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Ideas and Suggestions

View attachment tech-anci-clas-reso.zip

Another suggestion / concept document (in ppt format).
I think it logically follows and upgrade CCTP monopoly design.

Contain :
1. Tech tree for ancient age/epoch.
2. Tech tree for classical & medieval age/epoch.
3. System of monopoly buildings for bonus and luxury resources.
4. My view of strategic resource balance.
Great to see you bringing so many great ideas to CCTP....

On another point. Its seems we can now add new sound to the game.

This opens the door for many missing parts in CCTP. We can add new music, new sound effects or new speeches to techs and or wonders. Hell this was something i realy missed.
So what we need is someone, who can create new spoken quates for wonders and techs. Sure not for the next update, but for further updates this will be a must have addon.
> Sound to the games.
It will be good, but we need man with good language.

Now i'm trying to reorganize industrial & modern techs to same idea: about 12-14 techs in three categories. There are two major problems:
+ Many techs in CCTP mod really not technology (such as Teleevangelism or Communism). I think tech tree must contain only scientific ideas, then you will be able to reveal stronger role of social/culture and religion perks (and give suitable wonders & builds to them). Wonders i think really should be more unique for civilisation (should not be possible any time to build 10-30 wonders).
+ Many real techs on the other hand contain only one or two units and buildings and they should be revealed.
> Sound to the games.
It will be good, but we need man with good language.

Now i'm trying to reorganize industrial & modern techs to same idea: about 12-14 techs in three categories. There are two major problems:
+ Many techs in CCTP mod really not technology (such as Teleevangelism or Communism). I think tech tree must contain only scientific ideas, then you will be able to reveal stronger role of social/culture and religion perks (and give suitable wonders & builds to them). Wonders i think really should be more unique for civilisation (should not be possible any time to build 10-30 wonders).
+ Many real techs on the other hand contain only one or two units and buildings and they should be revealed.

Yeah a good voice would be perfect too.
For the rework and changes of technologies. This is all welcome and will be done.
But for further updates i plan to unlock new policie trees via technologies.
Therefore we could use communism or imperialsm like in ci4.

Well we must also look how the fall patch will break CCTP.
> But for further updates i plan to unlock new policie trees via technologies.
> Therefore we could use communism or imperialsm like in ci4.

Tech of 'communism' is industrialism and may be... ok imperialism should be added (i think it will be require Sea warfare [ex Navigation], Press and Investment[ex Economics] ).
(I would like to limit social techs to slavery and feudalism, but now all is as by Carl Marx)

Then say more about it, and i will try to adapt it.
Just remembered something... may be one day it will come true...
So, do you remember nuke in civ4 and it's aftereffects? If no - when you strike the same area with nuke it changes type of terrain to sand. Not just some radiation effect, like in civ5. I hope to see smthing like this, but nothing more, it's not that important(sorry, i'm about this message xD just rereaded... oiii). Thanks you all for creating the mod :)
Just remembered something... may be one day it will come true...
So, do you remember nuke in civ4 and it's aftereffects? If no - when you strike the same area with nuke it changes type of terrain to sand. Not just some radiation effect, like in civ5. I hope to see smthing like this, but nothing more, it's not that important. Thanks you all for creating the mod :)

Sorry i totally missed Ci4, played nearly all other complilations.
To the topic, it seems possibly to change textures. But this needs a reload to look similar in game. Also lua and tis depends on your settings dll calling.

If i where more familar i could be speak out i like to tell but anyway its [offtopic]
First 4.02 test bugs&results&ideas:


+ Now we have at least 6 six empires (1 of them is player's empire), but other just cannot build settlers.

+ Caveman spam. Caveman spam everywhere. So anyway we need early production to wealth conversion (conversion to food is good idea, but should be earlier).

+ It not contain pop immigration? Sad.
+ I don't know how, but many city-states build settlers.
+ Great generals may be used to effectively create new generals, because have very big overpower to cavemans.

+ Too many planned luxury resouces types! Maybe you at least should make it not more 3 of each category (3 of fruits, 3 of staple food).
If you have models of coconut palms - may be it will be bettel to make as Oil palm (and combine to oil monopoly with olives and something other like sunflowers?)

+ I think fire-eater should be siege unit. Because it fits great.

+ Victory by domination\time in early mideval.
+ Also i (and other civs) have 3 oak-resource from nowhere. Why you make it strategic? I think better make it bonus\luxury.
Ok, carcass for tech tree from ancient to internets is ready.
(i don't know about 3 techs)

View attachment tech-4.zip

It have 4 eras : ancient, classic+medieval, renaissance+industrial and modern
Each era contain 36 techs in 3 lines (12 techs per line)
Ok, carcass for tech tree from ancient to internets is ready.
(i don't know about 3 techs)

View attachment 362191

It have 4 eras : ancient, classic+medieval, renaissance+industrial and modern
Each era contain 36 techs in 3 lines (12 techs per line)
I noticed that gaining culture is very easy in 4.02, iam in industrial era and have almost every Policies. Getting 4K+ per turn without gold age.

Playing on Decimatus->Continents->Standart-> Starting era: Ancient.
I noticed that gaining culture is very easy in 4.02, iam in industrial era and have almost every Policies. Getting 4K+ per turn without gold age.

Playing on Decimatus->Continents->Standart-> Starting era: Ancient.

For some ones its seems to be easy. Encountered it with the ai on decimatus.
Any beliefs that gives you a culture bonus?
Or logs that could tell me more about the happening?
Biggest Boost came from Aesthetics -> Flourishing of the Arts, Artistic Genius and Modern Arts.

There are also bonuses that lowers future cost of Policies.

imagine 10 cities with 60 wonders (happens cause AI is behind) They all have like 10-20 specialist and culture buildings, then you get these Policies and get 33% boost from cities + 2 from each specialist, and you get like 1K culture bonus.

Also many wonders give 1-6 culture.

there is also Wonder that gives 30% Empire wide culture boost if iam not mistaken.

Currently i have 3405 culture from cities only. Not to mention you can buy Artists via faith and get another culture boost, and many free Policies bonuses. By turn 700 you can get every single Policy and Ideology trait.

(Great Write gives around 25K culture boost when used, and 100% boost from World's Fair winning. I didnt use this options tho. else it would be much faster)
I have something like 60 techs in Classical, the AI leader has 6. I am desperately trying to funnel Science to them so I can interact on their level.

Well,ai is broken i figured out why (i hope)Also you know i thought of releasing new update but the strange lua (bug report lua/spies) errors make me wait .
Yea i encountered spy bug too...Happened when i took Policy Rationalism-> Sovereinghty that grats spy instead of citizens :-D.

All cities except your own disapear in Espionage Window, but they re-apear when you click on "Green citizen icon in Espionage Window". And it also allow you to interact with cities and place diplomats/spies.

Hope it helps.
Yea i encountered spy bug too...Happened when i took Policy Rationalism-> Sovereinghty that grats spy instead of citizens :-D.

All cities except your own disapear in Espionage Window, but they re-apear when you click on "Green citizen icon in Espionage Window". And it also allow you to interact with cities and place diplomats/spies.

Hope it helps.

This gives me a hint, but why it does work fine for other policies?
Still :wallbash:
To make sure the english language xml seems not updated, this policiy should give a extra spy. while the finisher of this policy grangs extra population.

Can you provide any logs, this would help me in findind the problem?
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