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WWIII - nukefest has begun


Nov 3, 2003
I'm playing as Germany and I'm currently in the middle of a nuke fest (that I initiated, mainly because France (Civ III AI not multi) trashed my reputation). My strategy basically is that most of the other civs have nukes and would respond in kind. I built a defense network so most nukes levied at me are shot down. Once some of the other civs responded, I knew the folks who were initially angry at me, would turn their ire at them. As a result, I have the backing of about half the civs and we are currently sending the others bac to the stone age. I do have one question: will I now have to basically go the distance in this war or will I be able to convince the other to sign treaties?
I can't recall the exact effects of launching nuclear weapons, but I think it goes something like "everyone is 'Furious' toward you for the rest of the game." Maybe check on Bamspeedy's AI Attitude document in the War Academy.

Even your allies should go to Furious if you sign peace. This doesn't guarantee future war, but it's almost surely going to happen. If you've launched a nuclear weapon, you should be planning on scoring victory with the business end of a tank.
The funny thing, everyone declared war at first but when their ICBMs were getting zapped left and right, many backed off. In fact, the Americans became gracious towards me. China went back to being polite. The Romans, Russia, Egypt and France (who my ire was originally directed at) remain at war with and are paying heavy prices as a result. :nuke:
At the moment (I'm Persia) England is at war with me, and their country is almost devastated by nukes - tell tale 9 square waste tiles round cities. I nuked their capital, a while back and they declared peace. However they've declared war again with me - don't they ever learn?

Usually if they don't respond to my diplomatic channel, I'll nuke the buggers.
The point being... why oh why are they declaring war on me, when they not only have more resources than me, and a bit smaller army, but I've also a large ICBM arsenal?! Oh, and I've got the largest land mass. It's beyond me.

Looks like nuke time, again.
For some odd reason, nuclear exchanges put your relations with an opposing civ in the gutter ("Forever Furious"). After that, something as insignificant as an ill-timed comment about someone's parentage will pretty much start a war.
Originally posted by JustBen
For some odd reason, nuclear exchanges put your relations with an opposing civ in the gutter ("Forever Furious"). After that, something as insignificant as an ill-timed comment about someone's parentage will pretty much start a war.

As I stated in my earlier post, I have not experienced the "Forever Furious" issue. I had some countries declare war on me and then declare peace once they realized their efforts would be severely dealth with. The Americans and Japanese were gracious towards me for a while although both are mad with me now for exterminating a few of their trading partners (England, Rome, China and Russia have all bitten the dust at my hand). I stopped the nuking a while ago but have continued to stockpile plenty as my neighbors have proven they can be a bit unpredictable.

Japan has surprised me by becoming furious with me as I saved them from extinction at the hands of the Chinese. They cancelled a mutual proctection pact with me and sign one with the Americans. I'm ok with that however as they are right next to bulk of my might and can be stomped out quite quickly. As for America, they are the second most powerful civ but they are not on my continent and I have waaaaay more ICBMs than they do.

OK, back to my path towards reducing France, India and Egypt to rubble.
Well, good thing I produced all those nukes because Lincoln just launched a pre-emptive nuke strike on me and India. Needless to say, it was raining ICBMs in America. The Japanese declared war on me as a result of their mid-guided MPP w/ America and resultingly was wiped out by me. I'm close to wiping out India, although, I'd like to sign a treaty with them at some point so I can concentrate on annihilating America. France and Egypt signed treaties with me at my price.
i believe if you use nuke, the other will go be furious at you on default. they can become friendier for a short time but will slowly revert back to furious after the short term factors are over. :p
Originally posted by akinkhoo
i believe if you use nuke, the other will go be furious at you on default. they can become friendier for a short time but will slowly revert back to furious after the short term factors are over. :p

This is accurate. Everyone is mad at me now. India is reduced to one city and is no longer at war with anyone. France and Egypt have about five cities each. America launched about 10 nukes at me and all but two were zapped. He wasn't so fortunate and all but a couple of his cities have been nuked at least once. Once I feel comfortable enough to send invasion forces (he's on another continent) I'll probably raze most of the cities.
Well, it's me and America and they're about to go under as a result of the continuous nuke assault. I'm losing gold due to keeping too many cities so I'm razing all the American cities (Washington DC is gone). I offered Lincoln a peace offering if he game me cities but he declined. Meanwhile, the entire planet is becoming desert. This game is amazing.
Originally posted by TruBigDog
I'm razing all the American cities (Washington DC is gone). I offered Lincoln a peace offering if he game me cities but he declined.

Some civs are really stubborn like the babalonians but others like the arabs will love you if you beat them soundly enough.
Best thing is controlling all the uranium in the world. All the civs have to kiss your butt even after you nuke them as they know they are screwed.
force him into peace and into an alliance against another civ.:mwaha:
i like to get a great tecnology advantage and have tanks planes while they have pikes and swords, but nuclear war, it is too much. you have to clean up after you take a city and then gloal warming makes everything desert...
once i nuked Paris a couple of times because i wanted to see what would happen, and when i took the city and cleaned the polution, the city was growing waster than it had been because the flood plain instead of grassland.
later, global warming made parts of the map desert where i didnt want it to be desert.
Well if you nuke all of there cities anyway then you don't have to worry about that do you?
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