• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

News: TSG64 Announcement

I wanted to come back to the GotM with this game, as I won all games on Emperor (except those where I got Haiawatha off somewhere on the other continent, just spamming). But after the last patch, I get blasted by AI armies regularly (overconfidence had a role in it also), so I don't feel going to Immortal right now.
I'm experiencing a variety of bugs that make the game unplayable, like empty requests that can only be refused and, most irritatingly, a cursor that keeps hanging.
Note that the patch also changes ruins outcomes, camp locations, and other matters, so it's not the same game as before.

I think this is the result of running turns in parallel when not in conflict.
Prior to patch everything was sequential. First civ is doing something, next one, etc.

Now, they seemed to do it in parallel on multiple threads. So depending on how AI turns overlays on top of each other, you can even get different results from the same ruin.
Ouch, looks a very bad start. Food is lacking, so then Population wont be good, science will lag behind... Can win most on King/Emp most of the time but this might get a bit mental on Immortal:) Especially with raging barbs.
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