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  1. K

    Probably a stupid question about the NSA

    I want to start this off by saying that I'm not at all familiar with how the NSA is managed within the US government so this makes it all the more likely that what I am about to say makes no sense. I was thinking about how you could reform the NSA to be more ethical(?) or responsible(?) by...
  2. K

    CivBE Trailer Music

    Found it in the videos related to the trailer: 3VWt_jrALxw
  3. K

    Graphic Editing Questions

    1. Do you necessarily need to convert to Gif87a? I noticed that my terrain2.gif wasn't in that format but still worked fine. 2. How exactly do you change the index of a colour in a palette? The problem is that I know that the last three colours of the palette are transparent in game, but...
  4. K

    Mood Questions

    How negative does a civ's opinion of you have to be to change their status to "guarded", and how positive to be "friendly"? Do the values in GlobalDiplomacyAIDefines stack?
  5. K

    Question about Respawn AI Players

    In Civ 2 Respawn AI Players chose a random civ to replace the destroyed one so that it didn't look awkward having the destroyed civ show up again later in a random part the world. Is there anyway this could be done in Civ 3? I felt that it was a really interesting mechanic to simulate the rise...
  6. K

    Espionage speculation

    From the PAX demo, we now know that we will be able to warn other civs about an attack. Do you guys think it will be possible to give false information (to distract them while you prepare to attack) or plant evidence of an attack for another civ to discover?
  7. K

    Game Speed Mod?

    Is there any mod that attempts to make the game run faster as a whole? I know there are single-unit graphics mods and such, but one of the problems I have with Civ 5 is that although I can run it on medium-high graphics, it's still slow later on in the game even if I turn down the graphics to...
  8. K

    CivNet Music

    I never had Civilization 1 or CivNet, but I heard that CivNet had improved music on the CD compared to regular Cvilization 1 ( Can anyone with the game confirm and maybe upload it?
  9. K

    Combination of Test of Time and Vanilla?

    Nevermind, I solved the first problem. Out of curiosity, is there any version of Civilization 2 that combines features from both Test of Time and Vanilla? Test of Time has better graphics but feels like it's missing some of the charm of the original, while the original looks a bit out of date...
  10. K


    The music for Civ 2 doesn't play even though I have the disk in the drive, with the music on it. I know that you can play it externally, but it really bugs me that the game doesn't do it itself (also the pick music option not working). The drive is set right in the registry, the videos play, and...
  11. K

    Realism Issues with Earth Maps and Civilization III in general.

    Right now, I'm playing Rhye's of Civilization for Civilization III Conquests, and one thing I hate is that the AI goes to settle Siberia. I feel that the problem with world maps in general is that the AI tries to go on a settling spree and they walk across massive expanses of land using Right of...
  12. K


    I set it to 60 and after I used a Great Merchant it still gave me 30.
  13. K

    Two small questions and one BIG one.

    After playing a CiV game to re-acquaint myself with it after a long hiatus for the Gods and Kings expansion, I had a few questions after finishing it: 1. What does the population graph in the end-game replay indicate? It's obviously not millions of people, so I'm guessing it's all your city...
  14. K

    Diplomacy modifiers

    In my opinion, they should make positive modifiers like DoFs, trades, etc. have a weak effect that lasts a long time, so they eventually stack up, allowing you to build up friendships with other civs. Negative modifiers like denounciations should last a much shorter time but be much more severe...
  15. K

    A few questions on various quirks.

    1. Has anyone else gotten this weird glitch on the replay graph where a phantom line appears that doesn't go away even if you turn off each civ's stats? 2. Does the replay graph also show terrain? Since I'm not completely sure if there was desert in the tan area in this picture but I'm afraid...
  16. K

    Secretly supporting allies.

    So, I know were supposed to try and win the game but sometimes I just play for fun. What I mean by this is secretly giving an AI that is struggling in a war extra units so that they survive. In my most recent game, I had Declarations of Friendship with several Civs, but to keep it this way I...
  17. K

    Has the AI been broken with all the patches?

    It seems that the AI we have now is way too happy with backstabbing and declares war a lot more often than the one we had at release. I remember once playing early on when the AI actually won by Science. Now the AI never seems to go for a peaceful victory at all. Do you guys think that with all...
  18. K

    Question about defensive pacts and the warmonger tag.

    1. Does the AI ever sign defensive pacts, with other AIs or the player? 2.Since the warmonger tag seems to cause so much trouble, with the AI refusing to surrender at all, is there a way to disable it?
  19. K

    Lag on Conquests

    For some reason when I run Civ III Conquests on my PC, the game seems to "lag" compared to Vanilla and PTW. In Vanilla and PTW the animations seem to go a lot smoother as well as the turns. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, perhaps that has something to do with the problem? I have an...
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