisfy demand, so paper money becomes currency of choice. (Central Banking a new technology which unlocks this civic). Business cycles begin to occur. Economy booms. Allows borrowing on credit of a nation. Inflation becomes a necessary evil.
Very good :) I'd be glad to add it once I manage to fix the slider (allowing more columns).

I had a feeling something was missing in relation to currency

Civil Rights: At some time, a revolution within your nondemocratic government could force you, as a ruler, to give in to the revolutionaries' demand for civil rights. Or, you could refuse and a civil war breaks out between separtists and loyalists.

These revolutionaries may want to be represented before they are taxed or wish to have the rights of free speech and to petition their government. A new civic category for these could be created. Revolutions would force a change in governance.

For example, you could give your citizens the right to bear arms. Each city is then occupied by a standing civilian militia to defend your nation. However, if you should make your populace angry enough with you, these militias could start a revolution against you, especially if you take away other rights.
If this mod acheive it will be the greatest mod ever!! I was wondering how, and which flags you'll use?Some generics ones, historical or maybe modern?(It would be pretty cool if dynamics flags could be modded in!!) And what about the reformation, the religious wars?? Some historical event would be cool too for simulating history(Ex: The French/Russian Revolutions, the American civil war, etc) Anyway tell me what you think and keep up the good work:goodjob:

P.S. No Prussia/Germany civ?!
P.S. No Prussia/Germany civ?!

Wow, my bad. I have added a few more European Civs.

Dynamic items are still on the threshold of anyone's understanding, it seems. We shall see. Either I will use all generic flags, or historic/modern flags, with a very few generic exceptions. I really like some of the world's modern flags- imagine the difference it would make to the American one.

Naturally, this being a history/geography simulation, I have no choice but to add in several of both historic and random events. There would be the important ones (Fr. Revolution, WWs, Crusades, plague, etc etc etc) as well as some niche ones which I find interesting. I have little python knowledge but I'll do what I can. Historical events most likely won't make it into the first phase, and maybe not even the second.

This would be the greatest mod ever :P but it is so far above me. We'll just have to wait and see how much of my original propositions I can complete. I have to completely learn python, sdk, and more imminently, excel programming. So far I have only gotten by based on borrowing/modifying. The biggest problem is turning abstract ideas into reality.


The map is 99% done! Well the map is done, some resources still need to be skinned/modelled, then placed. I have also temporarily ommitted several resources in several areas as I gather better information on where to place them/how much to place.


Happy Independance Day (until a few hours ago) Kosovo! Good for you, what an achievement! :)

(unfortunately they won't fit on the map. However, the recent addition of the Albania civ should cover that region quite nicely :) )

Woohoo! Now the Kosovars are independent from Serbia, and the bloody breakup of Yugoslavia has finally come to a close. The Albania civ will represent the Kosovars in your mod, of that I have no doubt.

But be sure to try out the new Kosovar nation for BTS:

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