Aesthetic City Names

Only a village but I quite like the village name Westward Ho! on the north coast of my county.
In Canada
Sober Island, Nova Scotia
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta
Stoner, British Columbia
Bacon Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador
Punkeydoodles Corners, Ontario
Spread Eagle Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador

Llanfairpwllgwyngyll Wales, U.K.
Useless Loop, Western Australia
Syracusae, Poseidonia, Amphipolis, Iolcos, Locris, Megara, Halicarnassos etc etc greek cities ftw :yup:
Kallipolis and Hieropolis spring to mind.
Norgothrond and Menegroth (yeah we're going to fictional names).

But why are you leaving Vinyamar out?
I assume that is in the Balkans, or some equally vowel deprived part of the world...although Zzyzx is in California, and we have never had a vowel shortage as far as I know.
Currently it is in Poland, wherever that happens to be. In German it is/was called Stettin.
Not space, we know that much.
Currently Poland is in the approximate location of Inner Mongolia, but it could return to North Africa in the next few days.
I assume that is in the Balkans, or some equally vowel deprived part of the world...although Zzyzx is in California, and we have never had a vowel shortage as far as I know.
Yeah what's with that road (is it a town too?) and how do you pronounce it? I saw it on my way to/from Vegas.
Yeah what's with that road (is it a town too?) and how do you pronounce it? I saw it on my way to/from Vegas.

Zie-zecks' as far as I know. And yes, it is a town...sort of. It got abandoned when the founder went to jail for fraud, since the only business in the town was his "desert hot springs health spa"...which did not really cure...well, any of the many things that he said it would cure, and in fact wasn't really a hot spring. He had a secret boiler that heated the various pools. It's an interesting place to visit, and now has a very cool desert nature study center operated by ....hmmmm...either Cal State or Univ of California...not sure. I don't think anyone actually lives there.
Bam :) (Iran, unfortunately)

Ones I've seen recently/know personally, and not just read on internet:
Love's Park, Illinois
Romance, WI

Sounds gross:
Kickapoo, WI (Kick-a-Poo)
There's actually a carbonated beverage called Kickapoo Joy Juice. I'm guessing it wouldn't appeal to you.
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