Yet Another "Archived" Source For Mods


In Terra Fantasia
Nov 5, 2001
The lone and level sands
Literally "Archived" :D⁣ – the Internet Archive for Atomic Gamer.

Scroll down to, "Strategy/Civilization 3/Mods." I'd not even heard of the first two on the list: "2nd Feet" & "Ace Combat."

Caveat: it can be a sloooow d/l: I have a 5 GHz connection, and a ~50Mb file was d/l-ing at ~250Kb at a time; nonetheless, as can often be the case, the d/l "jumped" after – 15 min? (I wasn't really timing it) – to the complete d/l.
Interesting, particularly as it's different than the AtomicGamer archive I had been aware of (AtomicGamer_civfanatics.tar, 5.66 GB). The one you linked has scenarios that the 5.66 GB archive doesn't, e.g. Dragonia, whereas the 5.66 GB has scenarios that the one you linked doesn't, e.g. Pentagenesis. They're complementary to each other.

The one I have locally appears to match the one at, and its listing is at . If I'm interpreting things correctly, I have the AtomicGamer "civfanatics" category, and you have found the AtomicGamer "Strategy" category, which includes Civ scenarios as well.

It looks like the base file for what you found is 44.7 GB, and that's part 1 of 4! Of course most of that is not Civilization related (and even less is Civ 3 related), but I don't see a great way to download just the Civ section. So... I've queued up the torrent (linked from the base file link), and it's downloading at somewhere in the 0.5 to 1 MBps range. Ought to take the better part of a day to download at that rate, but it sounds like a lot less work than manually queueing up all of the Civ-related ones.

I also noticed it appears to be alphabetical, so there probably aren't Civ related ones in later sections. Unless there are mods categorized under "Sid Meier's Civilization".

Good find! :thumbsup: I'll tag @Blake00 as well, since he's likely to be interested in this archive if he isn't already aware.
Haha yeah Ozy actually originally got it from me as I posted about the different Atomic gamer backup file variants with Civ3 mods back in a 2020 convo with him in my search and rescue thread here: :)

Hi Ozy, most of my successes in finding old repositories and backups filled with mods and scenarios has related to Civ2 (many of a which I link to in the top post) so most of my Civ3 breakthrough's have come from talking to friendly helpful awesome fellow collectors like @Node60 here, PaGe at (he speaks perfect English), and GeneralKilCavalry at RealmsBeyondCivForum and asking for help. They have big collections and have been immensely helpful. That being said I've had a few successes on my own with Civ3 mod hunting and there's a few sources that have helped:

  • Thankfully it appears the entire Atomic Network site is backed up on webarchive however it is a ginormous mess to sift through lol.
    • I found a decent amount of Civ3 scenarios in a file called CivFinatics (you can view it's contents without downloading the whole thing HERE)
    • There's a bunch in one called StrategyGaming although I think the Civ stuff is a duplicate of the CFC one above (view contents HERE)
    • I found more (different to above) Civ3 scenarios in a file called Strategy1of4 (view contents HERE)
    • I'm sure there's so much more as so many old Civ3 mods at CFC link to general atomic uploads that weren't allocated to any category unlike the above stuff. However I do not know how to effectively find them as there's a 2,366 files each many gigs in size and like 98% of them are not named and merely have a auto generated download folder number meaning anything could be in each one and webarchive text searches don't look inside the zip files. So for example on the Star Trek mod download page you can see an extra bonus music download link to so presumably that download is somewhere in 1 of the 2,366 files there but folder numbers and file numbers are not the same so the 86966 is no help, I've got no true file name and even if I did I'd have no way to search within all those archive zip files for it. Very annoying! So I can't help but feel that those first 3 options above only scratch the surface of the true Civ3 content in these backups as so many civ3 mods linked to atomic.
  • I do text searches of the CFC Civ3 downloads section and the entire Civ3 CFC forum history for my topics of interest eg "Dune". When a download is missing I ask the public for help and I message or tag the 3 gurus I mentioned above!
  • Thankfully the entire old Apolyton downloads section is backed up, however big download files were not so while everything in the good old Civ2 section works things start to get hit and miss in the Civ3 one but nevertheless the Civilization 3 section is a great place to search for my topics of interest to at least find out that a scenario/mod existed that if its download doesn't work then I can at least search for it's name elsewhere now that I know about it.

That post I link to there will interest you @Quintillus as I mention the above stuff you list and some other sources too. Also a couple of additional pieces of info to my original post that come to mind now...

Last year @Solver very kindly donated the entire Apolyton Civ2 downloads section to me to include in my Civ2 preservation work so perhaps if we ask nicely he'll give us the old Civ3 downloads section backup too, especially as like I mentioned in my original post webarchive did not backup all the Poly Civ3 downloads properly so many of them fail.

As mentioned in my old post many of the Civ3 rescues I've done are due to help from a number of private collections I chat to here and on other sites:
  • GeneralKillCavarly over on the RealmsBeyondCiv forum has helped me with a few (although I'm not sure of the entirety of his collection as I just ask him for stuff and he gives me a yay or nay.
  • Many have come from PaGe over at the German CivForumDE forums. He very kindly gave me a long list of his collection and sent me everything I asked for around 2 years ago. However because I'm mostly focused on scifi and fantasy stuff he still has so much stuff I didn't get. So I'm sure if I or @Civinator act as a go-between and ask nicely he'd be willing to help out again if needed.
  • Another member who's been immensely helpful and possibly got a big Civ3 collection is @Node60.
  • I think @r16 has offered to help me a few times too however he has internet troubles which can cause him problems helping sadly.
These guys are definitely good guys to keep in mind if you and @The_J go ahead with your big plans to fix heaps of broken Civ3 downloads and possibly expand the database with more rescued stuff. The_J has made it clear that he (very understandably) doesn't have time for expansion, and just wants to focus on fixing existing, however should you or someone else which to take on that expansion mantle then you'll find this info useful. I've obviously massively expanded the Civ2 downloads area (along with creating mirrors on ModDB and ArchiveOrg) with heaps of lost stuff that wasn't here before as part of my Civ2 preservation project , so when I create a similar project thread for Civ3 in the future I plan to do something similar but on a smaller scale (Civ2 has waaay more scenarios then any other Civ game so it's been a mammoth task lol), however because of my focus on fantasy and scifi there will still be plenty of stuff out there I won't get to processing that someone else could have a go at rescuing.

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ı wouldn't say ı have a large collection but certainly very large goodwill for those who keep up .

ı imagine the ones in discussion here are torrents , which ı can't get to work at the webcafes . Will there be a full download of them so that people can pick up from CFC servers or the like ?
That is some great information, @Blake00 ! Indeed, my understanding is that our first goal is restoration. Although, as it happens, I spent the last 1.5 weeks in January helping another, non-Civ-related forum community with archival efforts, which was a bit of a whirlwind due to impending-server-doom time constraints. Thus I haven't been pressing the accelerator very quickly in February, needing to focus elsewhere for a bit to recharge archival/restoration enthusiasm.

I just went with the Torrent download since the speeds Ozymandias mentioned were not amazing and I figured the torrent might be faster. Which it seems to be, somewhere around twice as fast. But I restarted my computer the evening after the last post, and forgot to restart the BitTorrent client afterwards until just now, so it's still only about 40% downloaded. At least it doesn't have to start over from zero...

And yeah... I wouldn't have tried to download this 44.7 GB file from the coffee shop I was at tonight, BitTorrent or otherwise. I want to be able to go back!
@Quintillus @Ozymandias
Hey good news guys.. thanks to help from Stromling over on the Civ4 forums where The_J is also pushing some great preservation work I have finally figured out the system used by the old Atomic Gamer file hosts used by many Civ3 modders and figured I'd post a copy of it here for the Civ3 community too!

I've got a bunch of lost Civ 3 and 4 scenarios that were not part of the Atomic Gamer CFC backup due to being personal uploads on their site instead.. I and others have been trying to figure out how to search for download codes in the MASSIVE backup collection for years and hadn't had any luck!

The codes in the archive names and the download codes were 2 different things and I couldn't work out a connection as I had not realised that the searchable codes on the archives were actually shortened reversed dates!

Stromling already explained this to me over PM but I'll stick these step by step examples here for others so we can spread the word and solve a lot of problems across this site (mostly in the civ3 & 4 forums). Basically if we put any broken atomic gamer download into web archive we can hopefully see the extra info we need..

Example 1 - the missing Civ4 Age of Discovery Mod (no not Dale's, this is another one) I was trying to find yesterday:
I put it's dead download into webarchive and find this backup:
From this link I can see the download code of 90780 and the page tells me the file name, it's size, and the date it was uploaded to Atomic gamer:
AgeOfDiscovery.7z - 32.7 MB - 03/19/2011 (19/03/2011 outside of America)
That date means it should be in the 110319 archive or archive days close to that. So I search for that number in the collection and up it comes:
I click show all files:
I click view contents on the main tar file:
And bingo.. there's a archive with the download code 90780 and it's a similar size! :) Filename is not there sadly so ya gotta download, check if its the right file and then rename to it's old name.

Example 2 - the missing Civ 3 Star Trek mod bonus music files I've been trying to find for 2 friggin years (link briefly mentioned in the description text)
I put it's dead download link into webarchive and it FAILED:*/
However I can see the failed link is in an old format (file php id) compared to the discovery one above (files/xxxxx/) which had the download code in some slashes, so I try the 86966 code in that format with a * on the end which will show all pages listed under that download code that were hopefully backed up.*/*
From this link I can see the download code of 86966 and the page tells me the file name, it's size, and the date it was uploaded to Atomic gamer: - 724.3 MB - 07/03/2010 (03/07/2010 outside of America)
That date means it should be in the 100703 archive or archive days close to that. So I search for that number in the collection and up it comes:
I click show all files:
I click view contents on the main tar file:
And bingo.. there's a archive with the download code 86966 and it's a similar size! :) Filename is not there sadly so ya gotta download, check if its the right file and then rename to it's old name.

Sometimes there won't be a web archive backup of the old atomic gamer download page but as you can see above it could just be a matter of the old format atomic download link needing to be adjusted to their final one, and if all that fails then Stromling points out that you can usually work out the date of upload by the day it was posted on the CFC forums, sometimes file names and sizes are mentioned in the posts too.

Also it's not just missing mods I wanna put through these steps, as I've also rescued a whole bunch of Civ3 mods over the last couple of years from private collectors but now using this I can go get the authors original file and compare it to the one I rescue to see which is better or not tampered with!

. . .
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That's brilliant, @Blake00 and @stromling ! Somehow I had missed this until you mentioned it in the "Possible Old Mod Reuploads" thread. I love the Internet Archive but it is difficult to figure out how to use it at times. The Napoleonic Europe 1.03 that you mentioned may well have been lost forever if this hadn't been figured out; I checked both the 5.66 GB AtomicGamer CivFanatics archive and the 44.7 GB strategy one, and it wasn't in either of those. Good call-out of the file.php versus /files/ format too, I've used the equivalent for CivFanatics threads to find old lost images a few times (using the vBulletin 3.x style, such as instead of the XenForo - note I believe this might only work for pre-XenForo threads), but hadn't realized there was an old format for AtomicGamer, too.

I'll definitely have to try this myself after a good night's sleep.

On a somewhat similar topic, if you ever figure out how to decode the ImageShack archives, let me know. We lost a lot of Stories and Tales to ImageShack going down, but also some preview images for mods, units, etc. I've been puzzling over how to make use of those, and even messaged the person listed on the metadata for one of them (no response) for a few years now. Half of me thinks that only Internet Archive admins can access it but the other half still thinks maybe I just haven't figured out the correct incantations - and seeing that there are correct incantations for the AtomicGamer archive makes that seem more likely.

(If you ever need to find something on the GeoCities archive, let me know... I have a blog post that's about 85% written about that, I really ought to finish that up and post it. The good news is you don't need to download the whole 660 GB archive first! Haven't found any Civ mods there yet, but part of that is not knowing where exactly to look)
That's brilliant, @Blake00 and @stromling ! Somehow I had missed this until you mentioned it in the "Possible Old Mod Reuploads" thread. I love the Internet Archive but it is difficult to figure out how to use it at times. The Napoleonic Europe 1.03 that you mentioned may well have been lost forever if this hadn't been figured out; I checked both the 5.66 GB AtomicGamer CivFanatics archive and the 44.7 GB strategy one, and it wasn't in either of those. Good call-out of the file.php versus /files/ format too, I've used the equivalent for CivFanatics threads to find old lost images a few times (using the vBulletin 3.x style, such as instead of the XenForo - note I believe this might only work for pre-XenForo threads), but hadn't realized there was an old format for AtomicGamer, too.

heh yup it was probably the CFC era link changing tricks that helped me figure out the atomic one as thankfully all the codes stayed the same! It was just the whole date backwards thing I failed to notice until Stromling came along and saved the day. And yes like you I usually check each lost download against the CFC and Strategy super backups there, but started to realise that they didn't include atomic user personal uploads which many Civ3 & 4 mod uploads appeared to be sadly, so thank goodness we've got a way to find them now! I'm planning on using this trick to get some of the Civ3 mods I've previously rescued using fan copies of (& compare) and I'm also going to use it to see if I can locate all the atomic hosted Civ4 mods @The_J is asking for over in this thread:

On a somewhat similar topic, if you ever figure out how to decode the ImageShack archives, let me know. We lost a lot of Stories and Tales to ImageShack going down, but also some preview images for mods, units, etc. I've been puzzling over how to make use of those, and even messaged the person listed on the metadata for one of them (no response) for a few years now. Half of me thinks that only Internet Archive admins can access it but the other half still thinks maybe I just haven't figured out the correct incantations - and seeing that there are correct incantations for the AtomicGamer archive makes that seem more likely.

Hmm yes that ImageShack one looks like quite the challenge, especially as it appears to not let you see into these archives online which is annoying (as who wants to download all that lol). If you've got some example dead links maybe there's a nice code in them that might help find the file if we know the date of upload.

If you ever need to find something on the GeoCities archive, let me know... I have a blog post that's about 85% written about that, I really ought to finish that up and post it. The good news is you don't need to download the whole 660 GB archive first! Haven't found any Civ mods there yet, but part of that is not knowing where exactly to look

oh wow.. that's a very VERY interesting offer mate. I could have used your help a year ago when I did my huuuuuuge lost civ2 websites cataloging link list project as heaps of them were geocities sites and some of those were only either partially or not on webarchive at all, and even those that were on there often had dead scenarios downloads not backed up sadly. Using the Geocities 'area codes' I was able to sometimes find alternative geocities backups on , , ,, and for some fan sites, but in many cases there was still nothing on them either!

Too long ago now to remember anything specific but I could probably put together a list of the most 'stuffed' geocities sites taken from that catalog link list project that I'd like to take a closer look at. However as for missing scenarios, I think I've found elsewhere nearly every geocities based Civ2 scenario I was after thankfully. Although I've just checked the remaining entries on my super lost Civ2 scenario wish list and can see there is a lost Civ2 Alpha Centauri mod hosted on geocities here:
The backup of his site is not great with plenty missing but if you follow the download links you end up at a geocities hosted download that sadly isn't in the webarchive backup here:

If you've got any ideas on that one I'm all ears mate! :)

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heh yup it was probably the CFC era link changing tricks that helped me figure out the atomic one as thankfully all the codes stayed the same! It was just the whole date backwards thing I failed to notice until Stromling came along and saved the day. And yes like you I usually check each lost download against the CFC and Strategy super backups there, but started to realise that they didn't include atomic user personal uploads which many Civ3 & 4 mod uploads appeared to be sadly, so thank goodness we've got a way to find them now! I'm planning on using this trick to get some of the Civ3 mods I've previously rescued using fan copies of (& compare) and I'm also going to use it to see if I can locate all the atomic hosted Civ4 mods @The_J is asking for over in this thread:

I went through the Napoleonic one step-by-step tonight and now follow how it works. Good sleuthing by both of you! Definitely not obvious all the way through, but once you know the steps... I'll be uploading that one with a friendly name and restoring the link for 1.03.

Cool to see the Civ4 effort too, I think I saw that in passing a few months ago. My motivation has definitely been boosted by now having the ability to restore links, and not having to ping someone else for each one. As well as that there seems to be an upsurge of community involvement in restoring scenarios lately.

Hmm yes that ImageShack one looks like quite the challenge, especially as it appears to not let you see into these archives online which is annoying (as who wants to download all that lol). If you've got some example dead links maybe there's a nice code in them that might help find the file if we know the date of upload.

I do have some dead links! Back in the mid-late 2000s, most of the Stories & Tales used either Photobucket or ImageShack to host their images. One of the ImageShack ones is Aabra-cadaabra: Demigod Iroquois. The first image is supposed to be right after where it reads, "After several restarts, I got this & decided that it was worth a shot". Its URL is . In the spoiler is the "full image", whose URL is

The thread was started on August 24, 2008, so the images would have been uploaded then, or relatively shortly ahead of that time.

One of the caveats is that I don't have the actual images for probably any of the threads that used ImageShack (I used Photobucket, which has had its own issues, but not as bad as simply disappearing). So I can't say "that's the right one", although the context will likely make it clear enough. It's very likely a Civ3 starting area.

That collection lives at . A sample listing (chosen randomly) of the 40 items is, and there are two problems. One, the larger files are generally not available for download. Two, I haven't figured out how to use the metadata files to figure out which one I would want (or even which metadata one I would want).

Some of them are recent too, e.g. from 2022. I don't know if those are new images from the new ImageShack or new uploads of old images. There is one hint I have; I'll use as a sample. If I download the SQLite file (, and open it in SQLite Studio, there is a "s3api_per_key_metadata" table with columns "s3key", "headers", "live_date", and "old_version_of", all of which except the last have data. Headers has a lot of data. So it could be that it's possible to download them via an S3 call. I don't really know much of anything about S3, but the "host" in the headers is, which sounds plausible. There's still a lot of questions about how to map a file URL to an archive, but maybe that's a way to see the data at least.

For that 20220405 link, the SQLite has 16 records in that table, a fillsource.txt and 15 which match up with the .warc.gz files listed on the web listing I shared above, which are listed as "not available for download". So maybe that is how it works, you have to use S3 rather than a web API to access them.

It definitely helps to have someone else express interest, writing this out has given me a bit more of a hint than I had the last time I looked at it!

Also possibly of interest to you, back in 2018 I made an archive of some of the popular stories and tales, after seeing how many were being lost or rendered difficult to follow due to image hosts going down. The priority was making backups of Photobucket ones at that time, as it was still up but becoming increasingly less user-friendly (such as adding watermarks), but a concern was it might be the next to go offline. Figuring out the ImageShack archives, if they really do contain many of those images, would be the holy grail of Civ3 story restoration.

oh wow.. that's a very VERY interesting offer mate. I could have used your help a year ago when I did my huuuuuuge lost civ2 websites cataloging link list project as heaps of them were geocities sites and some of those were only either partially or not on webarchive at all, and even those that were on there often had dead scenarios downloads not backed up sadly. Using the Geocities 'area codes' I was able to sometimes find alternative geocities backups on , , ,, and for some fan sites, but in many cases there was still nothing on them either!

Too long ago now to remember anything specific but I could probably put together a list of the most 'stuffed' geocities sites taken from that catalog link list project that I'd like to take a closer look at. However as for missing scenarios, I think I've found elsewhere nearly every geocities based Civ2 scenario I was after thankfully. Although I've just checked the remaining entries on my super lost Civ2 scenario wish list and can see there is a lost Civ2 Alpha Centauri mod hosted on geocities here:
The backup of his site is not great with plenty missing but if you follow the download links you end up at a geocities hosted download that sadly isn't in the webarchive backup here:

If you've got any ideas on that one I'm all ears mate! :)


Well, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't figure any of the GeoCities stuff out until December or maybe early January, i.e. after your project! The gist is that while the whole torrent is 2/3 of a TB, you can download it in sections. Then you can unarchive it through a slightly less than intuitive process, and then browse the various cities and sites you've downloaded.

This will be a great example for me to work out tomorrow and to finish writing that blog post! I can't remember what part I hadn't written out yet - maybe more screenshots? - but I'll try it on that URL tomorrow, polish up the blog post, and reply back with a link.

I should note (and the authors of the torrent also noted) that it is not 100% comprehensive, as they didn't have a 100% comprehensive list of all GeoCities sites when they were archiving it. My best guess is they had some sort of crawler/spider index to work with. The first site I was looking for was not present in it. But the one you listed might be.

I also had mixed luck with the online backups you listed. My best guess is that the torrent itself is as comprehensive as any of those, as I believe they were all started after 2009 (although I could be mistaken about that), and likely based on parts of the torrent. In theory one might think that one or more of them might have 100% of the torrent's contents available, but giving how spotty they seemed to be in my admittedly limited testing last winter, I'm not sure if that's the case. I do know that Jason Scott (of Internet Archive fame) was involved in creating the GeoCities torrent, so in theory they might have the best archive. But I also know that the first version of the torrent had some technical issues that made it nearly impossible to fully download, and that it was a challenge even for the Internet Archive (being an order of magnitude larger than other torrents at the time). The folks at the GeoCities Institute helped them fix that, and it's their version that's recommended. They also have a pretty cool blog, where they interview people about the GeoCities sites they created, and share cool ones they've found while exploring the archives.

Also, fair warning, as a comprehensive archive, the GeoCities Archive contains both really cool stuff and not-so-cool stuff, notably no one ran a virus scanner on it while creating the archive. So I probably wouldn't go digging around it randomly with Internet Explorer 3 on Windows 98, even if that would be an authentic browser/OS combination for GeoCities.
Cool to see the Civ4 effort too, I think I saw that in passing a few months ago. My motivation has definitely been boosted by now having the ability to restore links, and not having to ping someone else for each one. As well as that there seems to be an upsurge of community involvement in restoring scenarios lately.

Very happy to inspire! :)

I do have some dead links! Back in the mid-late 2000s, most of the Stories & Tales used either Photobucket or ImageShack to host their images. One of the ImageShack ones is Aabra-cadaabra: Demigod Iroquois. The first image is supposed to be right after where it reads, "After several restarts, I got this & decided that it was worth a shot". Its URL is . In the spoiler is the "full image", whose URL is

The thread was started on August 24, 2008, so the images would have been uploaded then, or relatively shortly ahead of that time.

One of the caveats is that I don't have the actual images for probably any of the threads that used ImageShack (I used Photobucket, which has had its own issues, but not as bad as simply disappearing). So I can't say "that's the right one", although the context will likely make it clear enough. It's very likely a Civ3 starting area.

That collection lives at . A sample listing (chosen randomly) of the 40 items is, and there are two problems. One, the larger files are generally not available for download. Two, I haven't figured out how to use the metadata files to figure out which one I would want (or even which metadata one I would want).

Some of them are recent too, e.g. from 2022. I don't know if those are new images from the new ImageShack or new uploads of old images. There is one hint I have; I'll use as a sample. If I download the SQLite file (, and open it in SQLite Studio, there is a "s3api_per_key_metadata" table with columns "s3key", "headers", "live_date", and "old_version_of", all of which except the last have data. Headers has a lot of data. So it could be that it's possible to download them via an S3 call. I don't really know much of anything about S3, but the "host" in the headers is, which sounds plausible. There's still a lot of questions about how to map a file URL to an archive, but maybe that's a way to see the data at least.

For that 20220405 link, the SQLite has 16 records in that table, a fillsource.txt and 15 which match up with the .warc.gz files listed on the web listing I shared above, which are listed as "not available for download". So maybe that is how it works, you have to use S3 rather than a web API to access them.

It definitely helps to have someone else express interest, writing this out has given me a bit more of a hint than I had the last time I looked at it!

Interesting.. when I roll back the image links to look at that area with a * on web archive I do get a number of images backed up on the web archive but of course not the images you wanted. Nice to see they did sometimes backup though so you may be able to sometimes rescue images the easier way without trying to figure out the super backup files..*/**/*

As for those super backups, things aren't looking too good.. there doesn't seem to be anything under 2008.. I also tried some of those section codes eg 368 and 9248 and got nothing.. although interestingly we could have another funny date code system here as I notice you mention that this all went down on the 24 Aug 2008... well 9248 could be 09-24-08 american date... or maybe that's just one hell of a coincidence considering the other link is 368.. and when I * those links on web archive I see images from other years under 9248. Anyway when I do look into the archives in that list none of them display contents and the files appear to be locked preventing download, although I'm guessing that's the problem your referring to finding a way around with that SQL header stuff. That stuff's a bit beyond my level so all I can do is wish you luck with that part haha.. but yeah we still gotta figure out how to identify the right 'collection' to download.


Well, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't figure any of the GeoCities stuff out until December or maybe early January, i.e. after your project! The gist is that while the whole torrent is 2/3 of a TB, you can download it in sections. Then you can unarchive it through a slightly less than intuitive process, and then browse the various cities and sites you've downloaded.

This will be a great example for me to work out tomorrow and to finish writing that blog post! I can't remember what part I hadn't written out yet - maybe more screenshots? - but I'll try it on that URL tomorrow, polish up the blog post, and reply back with a link.

I should note (and the authors of the torrent also noted) that it is not 100% comprehensive, as they didn't have a 100% comprehensive list of all GeoCities sites when they were archiving it. My best guess is they had some sort of crawler/spider index to work with. The first site I was looking for was not present in it. But the one you listed might be.

I also had mixed luck with the online backups you listed. My best guess is that the torrent itself is as comprehensive as any of those, as I believe they were all started after 2009 (although I could be mistaken about that), and likely based on parts of the torrent. In theory one might think that one or more of them might have 100% of the torrent's contents available, but giving how spotty they seemed to be in my admittedly limited testing last winter, I'm not sure if that's the case. I do know that Jason Scott (of Internet Archive fame) was involved in creating the GeoCities torrent, so in theory they might have the best archive. But I also know that the first version of the torrent had some technical issues that made it nearly impossible to fully download, and that it was a challenge even for the Internet Archive (being an order of magnitude larger than other torrents at the time). The folks at the GeoCities Institute helped them fix that, and it's their version that's recommended. They also have a pretty cool blog, where they interview people about the GeoCities sites they created, and share cool ones they've found while exploring the archives.

Also, fair warning, as a comprehensive archive, the GeoCities Archive contains both really cool stuff and not-so-cool stuff, notably no one ran a virus scanner on it while creating the archive. So I probably wouldn't go digging around it randomly with Internet Explorer 3 on Windows 98, even if that would be an authentic browser/OS combination for GeoCities.

Yeah that's what worries me, that no one has a true complete archive of everything they had.. people just have bits and pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Hopefully the torrent is more comprehensive than those sites though, sounds like a lot of people put time into it! Heh I wonder if they'd want to interview me as my retro website Blakes Sanctum was a geocities site back in the day. Maybe they'd find it interesting to know one of the old geocities sites lives on to this day and is still worked on.

Old Geocities version:
Modern day version:

Anyway thanks for offering to take a look.. would be so cool if we managed to rescue this long lost Civ2 SMAC scenario as it just somehow never made it to any other sites out there and is seemingly lost forever.

Yeah that's what worries me, that no one has a true complete archive of everything they had.. people just have bits and pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Hopefully the torrent is more comprehensive than those sites though, sounds like a lot of people put time into it! Heh I wonder if they'd want to interview me as my retro website Blakes Sanctum was a geocities site back in the day. Maybe they'd find it interesting to know one of the old geocities sites lives on to this day and is still worked on.

Old Geocities version:
Modern day version:

Anyway thanks for offering to take a look.. would be so cool if we managed to rescue this long lost Civ2 SMAC scenario as it just somehow never made it to any other sites out there and is seemingly lost forever.


All right, I finished the write-up for my blog, it is now live with instructions at It wasn't quite as far along in the writing as I'd remembered!

I'm actively downloading the TimesSquare portion of the archive but it's a larger one, so it's going to take a while yet. 55 minutes is the current ETA. Then a bit of extraction and then I'll likely have an answer on whether that scenario still exists.

I'm not sure I'd known that your site was originally a GeoCities site! You were on a lot of web rings! I also love that it still has its retro '90s theme. But I'm the type of person who finds a pizza shop in Seattle that has a fully-functional-with-online-ordering website that looks just like it did in 1996, and e-mails a friend a link and says we should go there someday.

(I'll take a look at the ImageShack part of your post later this weekend)
Update on the TimesSquare archive. For some reason, it isn't extracting right for me. It only extracts one page. I downloaded another "a-v", same procedure, works great. Not sure what's going on. It could have something to do with Ti being the largest one I've tried yet, 121 parts (the previous most was about 85). Gonna look at it again later, a friend wants to fire up the barbie today and he always has the best food when that happens, so that's a priority.

I did not know you could use wildcards like*/* ! That is useful to know. In my story archival efforts it had occurred to me to build in a step to check the Internet Archive's web API, but I haven't got around to that and so far my manual checks have mostly come up empty-handed (and are too time-consuming to be scalable). I have had some luck by plugging in the CFC thread URL, in vBulletin format, and finding images that way; that's how I restored a fair amount of images to the documentation of my Civ III Community Scenario DVD. But those are dependent on luck with the Archive having scanned the threads while everything was still live; I don't think they're using the later, more focused ImageShack archives. Though on the plus side, sometimes it works for other lost images too, e.g. some of the ones uploaded via the CFC Upload System that was hacked in 2008. In theory that might work for some old scenarios attached via that system as well.
Hey good news guys.. thanks to help from Stromling over on the Civ4 forums where The_J is also pushing some great preservation work I have finally figured out the system used by the old Atomic Gamer file hosts used by many Civ3 modders and figured I'd post a copy of it here for the Civ3 community too!
Thanks a lot, Blake00! Excellent work and explanation. :thumbsup: Following your description, I found the files for CivArmy's "The Golden Hordes Mod" expansion pack that I was missing. Is it possible to link directly to the useruploaded files within the .tar archive and add such a link to CFC threads?
Regards, Sigurd.
Thanks a lot, Blake00! Excellent work and explanation. :thumbsup: Following your description, I found the files for CivArmy's "The Golden Hordes Mod" expansion pack that I was missing. Is it possible to link directly to the useruploaded files within the .tar archive and add such a link to CFC threads?
Regards, Sigurd.

Link, kindly! :yup: All I was able to find was a RUSSIAN SITE which should ABSOLUTELY be vetted by a mod (oh, @Laurana Kanan ! :mischief: ) first.
Link, kindly! :yup: All I was able to find was a RUSSIAN SITE which should ABSOLUTELY be vetted by a mod (oh, @Laurana Kanan ! :mischief: ) first.
Following recent world events, also I have become very reluctant to download stuff from russian sites.:shifty:
The file you will get when clicking the download link has a weird format - like "userUploaded.106981". After downloading, You must replace the file extension "number" with "zip". This should allow you to extract the files (it's also a good idea to change the filename to avoid filename conflicts later on, since they all have identical file names: "userUploaded").

I start with the first file, but I need a bit of time to backtrack the other files and add them to this thread when I find them - they were uploaded to atomicgamer on different dates. Let me know if this works - or if there are any problems.

Referring to the numbers given by CivArmy in the mod's main thread:

File 01 (6,8 mega, *.biq, *.txt, few *.pcx, and mod information files): Updated version from February 6th 2014 - file id 106981
File 02 (23 mega, *.pcx files) - file id 94360
File 03 (446 mega, *.flc files of the 31 game's original leaderheads) - file id 94092
File 04 (486 mega, *.flc of 31 new leaderheads) - file id 94108
File 05 (47 mega, 86 units) - file id 94361
File 06 (442 mega, *.flc of the 1st expansion pack 31 leaderheads) - file id 94734
File 07 (9 mega, *.pcx files of the 1st expansion pack 31 leaderheads) - file id 95066
File 08 (18 mega, *.pcx files of the 2st expansion pack 62 leaderheads) - file id 106974
File 09 (45 mega, 109 units) - file id 106973
File 10 (293 mega, *.flc of 31 leaderheads of the 2nd expansion pack, part I) - file id 106867
File 11 (279 mega, *.flc of 31 leaderheads of the 2nd expansion pack, part II) - file id 106868

Hope this works...:)
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