COTM 109 Final Spoiler Thread - Game Over


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
This is the thread where you tell us how you did - win, lose or retire.

Only read or post in this thread when your game is ended.
Did anyone get two Science Great Leader - exept me, of course...:clap:
Sorry about that. I forgot to uncheck that box. But good for you!

Can you tell us something about your game?
Just a few notes:

I started on the spot, maybe not the best decision.

1990 BC Good decision: maximum speed for the slingshot – I got the 1.SGL for Writing, so I rushed Pyras. :D

1325 BC: Slingshot: Republic. 8 cities

800 BC: The French, my nearest enemy, had build the Collossus. Should be fine because I thought the Colossus will be fullfilling the second feature (correct vocabulary?) of the Americans: expansionistic; the first is industrial (Pyramids).

710 BC: Gonna run over French with 15 Horseman. 15 cities (and colony on silks)

610 BC: Paris and the Colossus was captured. No Golden Age...?? :confused: 17 cities.

410 BC: French was out except two pop1 cities. 20 Horseman at Carthago's border. 23 cities. Currency and Poly still missing for the next age.

30 AD The Russians build Great Lighthouse – I didn't made any attempt for it because I had just no good city to rise up 300 shields. XX cities an so on

210 AD: I just build the Mausoleum because I didn't want to waste more shields in antic units. But: It triggered my Golden Age! Lucky guy. :goodjob:

310 AD: Meanwhile I explored the Russian Island on the way west and at least the other continent. Theology finished. 32% world area. French was finally out.

360 AD: New Philadelphia founded on the Russian Island

410 AD: Carthago was out. I finished Astronomy and got the 2. SGL. Incredible! I decided to rush Leo's, so I did research Invention first. But before Chivalry and Leo's were completed I graded up 25 galleys and filled half the caravels with Pikeman, Med-Inf and Trebs to conquer Moscow and the GL. Ca. 30% of the caravels would be sink but it should be enough units for this first invasion army.

Meanwhile the Mayas conquered Moscow, but it was no serious problem. I forged an alliace with Korea against them. Should be more partners but even at the end of the game I didn't see anything of England (okay, one english galley...) or Romania...:smug:

530 AD: Moscow and Yaroslavl captured. 40% world area, single Maya 18%. So I expected, if I erased Maya, the Russian Island and three or four Korean cities it would be enough for the domination victory.

550 AD Chivalry. 30 Horseman to be upgraded the next turns. For the rest: knights, knights, knights and masses of settlers.

690 AD: A swath (?) through Mayan country pulling, I captured Chichén Itza and Copán with knights. 45%

750 AD: 3 Mayan cities left including Calakmul on a little island. Got the first an only MGL. 54%. I started rushing temples.

770 AD: Maya was out.

810 AD: Broke RoP with Russia. Island captured, good bye Katharina.

820 AD: Broke RoP with Koreans and captured Pusan, Ulsan and Pyongyang. 67% and Enter. :king:
Più Freddo;13592486 said:
Sorry about that. I forgot to uncheck that box. But good for you!

Okay, that's clear now.

Any Idea, why Pyramids and Mausoleum (instead of the Colossus...) triggers the GA?
Capturing one of the necessary wonders won't immediately trigger a Golden Age. I think the trigger conditions are only checked when you complete a wonder yourself, so any wonder completed after the capture will trigger the GA.
I also got 3 or 4 SGL, but not until much later in the game.

I wasn't sure about which VC to pursue as it seemed to take a long time to get any meaningful production going and there wasn't a whole lot in the way of Luxes and resources. I thought about a 100 K culture win but thought it would take way to long. As it was, my space launch beat a culture win by less than 20 turns.

I did get the Republic sling and wiped out the French then the Carthaginians. It took forever to reach the other continent even after discovering the center island as my galleys were being sunk by evil storms. I finally did so only to find that the Mayans had most of the wonders I didn't, and were very powerful. They were about even and a little ahead in techs, Korea was behind and England and Rome were back in the ancient ages.

The Mayans wiped out Russia and then tried to pick a fight with me. I did keep them off my continent and took their city on the island, but I had no doubt that should I attempt to invade his lands it would not go well. He had both Ancient Cavalry and Crusaders.

I decided to go for space and thus turned up the tech race, building just enough military to keep the AIs at bay. Even with all this I still was unable to launch until 1950AD.
I didn't get a single Scientific Great Leader, even though I went for space and researched almost 4 ages on my own. (Except for some ancient techs and 1-2 techs in the middle and industrial ages, which I got from the AI.)

Other games seem to have benefited quite a bit from SGLs, e.g. the "free" Artemis-Temple in Memento's game and the "free" Pyramids in Cotta's game are quite nice. And by looking at Kuninga's final save, it looks like at least 4 Wonders were SGL-rushed: Pyramids in 1525BC, Great Library in 450BC, Heroic Epic in 350AD and Leonardo's in 980AD. Fortunately there is no other 20K entry, so it doesn't matter, but if someone else would have tried 20K, he would have of course not been able to match Kuninga's result, if he had zero SGLs like I did...

Anyway: Congrats to Cotta!! Your second medal in your second submission...! Go, Cotta, go!
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