Search results

  1. ShiplordAtvar

    In Game Demographics?

    I have questions for my fellow gamers about the in game demographics. I'm pretty sure how the population and land area work - add the popuplation of each city & count each tile you own as 100 square miles. My question is this - what's the largest in game population and land area you can...
  2. ShiplordAtvar

    Firefox Bookmark organization?

    I am using Mozilla Firefox v0.8. For some time I have been having trouble with bookmark organization. The Bookmarks Manager in the browser seems to be rather ineffective at alphabetizing files and folders. Suppose I have a list of bookmarks that are in this order: B D A C When I open...
  3. ShiplordAtvar

    Al-Qaeda offers truce to Europe?

    AP article FoxNews article CNN article Al-Qaeda offers a truce to Europe? What do you think? Can Al-Qaeda be trusted to keep its word? Can the Europeans be trusted to keep theirs? Is this tape a cleverly made fake, or is it genuine?
  4. ShiplordAtvar

    April Fool's Day

    What kind of mayhem do you intend to perpetrate on this day dedicated to pranking people? Also, what pranks have you noticed others doing? Me, I'm thinking of doing like the Christopher Walken character in a sketch from a recent (last year or so) episode of SNL where he goes around...
  5. ShiplordAtvar

    Chernobyl - A Traveler's Illustrated Journal A Russian/Ukrainian woman has ridden through the area of the reactor a few times on her motorcycle, and has documented it with a digital camera. It makes for an intriguing read.
  6. ShiplordAtvar

    Is it possible to make man perfect?

    In your opinion, can we, both individually and in our relations with others, be perfected? If so, any idea how? If not, any idea why not? If you're thinking "a little of column A, a little of column B," why?
  7. ShiplordAtvar

    Upcoming Sunday, urban legend

    Folks, if your wife or girlfriend comes up to you on Superbowl Sunday and says that it creates domestic violence, slap her for getting between you and the television and send her back to the kitchen. *drums go ba-dum PUM* I saw Tough Crowd on Comedy Central tonight, and the guests spouted...
  8. ShiplordAtvar

    Bush conspiracy

    George W. Bush invaded Iraq so that big corporations, white men, SUV owners, and Republicans could oppress minorities. So sayeth the George W. Bush Conspiracy Generator. link Have fun with it!
  9. ShiplordAtvar

    Changing your mind?

    Under what circumstances do you change your mind or alter your opinion on any given topic? Do you change your mind at the drop of a hat, or does it take lengthy periods of attempts at convincing you to sway your mind? Do you change your mind on a topic based upon rational arguments or...
  10. ShiplordAtvar

    How Not to Get Your @$$ Kicked by the Police

    Take a look at this Chris Rock video. Its funny, and also has a bit of social commentary towards the end.
  11. ShiplordAtvar

    For my fellow math nerds in the OT forum...

    A Russian mathematician named Grigori Perelman has come up with what appears to be a proof of the Poincare conjecture. Here's the search in Google News. There's about 50 different news articles about it linked from that page. For the uninitiated ;) , MathWorld gives a definition of the...
  12. ShiplordAtvar

    What's the funniest thing in your schooling career?

    What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you or around you while you were in school? You don't have to be in school right now to answer. The humorous incident may be something of which you were a participant or to which you were a witness. Discuss. Yes, I will post mine later.
  13. ShiplordAtvar

    Military history, if any?

    Select the appropriate options to mark if you've served, if you haven't and don't plan to, if you haven't and do plan to, you can't serve, etc. Discuss as appropriate.
  14. ShiplordAtvar

    Politics - tautologies

    What is your opinion of the practice of forming political statements as tautologies? A tautology is a statement that is true by virtue of the way in which it is worded. An example would be the statement that all humans are male, female, or afflicted with a bizarre chromosomal disorder. Or...
  15. ShiplordAtvar

    Thoughts on a single party political system

    Would you prefer that your favorite political party be the only large party in your country? Would you like for your party to be able to push through legislation to help your country without those pesky opposition party members?
  16. ShiplordAtvar

    Do you blog?

    Do you run a blog? Do you read one or more of them on a regular basis? Do you have no clue what a blog is? Mark the appropriate boxes...
  17. ShiplordAtvar

    Sci leader bug

    Last night, playing as the Byzantines, three random rivals, Chieftan level, tiny map, 80% water, archipelago, C3C v 1.00, I got a Sci leader. I used him to rush construction of the Colossus. However, this did not get rid of the Sci leader, so on the next turn I used him to rush the Lighthouse...
  18. ShiplordAtvar

    Completed all nine conquests?

    Have you or someone you know completed all nine conquests yet? If so, provide some details/advice/whatever. Ex.: "I completed all nine conquests on the day my copy arrived from Amazon and I must say that having first done conquest A, it really helped me to do well in conquest B." Myself...
  19. ShiplordAtvar

    Middle Ages Conquest - question

    Hey people When playing the above conquest as the Abassids, I got a message informing me that one of my cities has the Black Plague. Dialogue boxes told me that citizens and military units in that city are susceptible, especially if the city is connected to the trade network (dammit I had to...
  20. ShiplordAtvar

    Where in the world do you live?

    I am curious as to the geographic distribution of our forum members. Hopefully you, the poll responder, are as well.
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