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Altered Maps IX: Playing Musical Chairs with the Landmasses

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For some reason, the first thing I saw was that Canada was pink. I immediately started thinking, "How did Canada get such an empire?"
Fools. What are you quite clearly looking at is the mighty Ghanian Imperiate, in all its majesty.
I'm afraid you are all mistaken. That is the Empire of Sealand.
If the Russian Empire existed on Mars:

Spoiler :


  • Russian Empire of all of Mars.jpg
    Russian Empire of all of Mars.jpg
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I doubt the climate on mars gets wet enough to be considered anywhere near tropical :p
I simply traced a rough estimate of the Russian empire's boundries on Google Earth and changed the view to Mars: every point on Earth's Russia has the same Mars coordinates (though obviously the distances are different).
Considering how much smaller Mars is, a country there with the exact same area as the Russian Empire might have points below the equator.
Considering how much smaller Mars is, a country there with the exact same area as the Russian Empire might have points below the equator.

Except it's not the same size: I measured the distance between Saint Petersburg and Vladivostok on Earth!Russia and it was 6550 km, while in Mars!Russia it's about 3500. However, locations on Mars!Russia share the coordinates as Earth!Russia: so the Winter Palace on both Earth! and Mars!Russia are 59 N and 30 E. Thus, while the proportions of the two Russias are the same, the actual sizes are different.
I actually doubt that Chinese chess is based off the Chess that came from India. Influenced maybe, but not 'spread' to China from India.

They do share in common the following: A "tower" piece that moves in straight lines, a head piece that must be taken to win and can only move one step at a time and a "cavalry piece"

They differ vastly in: the existence of a river, pieces move on lines rather than squares, its a General rather than a King, there is no Queen, there are cannon units that move like Rooks but "eat" by jumping over another piece. "Elephant" pieces move in squares of fours and cannot cross the river. The General piece and two Aid pieces cannot leave this box area, the Cavalry piece move in a zig-zag shape rather than a L-shape. Infantry pieces are like pawns and move one step at a time but once they cross the river, they can move in any direction and the General pieces should never face each other or one of them will get eaten.
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