XBox One game crashes frequently

I take your point. Just a bit irksome that a while ago the game ran fine on any size map,
and that the patches didn't fix what they claimed.
I'll try on other size maps and if that fails will contact 2K, yet again.
Although I'd probably get more joy from sticking a fork in my head.

Thanks for your response and advice.
It was already bad enough before the update, but it has got much worse ever since. Crashes can happen any time now, even when starting a new game. Eventually I just start a new game before the Industrial era, as by that point the game crashes at least once every 10 turns.
I love this game but seriously, this instability is a complete embarrassment. I can't believe they allow this to happen.
It was already bad enough before the update, but it has got much worse ever since. Crashes can happen any time now, even when starting a new game. Eventually I just start a new game before the Industrial era, as by that point the game crashes at least once every 10 turns.
I love this game but seriously, this instability is a complete embarrassment. I can't believe they allow this to happen.

What version of xbox do you have?
I’ve got a One X. That may be why I get less crashes?
Perhaps, it would make sense as yours is a more powerful version. Still, if that is the issue it makes little sense not to address this to the players. If there are limits to what I can play (for example not on huge maps, maximum amount of civs in a game) then at the very least I should get a warning of possible instability and advice on what the best settings are to play. Because if this is the case then I have no clue where the limits of stable gameplay are.
NOT the same here: also from Germany, but doesn't work on Xbox series S.
The Game is constantly crashing Earth Map with Max Civilizations after 2 -3 Rounds - just asked the Microsoft Store for refund (the Game + Add ons + frontier pass . 200.-€ or so .....

Me is active playing since CIV2

I lOVED this Game / not playing for Winning just the play. maybe - a Weekend to fill , nice Friday, Saturday morning and then mid games crashing party starts. theres no Sunday cause your loading errors are frightenening you, the super cool NEW! Xbox SeriesS might just break apart and a bad Monday because you start contacting these 2ksupportes (should call them appeaser )
The beloved game on a latest gen console. It was sooo nice at the beginning / then it becomes so frustrating NIGHTMARE when you can't move on realy killin me' .
looking for other strategy games since now .I HATE CIV6 and 2k especially . How can they sell such a nightmareproduct to Ppublic.

killing everything this game stands for years and not fixing it not answering mails just puuuuuuuuuuh i used to be an addict of civ6 and now thinkin of it, makes me angry

hannibal tarkan daldaban (real name)
elefants over the alps
used to play civ
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