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CivWorld: Gameplay Video Released

I'd like to believe Sid has nobler aspirations than creating a mere time sink.

He may well still, but he evidently has lesser ones too, or else sees this as a gateway game to whet appetites for his nobler offerings.

I'd like to see a "World of Civ" with a WoW shell in a historical world. That could revolutionize history education.
This more or less just looks like a graphical version of Utopia, and other browser-based games that have been around since about 2000 or so.

See also: Civony, renamed to Evony after Firaxis threatened them. You know, the game that flooded the internet with ads featuring buxom women and saying "Free to play, forever!".
Well, I've been playing for a few days now and I really like it. I especially like that you can actually place the buildings wherever you want, instead of just unlocking buildings in set locations. However, it requires you to log in often, and as I just don't have the time to keep up with it I've decided not to continue playing. Perhaps I would play a slower game.
This more or less just looks like a graphical version of Utopia, and other browser-based games that have been around since about 2000 or so.

See also: Civony, renamed to Evony after Firaxis threatened them. You know, the game that flooded the internet with ads featuring buxom women and saying "Free to play, forever!".

Rather, the ads state explicitly that the game will be about something fun and/or sexy, but the actual game has nothing whatsoever to do with what the ads promise. IIRC someone is taking them to court over false advertising.

I am in the beta and 2k greg tells me there are no NDAs so if you guys have any questions you want answered shoot...

Good of them to do that, but... it's my understanding that virtually ALL FB games are in perma-beta, so it turns out not to be a big deal. I do have a question, though: When does this game become fun? I've only played a handful of these FB games, tried a couple empire-builder-types which turned out to be way too complicated for my taste. CivWorld seems too much like the other games I wind up deleting within 15 minutes. I'm trying to like it, but it's just not working. I can't seem to get anything useful to happen, and I'm not even all the way through the tutorial (I think). There's so bloody much going on that makes no sense, I can't get into it at all.

Wow, I'm really digging the retro sub-par 1995 graphics. :mischief: Oh, and it sounds like a lot of 'fun' competing to be the king and having other people be your duke or princess ... umm ... is Sid getting senile in his old age? What an enormous waste of time for Firaxis. :rolleyes:

The graphics are just fine. In fact, they're a little TOO fancy, because the game runs painfully slow even on my fast machine. As long as I can tell what everything is, it doesn't have to be what passes for cutting edge. Photo-realism makes it incredibly HARD to tell what units and terrains are what. Keep it simple!

Overall, I'm really not impressed. The trade system seems cool, and I kind of like the truck puzzle, but the rest of it just seems like they're trying to throw too much into it. I feel not one whit like I'm playing something for fun and more like I'm being coerced into playtesting something I can already tell is as critically flawed as MOO3. I realize creating something worthy of the name Civ AND keeping it simple is nearly impossible. I have no idea what to suggest to achieve this goal, but I don't think they're getting there.
buy golden age 9.99 $

there is no concept behind the game than earining money by the "developers". mechanics are copied from whatsoeverville games. civ is definetly moving away from its previous audience and i fear that in the future there will never be a game releaset at the complexity level of civ iv.... :(
I'd like to see a "World of Civ" with a WoW shell in a historical world. That could revolutionize history education.

No game can focus on totaly realistic first-person combat AND be fun to play, because combat isnt fun. SO you need the silly/fantastic/heroic element to make it entertaining.
LOL, Wow! I thought CivRev was dumbed down. What a piece of garbage waste of time that is designed to ripoff wandering facebook heads that take the bait of a senseless game. Welcome to generation Civ:Farmville.

I'm surprised that Sid Meier has stooped to this level of gaming. I guess he has gotten lazy in his old age and just wants to pick the pockets of gullible gamers.
buy golden age 9.99 $

there is no concept behind the game than earining money by the "developers". mechanics are copied from whatsoeverville games. civ is definetly moving away from its previous audience and i fear that in the future there will never be a game releaset at the complexity level of civ iv.... :(

Look at the bright side of that: We DO have CivIV. I have had and hopefully will have many-many hours of brain-challanging fun with it - and it can still be extended with the official and unofficial mods. That's what we wanted many years ago, that's what we have now.

If you want more - let's get onto XML and modify it as you wish :)

For Civ:Farmville - if it brings more guys to the civ community wishing more and deeper challange, then let it go ahead.
It was pretty fun for the first playthrough. But I lost interest after. There's really nothing to keep you drawn in and coming back.
i fear that in the future there will never be a game releaset at the complexity level of civ iv.... :(

I will = [offtopic]. Sorry. ^^;

To be brutally honest I can't see how any Civilization game can be any more complex, and in turn any better, than Civilization IV.
The governmental concept of Civics and the addition of Religions had heightened the series to near perfection. Civilization V added the fantastic idea to define city borders per tile rather than per culture level, but the Social Policies replacing Civics were rubbish to begin with - but in later patches made the game better and a Cultural Victory far easier to reach - and ditching Religion made the game a little simpler, that is to say that in Civ4 the Religions added additional forms of production, commerce, gold, science and culture, as well as espionage, as you discover new civics, build the Religious Wonders and disperse your missionaries. By contrast Civ5 rejecting Religions lost all this potential in the game.

I'm actually interested if there are any modders here game enough to mod the culture per tile idea from Civilization V into Civilization IV, if of course it can be done. In short Civilization IV is Sid Meier's magnum opus, at this point I'm willing to proclaim that there will never be a game better than Civilization IV. The proof of this is found so far in Civilization V, despite my devotion to the game, I'm forced to admit that this here is a demonstration of a game deconstructed in order to identify its problems, fixing these problems at their fundamental roots, and then reconstructing the game; both around the original design as closely as possible and around the modified aspects designed to fix the problems of the previous game. This reconstruction will have oddbits and rough edges.

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