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YAY finally won my first regent game !


Jan 20, 2004
i HAVE to tell - if you want or not :p

after i started to play without cheating (reloading of saves, restarting until i got a good starting position etc etc) i started to fight me through the difficulties and now i finally finished regent - that was a quite tough fight....

played greeks with 8 random civs, everything on random, just huge map and 4 billion years old (if i recall right) and i was playing with the winning options, culture, conquest, spacerace and regicide.

was on fat pangea stucked in the middle and all enemies around me.......that was a real tough task but i made it :) :D

here some screenies (i hope it works)

and :

As you can see it was quite close at the space race - but i was close to the incas capital and prepared to wipe their leader out.

just now working on monarch (or maybe im trying a 2. regent). damnit i played all civ - versions for years and even civ3 for years and i thought its not a hard game.....i think now different lol
You should update your signature :)

You said you were having a hard game. But you won a space race in 1670. That's pretty early on regent
It's early, but pangeas often make for high techpace.
I'm a very good Regent player.At the end of most games
I've a one era tech lead.While the AIs researching Steam
Power,I'm somewhere in the beginning of the Modern Era.

Now to the point.
As <theoden> said : "You said you were having a hard game.
But you won a space race in 1670.That's pretty early on regent."
I agree with him/her.
Looking at your screenshots I noticed a few things.
- Your cities aren't big.Not above 20 and still alot of units
+10% luxuries and still making alot of money per turn.
- You are in a Democracy and you're the biggest empire,but
surrounded by 4 also big civs.My experience in this case
I always get sneak attacked if I had an empire situated
like that+that size.

Did you give away techs or sold every tech you researched?
You let the AI built the U.N. and still not losing the game
because of it.
Personal,I hate a close finish.
In my last game I had war with 2 of the other civs on my
continent and captured some of their cities.And still they
voted for me at the moment I wanted to finish the game
by the United Nations.

Don't be offended by this reply.Maybe you were lucky,
maybe you're also very good.Try another game at Regent
and see if it works out the same way,then go for Monarch
game or higher.
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