Your ideal patch contents.

To summarize.

1: Bugs, compatibility & possible memory leaks a priority.
2: Revision/overhaul of the Civpedia.
3: More text over icons, units, etc.
4: Certain game features don't seem to work properly, or don't seem properly balanced.
5: More options and a better implementation of options. Music, AI aggression, keyboard shortcuts, etc. Already mentioned in this thread.

Sounds good.
Fix the multiplayer "searching for game" screen. Show some critical peices of data on the main list:

- If the game is still being started or already running
- How long the game has been going
- What speed the game is set to

Also... make it mouse scrollable. That list sucks for user-friendlieness.

Implement a filter system.

I'm tired of joining games that are already going... and I'm tired of trying to start games and not getting enough people joining because they are also having to search through the same crap I am.

wi1d1031 said:
The three biggest items I'd like to see addressed are:
1. It's been mentioned already but the techs are just to fast. I'd like to be able to fight an ancient war for a change.

Have you tried adjusting the game speed to Epic ?
Religious domination as a victory condition. Say there are 8 civs. You start the Hindu religion. After 1800 7 of the 8 civs are Hindu. you win on a religious domination victory. or even 8 of 8. But I think Religious domination should count - sorry if I missed it in the above but I am still drinking my coffe and not awake lol. ps I know that it needs some complexity to it - AI resistance - use of missionaries as an attack force etc.
epic slows everything down equally, meaning that the game is still essentially rushing through, only now it takes longer to do anything at all, and you STILL don't get to use what you researched.
Rather than repeat the obvious: make the game work, fix memory/graphics issues, etc., I'd like to see the automate worker buttons back --rather than going to the options to do so, as well as the "automate this city only" functions.


--The Clown to the Left
I (like others have already mentioned) am finding that military units are almost instantly obsolete due to the breakneck pace of the tech race. Or maybe I should just play on Epic setting. Does this help?
Arizona_Steve said:
I (like others have already mentioned) am finding that military units are almost instantly obsolete due to the breakneck pace of the tech race. Or maybe I should just play on Epic setting. Does this help?
Doesn't really help because production rate is slowed by the same amount research is. In a fast game, it would take you (say) 5 turns to build up a decent bunch of speamen, but at the end of 5 turns everyone can build pikemen. In an epic game it might take 15 turns before everyone can build pikemen, but building those spearmen will also triple to 15 turns. It all scales evenly, so there's no escape without modifying the tech rate in the game config files.
Zelgadis75 said:
Well, My Grandpa was an artillary captain in WWII and he told me stories of leveling the artillary horizontal and firing are Germans at close range.

Moral of the story is LOTS of very dead Germans.

True story.

Heh. True, artillery can be used in direct-fire, but I betcha' your grandpa's unit wasn't wheeled up to the front line with that in mind! Dollars to donuts I bet they were caught by surprise due to an unexpected german advance and the germans were attacking them, i.e. they were a defending unit and managed to win!
I want my trade advisor back! I want to know how many of everything I have, all of my imports/exports, and where my resources are located on one screen.

I hate trading away my last of something because I'm an idiot that can't pay attention. Gimmie back my crutch!
1) Speed up some production, or make everything 50% faster to build with certain minerals. Why should walls be 50% faster with stone yet Universities not be? Last I checked most Universities were made out of stone. Most buildings are, actually.

2) Slow the tech down and give us a lot more years (turns) in the game.

3) There are too many trade resources.

4) Do away with city health, it's an addition the game doesn't need.

5) Add a 'Never give me this option again' to the suggested popups (like build a settler etc).

6) Where the hell is the Great Wall?

7) Remove unfunny humour elements like Broadway and Rock N Roll.

That would be a good start to the patch, imo.
When the screen pops up asking me what I want to build next for the city, I usually have to click on "Examine City" first.

However, I noticed that when the "What do you want to build next" screen pops up, at the bottom of the screen are two, huge empty blue boxes.

Why don't they fill those two boxes with information?!?!?

Like: What units do I have in that city? Isn't that a prety obvious one?
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