Barbarossa II - eastern front

general-jcl, I don't know if you still read this thread, but I just wanted to tell, that I have unearthed this scenario in my archives and finally gave it a try. You did a great job making map and adding lots of units and making placeholders for those that were not available at the time of creation! I've got questions about balance and some other things of course, but I've just started.
No it isn't and i haven't this version anymore on my hard disk.

As i wrote above, the most recent BarbaIII is in french and was designed for pbem games.
I'm not sure it is well balanced for solo players.
No it isn't and i haven't this version anymore on my hard disk.

Hi general-jcl,

I hope all is very well with you. I have a working version of your scenario and will find a way to give it back to you in the next weeks. I will contact you when it is available for you again.
Edited: This is the version that was hosted by SOC.

Best regards
@Civinator or anybody else: is this scenario still available anywhere?
@Civinator or anybody else: is this scenario still available anywhere?

I don´t know of any source where this scenario is available to the public.

Edit: May be you should have a look to the French Civ site. Unfortunately I don´t know the proper name of that site and at CFC I don´t find links to other civ sites any longer.
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Yet another side-effect of the 2016 overhaul. :cringe:

I'll have a look around.
A list of changes would be welcome, Vadim. :)
There are almost no changes. I just replaced many (but not all) old units with new ones
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