TSG14 After Action Report

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Hi everyone and welcome to the TSG14 After Action Report thread. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state victory date and score (preferably in the post title), as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory!

Please use the Civ5 game submission page to submit your final, first play through, .Civ5Save file, saved AFTER the victory ceremony if you were not conquered (using the "Lemme play one more turn" feature.).

Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences (please state if the game is a replay). The game will not be closed as such, but after two weeks, the results will be compiled, and will not necessarily be updated with reports coming in after the closing date.
my 4 (of 11) samurai just captured Moskou at turn 175 (w/o using RA's)


In hindsight I could have done better:
1) I should have bought a university, that would have shaved of 15-20 turns in researching compass & astronomy
2) I should have sailed over with 6 Samurai, than I could have taken out Cathy and Monty simultaneously, saving another 10 turns

Game was pretty straightfwd, beelined for steel, that I got on turn 68 from Meritocracy GS (another civ finished the GL on turn 66, :mad: ). Had 5 warriors at the time, upgraded them to swords, and took out Rome and Mongol capital. Left both with cities. On my way back I upgraded them to Samurai.

Somewhere around getting steel I recieve a msg that Sydney needs barb help, finding the path to France. Took them out, then found Greece, and Iroquois.

Then I had a pretty boring game till I discovered Astronomy. Had 4 samurai + 2 generals sitting in the east, waiting to embark and sail east. Had 6 samurai in the west, waiting as well, but because I was so I bored used them to kill of CS for experience.

On turn 153 I finally got astronomy, sailed over and the rest was history.

SP development was: Liberty, worker, Tradition, Meritocracy and then the military path.

Building sequence up to steel: scout, monument, granary, lib bought, NC, barracks, HE, armory bought, and 4 warriors.

Let's see what the guys/ladies can do with RA usage. Finish must be definitely below the 150 turns.

Tx again for a fun game!
This is what I got when trying to submit my winning saved game file.

There was a problem with your submission.

Your entry has not been recorded for the following reasons:

* Sorry! Your file does not appear to be for a current Game.

* If you selected an incorrect file then please resubmit using the correct file.

If you are unable to resolve the problem, please send us a PM or email us with your submission information.

Then I noticed this.
We are currently accepting submissions for Civ5 GOTM 12 (1 day 10 hours) and Civ5 GOTM 13 (15 days 10 hours)
Shouldn't ya'll be accepting the TSG14 games now as well?

Anyway, as I mentioned in my post in the In Progress thread, I made a bunch of mistakes that severely slowed my march towards victory.

Mistakes I didn't mention there were the policies I took and the order I took them in. I think I shouldn't have taken legalism until I researched Philosophy to get the temple for free instead of wasting it. I should have started on the Honor tree a lot earlier. I probably should have taken the Commerce tree before the Patronage tree to get better production up sooner, as well as the faster travel on the oceans. Also, since I didn't really need the Freedom tree and didn't take anything in Liberty, I probably could have made Autocracy work well in this game, especially since the +25% dmg from wounded units coupled with Bushido would have had my wounded units doing more damage than my fully healed units.

I will be replaying this one to see how much better I would have done if not for all the mistakes I made.

Game: Civ5 GOTM 14
Date submitted: 2011-06-16
Reference number: 24398
Your name: Monthar
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1935AD
Turns played: 355
Base score: 768
Final score: 1081
Time played: 6:03:00
Submitted save: TSG14_Domination_Win_T355.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Monthar_C501401.Civ5Save
Sorry! :blush: The server was set up to start accepting this game today.

Please try resubmitting it now.
Sorry! :blush: The server was set up to start accepting this game today.

Please try resubmitting it now.

Thanks! The file submitted just fine this time and I edited my original post with the info.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 14
Date submitted: 2011-06-16
Reference number: 24399
Your name: numaru7
Your email: -
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1922AD
Turns played: 342
Base score: 557
Final score: 819
Time played: 4:25:00
Submitted save: TSG14_Start - Turn 342_2.Civ5Save
Renamed file: numaru7_C501401.Civ5Save

Well, i never played an OCC before and i have to admit i was stubborn enough to not play another game before this to try it out and see how it works.
Which means that i also have to admit that my first game was disastrous. I thought i was on an island and i wiped rome and mongols off the map, THEN i discovered i also had the french on my continent. This coupled with some other mistakes like never allying any Cs's made me stop at turn 250 when i conquered the french. The others were so far ahead i just quit and started another one.

With knowledge of the map...meaning i knew were everyone was except for russia, i focused more on some wonders, especially the GE ones because i like to use a lot of them(Started with national college though and then stonehenge, GL, pyramids, himeji etc etc). Then i also invested the money i got from pillaging in CS's. Also wiped out some Cs's to get favour with other. I favoured those that offered me beachheads for invasions like Hanoi, Tyre and Belgrade.
This time i was attacked by rome - left them a city, then i attacked the french, left them a city which they still had in the end, then i sailed without astronomy west and barely destroyed a Greek city next to tyre and slowly i inched my was to athens. I took that only when i had riflemen. In the meantime the mongols engulfed me in cities and declared war - decimated them too with 6 samurai, some of which i also used afterwards for greece.
Then came hiawatha, sniped only a city + capitol and made peace. Also Monty conquered russia and by the time i sailed over to his capital i already had infantry. I landed with 3 artillery and 6 infantry and then 2 turns after that i won with minimal damage.

I always had money problems but i somehow managed to keep 3 CS's all the time, to make some 10 RA's and to upgrade some stuff. Also, i had production diminished by 20-50% for a long while because of too many units(or actually now that i think of it - too low city population, at one point i focused food production because i was sick of it)

As for social policies: meritocracy, all of patronage except Cultural Diplomacy, then left side of commerce and in the end autocracy with wounded units do +25%.

All in all i had fun and because i never played OCC before i also found it...interesting.

Btw, for the guy that made it in 175 turns... for me that's insane :))...
First post on these forums, first time playing a Game of the Month, first time playing OCC. Really enjoyed the game, thank you!

Took me 239 turns. Tech wise I RA'ed to Steel while concentrating on basic cultural and tech buildings, and getting as much production built up. Once I had a the basics covered I focused on military buildings. By the time Steel came I had about 4-5 units with the first two XP upgrades ready to be upgraded to Samurai.

In my game Rome and France were expanding like crazy, the Mongols weren't doing much at all (bad luck with barbs?). I took my army up to Rome and got rid of them pretty quick, then worked my way over to France. For both civs I left 1-2 of their cities standing, just wanted to cripple them enough and get their caps.

After France I started heading over to west. I took out Alex very quick, he was already beaten down a bit by the Hiawatha (who was expanding like crazy). I then snuck into a city state and took out Hiawatha, he gave the biggest head ache, had to spend a lot of time healing and working through some lessar cities to remove canoes.

While I was "working" out west I was building a second army to take out the Mongols. After they were gone I sailed over to Russia and lastly worked down to the Aztecs.

I tried to go tall quick so took Tradition then had some bad timing with philosophy (wanted to get the free temple from Legalism). Pumped up Honor for faster XP as waited to get the free temple. Some how managed to swing Stonehenge so I was gushing with culture at that point.

Would agree with killerloop, with the right tech order and precision ninja strikes on capital cities this game will go in 150ish turns.

Thanks again!
No RA blocking, no backtracking, no game crashes.

The early choices were:

Spoiler :

Research: Pottery, Writing, Mining, Animal Husbandry, Archery, Sailing, Bronze Working, Trapping, Philosophy, Iron Working

Kyoto: Monument, Granary, Library, National College, Trireme, (Temple - from Legalism), (Barracks - bought), Worker, Swordsman, Water Mill

Social Policies: Tradition, Honor, Aristocracy, Legalism, Monarchy, Landed Elite, Patronage, Philanthropy

Started with focus on science. Only one warrior for a long time. Never had units beyond Samurai/Trebuchet/Crossbow. Hustled to take out opponents before they could get advanced military. Ran into some musketmen and canons, but not riflemen. Traded luxuries and made ample use of alliances, picking ones near next attack victims.

With 2 Samurai + 2 Catapults went first for Mongolian capital. Took all but one city, made peace. Next was Rome, completely eliminated them. By then I had discovered France, Iroquois, Greece. Almost went for Greece next as he was hostile, but he and Iroquois were at war so decided to go for France, which can become dangerous if allowed to build up.

Allied with militaristic C.S. near France and went in through there with Samurais and Casts, one GG. Knocked off a couple cities and then Paris. Made peace and exited forces north toward Greece. Started building second army and launched Caravel to explore for two "missing" civs. Sent Cats back to Kyoto to upgrade to Trebuchets.

Spent time getting pieces in place for Greece and allied with nearside C.S. (Monaco I think) to come in through there and have a place to repair units. Also had taken one medic upgrade to facilitate unit repair. Took "defense against range units" upgrades for Samurai and "city" attack upgrade for Cats/Trebs as available.

As I was getting set up, accepted Iroquois' 10 turn prep. for attack offer against Greece. Iroquois conveniently took Athens and pushed on, so I made peace with Greece and slipped in on the Iroquois capital while most of his forces were away. I also had an alliance with the C.S. north of him. Took capital in a few turns, took not other of his cities, made peace, and extricated myself back east to land north of Kyoto and on toward Russia.

Meanwhile, had built up a modest second Samurai/Treb force backed by 1 Caravel + 2 Frigates and had gone down to attack the Aztec capital. Kind of tricky logistics and some defense by Monty on that one. Lost a Samurai, but took the capital in a few turns. Had also allied with C.S. to the north to distract him. Pulled units out by sea and up the west coast to repair in that ally. Frigates also went that way to repair, but Caravel went NE to support units coming from that direction after defeat of Iroquois.

Armies converged on St. Petersburg from two directions, supported by fleet. Did not see a Russian caravel and lost two units to it, but took out St. Pete quickly and that eliminated their Great Wall also. Marched into Moscow and surrounded with 4 Samurai backed by 4 Trebs and 1 Crossbow. It fell in one turn.
Which means that i also have to admit that my first game was disastrous. I thought i was on an island and i wiped rome and mongols off the map, THEN i discovered i also had the french on my continent. This coupled with some other mistakes like never allying any Cs's made me stop at turn 250 when i conquered the french. The others were so far ahead i just quit and started another one.

With knowledge of the map...meaning i knew were everyone was except for russia, i focused more on some wonders, especially the GE ones because i like to use a lot of them(Started with national college though and then stonehenge, GL, pyramids, himeji etc etc)...

You're only allowed to submit your first play through, even if you lost or gave up. The part I bolded is exactly why.

From the first post in this thread.
Please use the Civ5 game submission page to submit your final, first play through, .Civ5Save file, saved AFTER the victory ceremony if you were not conquered (using the "Lemme play one more turn" feature.).

From the Please Read: Welcome to the Civ-V GOTM sticky thread.
The rules
There are two simple rules: Once you play the save, you don't replay any moves. And you don't reveal any information to other players who have not played the save.

This means that you play within the spirit of the competition and abide to the unofficial honor system. As it is a friendly competition, we like to believe that there is no real incentive to cheat - but unfortunately, people do. Any persons found to be cheating will be disqualified and repeated cheating will lead to a permanent ban.

Cheating includes (and is not limited to):
  1. Playing the game multiple times and submitting the best effort (or even playing to get knowledge of the map, then replaying, then starting the game again).
  2. Using any sort of programs to edit the game or save files.
  3. Altering the XML or using other mods that give you an unfair advantage.
  4. Reloading an earlier save-file and replaying turns in a different way. The only time you may reload a save file is to start a new play session, and you must use the save file from the end of your previous session. Please contact us if your game crashes and you need to reload from an autosave.
Please note that some people believe that reloading (in particular) isn't serious cheating. We, however, consider it to be and have zero tolerance on it. Please also be aware that if you do it, we can detect it, and we will act on it. The reason for this intolerance is that the GOTM competition is based on the no-reload rule. It's a fundamental part of the challenge and the prerequisite for results comparison.

I'm not trying to be mean or flame in any way here. We have quite a few folks who have never played and submitted a GOTM for any of the Civ games. Many of which may not have read the rules before doing so. So I just wanted to point these out while we're still in the training series.
Here are some of my initial thoughts going into this game. First, I made a post clarifying exactly how a OCC game works with regards to capturing cities. The answer is that any city you capture will be auto-razed instantly. Note that in a standard game you may not raze enemy capitals which is why I was initially confused about how to win a OCC game with Domination.

My next observation is that it is a Fractal map. I haven't played enough Fractal games to have any useful statistics, but I would guess that there's a decent chance for at least one AI civ to not be reachable without Astronomy. This means that you likely can't just focus on military with no research at all.

Settling on the coast (in the Settler starting spot) could give me a Trireme at some point to figure out whether Astronomy will be required. I also plan to build a Scout first regardless. In hindsight, I never did built a Trireme and just used Embarked units to scout with. I also never grabbed the Fish until very late in the game when it didn't really matter anymore.

Japan's special Samurai unit (replaces Swordsman) seems very good. However, Steel is a 533 beaker tech (same as Education), so it's not something that you can realistically get to without developing your capital a bit. So since we will want both Steel, and then (most likely) Astronomy later, we need to plan accordingly.

For Social Policies, my plan was to start out with the Tradition tree. I really wasn't thinking about Liberty for a fast Meritocracy (which you would use on a Great Scientist to bulb Steel). In hindsight, that was probably better. I think the Honor tree is really bad; and you know that it's bad if people in early Domination games don't bother to use it (according to my readings of TSG7 and my own experience).

Initial build order is: Scout, Worker, Granary.

I start with Mining (for the Silver), Pottery (so I can buy a Library and hopefully sell some early Open Borders), AH, Trapping (for the Ivory), Philosophy (for early RAs).

My game plan is to sign 2 early RAs (once Philosophy hits) that will get me Metal Casing and Steel (using tech blocking).

Philo on turn 47. Set up an RA with Napoleon. I plan the second with either Caesar or GK. I scan the Notification Log [F7] and the problem is that neither are in the classical era yet (arggh). I think I'd rather wait a couple turns than burn the extra 100g, especially since I've gotten notices that most "unknown" civs are in the Classical era.

After exploring some more and still only having met Caesar, Khan, and Napoleon, I forget to sign a 3rd RA with GK yet later I find myself thinking that I did.

Iron Working hits on turn 61 with over 850g in the bank just in case I need to buy it form a City-State. The good news is that there is some, but the bad news is that it's in the 3rd ring of the capital and will cost some gold to unlock.

Looking at City-State options: Sydney is Maritime Friendly with Iron(6), Hanoi is Militaristic Friendly with 2 Luxuries and Horses(4), Singapore is Maritime Hostile with 2 Luxuries and Iron(2).

On turn 74, a Social Policy is opened up. I am not yet in the Medieval Era so Patronage is not an option. That leaves Monarchy (+1g and -1 Unhappiness for every 2 Citizens in the Capital) or start down the Honor branch for the extra Great General. I opt for the former and take Monarchy for the +4gpt.

Once I got close to turn 77 (my first RA with Napoleon), I decided to research Metal Casing since the RA would give it to me on the exact same turn. My hope was to get Steel or Civil Service. I got Theology instead. I still have two more RAs coming... or only one as it turns out... Doh!

Once Steel hits (after blocking Civil Service), I upgrade all my troops into Samurai and start heading NE into Caesar's lands.

On turn 87, my Scout (who headed back towards France to the W) ends up Allying with Hanoi after clearing a Barb camp with a single Worker (the Spearman had gone wandering). So that's 60 free influence for free.

I need to pay for France's Open Borders to find out if there is anyone on the other side of him or whether it's just ocean as I suspect (not having met anyone else).

Scouting the southern tip of France's territory, I see that the bottom is blocked off by ice which means that ships will not be able to sail West by trying to head SW of the capital.

The Romans fall in 550 BC (turn 93).

Social Policy on turn 102, I decide to grab Patronage since I am already allied with 2 City-States, and friendly with a couple of more for clearing some Barb camps.

My Scout finds the NW passage from France's territories to Monaco and Venice. I know someone else is there from the 15g gift from meeting them (it's 30g for the first AI Civ to meet a City-State). I meet Greece soon afterward. Unfortunately, they are broke with 4g and -1gpt.

I meet an Iroquois Warrior on the southern part of Greek's continent. It appears that he came as an embarked unit. So not sure where his home is put it appears to be to the E.

(Insert not very interesting details here about killing lots of civs.)

The Aztec capital falls on turn 183, and Russia's two turns later for the Domination Victory on turn 185.

From the moment I discovered Steel (via RA), Kyoto started pumping out Samurais. The only time there was a brief pause was to build a Market, Ironworks, and the National Treasury. I did this since I ended up over my allotted supply. Production supply in this game equal to: 5 (base supply) + 2 (from your 1 city) + (population / 2). Not paying attention and having a Great General spawned put me 20% over cap so I stopped building troops for a bit while attacking Greece and the Iroquois.

PS: France rebuilt its "capital" site and called it "Paris" which I thought was odd since I didn't think the AI could reuse name. Alas, I guess the AI has a soft spot for nostalgia...

All in all, not a particularly fast win time, but speedy Domination wins are not my forte. In hindsight, I think the faster times will be Meritocracy based for faster Steel. I think buying the Library then building NC was correct. After that building a Barracks is probably ok too, but then you just need to spam troops forever. In my game, I also built the Heroic Epic, and an Armory at some point. Also too a Watermill, a Workshop, Stables and a Forge. I even built a Market and Ironworks later on, but that was probably just a big waste of time. The builder in me has a hard time just cranking out units.
:thanx: Monthar.
You're only allowed to submit your first play through, even if you lost or gave up. The part I bolded is exactly why.
Yes, to reiterate, please submit only your first play through, with no prior knowledge of map, resource locations, city states or opponent AI. That evens the playing field for all participants.

You may play through again if you wish and participate in the discussion threads to explain what you did differently and why it worked out better, or not? The save you submit must be your first play through.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 14
Date submitted: 2011-06-16
Reference number: 24403
Your name: attaturk
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1130AD
Turns played: 173
Base score: 286
Final score: 841
Time played: 1:37:00
Submitted save: Oda Nobunaga_0173 AD-1130won.Civ5Save
Renamed file: attaturk_C501401.Civ5Save

Two groups of 4 Samurai + GG were doing two front fighting. One medic per group.

Signed RA with France and Mongol. Got me Steel and Education.
Great Library -> Civil Service

Social Policies:
Tradition - Legalism - Landed Elite
Liberty - Worker - Merit (Engineer, build Porcelain Tower => SCI => Astro)

Build: Scout, Worker, Library, NC, Great Library, Barack, Armory, Sword x Many. (Bought a few samurai)

Research Path:
Pottery, Writing, Mining, AH, Trap, Mas, Cal, Philo, BW, IW, (Sailing - Optics) - MC.

Army 1:
First war, Rome,
Second war, Mongol
Army 1 swam east after astro

Army 2:
France, swam north west
Game: Civ5 GOTM 14
Date submitted: 2011-06-17
Reference number: 24407
Your name: Tabarnak
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 800AD
Turns played: 150
Base score: 216
Final score: 720
Time played: 1:52:00
Submitted save: Oda Nobunaga_0150 AD-0800.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Tabarnak_C501401.Civ5Save

For pre-astro turns(turn 117) you can check this post :


Spoiler :
I continued building Samurais and prepared a 3rd army for France. I found Hiawatha some turns later. I opened borders +100 gold to target rapidly the capital(i landed east of his cap, surrounded by many coastal cities). I lost a Samurai but another one was coming from capital to replace him.

Spoiler :

Then i searched on eastern side and found Russia. Capital was right on coast! Perfect.

Spoiler :

So i killed them almost on same turn and both scouts searched for other civs. One died to a CS but i found Greece on same turn. Other army went south of this continent and there we found Aztecs. I got a 3rd GG along fighting, that i've sent with the 3rd army of 3 Samurais, but omg so much units in France's territory(you can't see them on the picture below, they occupied almost all fogged tiles around cities south of Singapore!). So i opened borders and traveled south and spotted 3 closest tiles from cap. 1 other samurai was following close from the ocean. Stationned 3 armies and attacked all civs left on same turn.

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Lost 2 -3 turns for France..4th Samurai arrived in time for turn 150. Surprisingly i didn't lose a single unit against France despite his very large army. He had a great occasion to kill a Samurai but failed to it. Anyway the 4th one was there just in case(On this picture you can't see him, i suicided him on capital).

Spoiler :

Question to Tabarnak: How many RA's did you sign? Did you use an RA to get to Steel as well?

edit: 2nd question answered in other thread!

With your Astronomy at turn 117 I predict that this month's winner will be ending somewhere in the 130's
Congratulation on the wins~

I think I am the only one that went with Rifles (stupid me :sad:) was too conservative
Domination at T183

Failed at Great Library T75
Spoiler :

Triple RA (Steel, Civil Service, Education) T89
Spoiler :

Astronomy T98
Spoiler :

Rifling T126
Spoiler :

A Rifle every 3 turns
Spoiler :

Monty was Afraid when I met him
Spoiler :

and this is why, End Game Power Rating
Spoiler :

Video walkthrough will be uploaded to youtube.
Congratulation on the wins~

I think I am the only one that went with Rifles (stupid me :sad:) was too conservative
Domination at T183

I was using Mech Infantry, Rocket Artillery and Helicopter Gunships for the other two continents. Hence my 355 turns to win. So I'd say you were a lot less conservative than I was.
Question to Tabarnak: How many RA's did you sign? Did you use an RA to get to Steel as well?

edit: 2nd question answered in other thread!

With your Astronomy at turn 117 I predict that this month's winner will be ending somewhere in the 130's

2 RAs total, on same turn to get Education and Astronomy. GL'ed Civil Service around turn ???(i guess i got lucky to build it, i don't remember when). I think someone need to get Astro before turn 110 and be ready to double cross oceans to have a chance to finish in the 130's.
I was using Mech Infantry, Rocket Artillery and Helicopter Gunships for the other two continents. Hence my 355 turns to win. So I'd say you were a lot less conservative than I was.


Choose to skip Samurai because being OCC, unable to upgrade elsewhere, was afraid to see Civs with mid game UUs.
ie. Siam, India...etc.
I think the Honor tree is really bad; and you know that it's bad if people in early Domination games don't bother to use it (according to my readings of TSG7 and my own experience).

I kind of just realized this myself. I intended to get some honor policies for myself this game, but when I really looked at what I was getting, it never seemed the best option. I did one tradition then went for meritocracy. After that it was all patronage to the science bonus, then back into tradition. After that it no longer mattered.
I kind of just realized this myself. I intended to get some honor policies for myself this game, but when I really looked at what I was getting, it never seemed the best option. I did one tradition then went for meritocracy. After that it was all patronage to the science bonus, then back into tradition. After that it no longer mattered.

Only meritocracy is needed. The rest can come from anywhere and will not change anything if you plan to destroy everyone with Japan's UU. I went Honor for extra GG for my 3rd army but he didn't change anything. Selling luxuries, getting Steel and Astro are the 3 most important things to do.
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