World History Mod development thread

I'm still glad to help but I have finals coming up in a few weeks and EOC testing next week so I may be a little busy till summer
I know this has kind of been forgotten and I'm no longer able to do most of the work myself, but I decided I will make what I have available on sourceforge, and let people freely contribute to it. I will still oversee the direction it takes, units, civs etc. and help out any way I can (probably not C++) if people are interested.

I hope to have it uploaded within a couple weeks
believe it or not it hasn't actually been forgotten (in a sense). I just logged in to officially announce that this has been moved to Europa Universalis IV. I have thought through this really, really carefully and that is best.

Here are some of the main reasons:
-100% doable without difficulties, tangible deadlines; steady progress
-no C++
-my history knowledge, especially in Africa and the Americas, is exponentially better than what I can offer in a Civ4 project, and exponentially better than it was 5 years ago
-nearly infinite potential for detail
-more compatible game mechanics, way more of my goals of the best possible history game are achievable
-portable to future renditions of the game for the foreseeable future

It's not a plan but has been in progress for a while- a massive amount of work has actually already gone into it, at least towards giving the absolute maximum amount of detail and immersive realism in Africa and the Americas, and later Asia, middle east, Europe etc. Unlike this project, it is active and it will be an outlet for my neurotic love of history. Note that the timeline is more restricted- 1350-1900. Some day that may extend backward a bit, but this is totally acceptable for me because historical information at the detail level I have in mind does not exist before then in anywhere but Europe and Asia.

I apologize for any inconvenience towards anyone who only has Civ4. (I never paid for EU4 until I officially decided to start developing the project, at which point I made the investment). I am trying to shift from the all-appeasing gameplay-focused genre towards something that can hold a lot of detail.

For more information on the mod anyone can PM me.
believe it or not it hasn't actually been forgotten (in a sense). I just logged in to officially announce that this has been moved to Europa Universalis IV. I have thought through this really, really carefully and that is best.

Here are some of the main reasons:
-100% doable without difficulties, tangible deadlines; steady progress
-no C++
-my history knowledge, especially in Africa and the Americas, is exponentially better than what I can offer in a Civ4 project, and exponentially better than it was 5 years ago
-nearly infinite potential for detail
-more compatible game mechanics, way more of my goals of the best possible history game are achievable
-portable to future renditions of the game for the foreseeable future

It's not a plan but has been in progress for a while- a massive amount of work has actually already gone into it, at least towards giving the absolute maximum amount of detail and immersive realism in Africa and the Americas, and later Asia, middle east, Europe etc. Unlike this project, it is active and it will be an outlet for my neurotic love of history. Note that the timeline is more restricted- 1350-1900. Some day that may extend backward a bit, but this is totally acceptable for me because historical information at the detail level I have in mind does not exist before then in anywhere but Europe and Asia.

I apologize for any inconvenience towards anyone who only has Civ4. (I never paid for EU4 until I officially decided to start developing the project, at which point I made the investment). I am trying to shift from the historically dumbed-down RTS genre towards something that can hold a lot of detail.

For more information on the mod anyone can PM me.

I'm wishing you the best of luck on your EU4 mod. Civ4 is TBS not RTS though :p
Just a minor nitpick.

Will you share the artwork you have done for your Civ4 mod?
@Keldath- thank you! Strangely, I think EU is in the process of being simplified, like many games, computers, etc. I'm not always a fan of this but I doubt it'll hurt.

@Sword of Geddon- woops, you're right... yes I will zip up everything and put it somewhere within the next few days.
Here is the link to the relevant files, roughly organized art mostly. If you're looking for something in particular you can look up the unit (or whatever) in the XML and it'll tell you what/where it is. The map is in my signature. Any help needed finding something feel free to PM me- I don't think my subscriptions are working.

Only one thing different than when this thread was active- sometimes people aren't really sure what is historical or not and don't pay attention to the background they put behind leaderheads. So for most of the leaderheads I downloaded, now the backgrounds are beautiful and totally accurate.
Thankyou Kevinman. You really did a lot of great artwork for your Civ4 mod. I'm looking threw it now.

I would like to encorporate some of your ideas in this thread in my own mod, if that is alright with you.

Just curious but what do you have in mind for EU4 so far?
believe it or not it hasn't actually been forgotten (in a sense). I just logged in to officially announce that this has been moved to Europa Universalis IV. I have thought through this really, really carefully and that is best.

Here are some of the main reasons:
-100% doable without difficulties, tangible deadlines; steady progress
-no C++
-my history knowledge, especially in Africa and the Americas, is exponentially better than what I can offer in a Civ4 project, and exponentially better than it was 5 years ago
-nearly infinite potential for detail
-more compatible game mechanics, way more of my goals of the best possible history game are achievable
-portable to future renditions of the game for the foreseeable future

It's not a plan but has been in progress for a while- a massive amount of work has actually already gone into it, at least towards giving the absolute maximum amount of detail and immersive realism in Africa and the Americas, and later Asia, middle east, Europe etc. Unlike this project, it is active and it will be an outlet for my neurotic love of history. Note that the timeline is more restricted- 1350-1900. Some day that may extend backward a bit, but this is totally acceptable for me because historical information at the detail level I have in mind does not exist before then in anywhere but Europe and Asia.

I apologize for any inconvenience towards anyone who only has Civ4. (I never paid for EU4 until I officially decided to start developing the project, at which point I made the investment). I am trying to shift from the all-appeasing gameplay-focused genre towards something that can hold a lot of detail.

For more information on the mod anyone can PM me.

Cool. cant wait to see what you come up with in there
@allan79- thanks!
@Sword_of_Geddon: of course

As for WHM in EU4, it is going to be an extremely detailed, immersive, educational world history recreation displaying a level of historical detail never before attempted. It uses EU4 mechanics, though I want to rethink how tribes and trading forts (early colonization) work.

Here is the map so far, African and American regions


Well, EU4 maps are divided into provinces. However, my objective was to make the map able to represent any historical state. So most of the map's provinces were in fact states (ie countries with a leader, such as kingdoms), not merely tribes or geographical regions.

Tribes are hard to represent because they move around, and didn't usually have a ruler. It would also be impossible, as there were too many and the historical information often does not exist.

In the middle, there are chiefdoms, clans, tribal states and extremely petty kingdoms. Chiefdoms are tiny, primitive states ruled by chiefs. Clans are families. Tribal states are when a tribe unites together into a state under one leader or system of leadership. Petty kingdoms and principalities are pointless tiny kingdoms created by the sons and relatives of kings, usually subservient to the original state. For example, a ruler of a weak state might have 100 sons, give them all land, and many of them might greedily create their own state and fight those around them.

But some of these other forms of government must be represented. South Africa and Namibia had many large/important states, but all were tribal in nature. Mesoamerica/Andes also had many states, all of which were chiefdoms, or empires run by chiefs (Aztecs, Incas, etc.). In Eastern Africa there were trading states designed to conquer and hunt ivory. Finally, North American history would not be complete without representing the politics of native confederations like the Shawnee, Iroquois, etc. So, these exceptions are included as playable countries.

As a temporary solution, tribes are currently represented as warriors that might pop up to defend unoccupied land, as events, and as revolts. I hope to someday be able to offer something better.

So to answer your curiosity- yes, there will be hundreds of historical countries added in these regions alone, using the colours/provinces. These regions, especially Africa, had their own complex political history just like Europe, India, etc., but are often overlooked.
You could much more accurately reflect the world doing things that way. It is very ambitious, that isn't a bad thing.

In this scenario are the states static or can they change? Like for example, can a chiefdom evolve into a kingdom with time?
Humans- yes, definitely. But you'd have to satisfy all the historical conditions and it would have to make sense, and it would be a really big deal.

AI- hard to say. Humans can't really judge what type of government is better, much less an AI. But I think I can pull it off.

Remember that historically, government types were quite static, and the idea of a new government type was taken from elsewhere. Also needs a trigger like a revolution, religioua event, kingship symbol, etc. So yes they can upgrade governments, but nothing like in civ4
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