C3C PBEM : "Chimu" - MesoAmerica scenario-based PBEM (level : newbees-medium)

We have found many more barbarians who will be available for honouring the Gods. We will find the bravest candidate in a trial by combat. Maybe they are attracted by the colourful birds. :)

See the images produced by our artisans below.


Mayan warrior slowy makes his way through the jungle only to reveal more jungle.
Has Blackbird dropped out? there was a post in another thread saying he had too many pbem's. 3 games I am in seem to have stalled. I suggest we find a replacement unless anyone knows a reason for the disappearance.
sorry guys i couldn't play because of some personal issues recently. i'll send it today.
OK sweet as a nut.
The first barbarian appears to have been unworthy of sacrifice as he has gone. My warrior has been upgraded so I can only assume that he defeated the barb :) .
Lets see if any of the others are worthy of the true gods. The Incan gods must be more attractive to the barbariann tribes as they seem keen to be sacrificed. :D

A barbarian encampment has been spotted to the west of Copan! Also barbarians have been spotted in the hills to the south. My Mayan warriors are anxious for blood...
More barbarians are spotted to the south. Cultivated land is discovered in the North by our scouts. We have yet to make contact with the people but should do so soon.

When I load the game it says my turn is already done... I really don't think it should be as my warrior is exploring and I would have had to move him.
Did you have him on auto move? Cos strange things happen in pbem's when you do. The warrior moves twice in one turn and not in the next. If not I will replay and send the save to you.
Yeah I thought about that. I'm pretty sure I didn't because I did know about that (did it with my worker right away on accident). Plus, some barbs popped out of nowhere right next to him so that should take his auto-move off anyway.
Well it worked now, so GPS
Surrounded on all sides by barbarians, the Mayan warriors take refuge in the safety of Copan. Seeing that their attack is futile, several of the barbarians slink back into the jungle away from our cities.
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