P.S. No Prussia/Germany civ?!
Wow, my bad. I have added a few more European Civs.
Dynamic items are still on the threshold of anyone's understanding, it seems. We shall see. Either I will use all generic flags, or historic/modern flags, with a very few generic exceptions. I really like some of the world's modern flags- imagine the difference it would make to the American one.
Naturally, this being a history/geography simulation, I have no choice but to add in several of both historic and random events. There would be the important ones (Fr. Revolution, WWs, Crusades, plague, etc etc etc) as well as some niche ones which I find interesting. I have little python knowledge but I'll do what I can. Historical events most likely won't make it into the first phase, and maybe not even the second.
would be the greatest mod ever

but it is so far above me. We'll just have to wait and see how much of my original propositions I can complete. I have to completely learn python, sdk, and more imminently, excel programming. So far I have only gotten by based on borrowing/modifying. The biggest problem is turning abstract ideas into reality.
The map is 99% done! Well the map is done, some resources still need to be skinned/modelled, then placed. I have also temporarily ommitted several resources in several areas as I gather better information on where to place them/how much to place.
Happy Independance Day (until a few hours ago) Kosovo! Good for you, what an achievement!
(unfortunately they won't fit on the map. However, the recent addition of the Albania civ should cover that region quite nicely
