Civilizations to be wary off

Hiawatha, Augustus, Attila, Maria, Oda, Suleiman, Catherine, Isabella, Napoleon, Ramses, Genghis. There's probably more, but I can't think of any more right now.

I generally have good relations withe Dido, Montezuma, Sejong, Nebuchadnezzar, Pacal, and Pachacuti. But I hate them, too.
In about 30 games i had since G&K came out i found that only Haile Selassie can share borders with me all game without DoW. The rest o the bunch are bloodthirsty.

Yesterday i played Arabia on Deity. Haile denounces me on turn 190. So, in return i pay Ramkhamhaeng 200g to declare war on Ethiopia (they also share borders). Next turn Haile becomes Afraid of me .. With an army, which is 5 times bigger than mine, not to mention he had 15 cities Vs my 3. I did become a tech leader @ that turn too, maybe that triggered it :).
I'm pretty weary of Bismarck - his inevitable backstab-with-endless-hordes is tiresome. Also dangerous, so I'm wary of him as well...

I'd probably be wary of Oda, but I haven't seen him in a game for a very long time.
I looooveee the super aggro guys like ghengis and greece, those ******s ironically enough are the easiest to conquer, because after you defeat there wave you can crackback for an easy kill. Its those turtling bastards that are a freaking pain.
Ghengis, Atila, and Monty are insta-death in my games, as in as soon as I see them I go after them. Ghengis and Monty always go runaway no matter how little land they have available. Atila is always on the attack. Cathy is fine as long as you aren't close to her, but as soon as you are within 15 tiles she's all over you.

Bismark is either all DoW or all DoF in my games. I've never really had him switch. Georgie is always cool until Minutemen show up, then he goes berserk. Gus is always a douchenozzle, and strangely I've never had good relations with Maria Theresa.

Oda and Izzy always seem to be pretty even keel. Oda always seems to go for a cultural vic, even if it's turned off.
as i told a friend when i was explaining the game to him i'm weary of everyone. haile can be pretty friendly and easy to get along with. but give him some space and he'll go on to found 8+ cities easy while being a wonder *****. i suppose at the end of the day its all about the location of the civ and who their neighbors are. almost every civ can go land crazy given the right situation.
Ghengis, Atila, and Monty are insta-death in my games, as in as soon as I see them I go after them. Ghengis and Monty always go runaway no matter how little land they have available. Atila is always on the attack. Cathy is fine as long as you aren't close to her, but as soon as you are within 15 tiles she's all over you.

Bismark is either all DoW or all DoF in my games. I've never really had him switch. Georgie is always cool until Minutemen show up, then he goes berserk. Gus is always a douchenozzle, and strangely I've never had good relations with Maria Theresa.

Oda and Izzy always seem to be pretty even keel. Oda always seems to go for a cultural vic, even if it's turned off.

I often find Genghis to be a staunch ally in my games.
I often find Genghis to be a staunch ally in my games.

I was just about to write the same thing, Genghis has been a total bro in most games that I've played with him. :lol:

It's Alexander & Dido who trouble me the most.
Oda always seems to go for a cultural vic, even if it's turned off.

Are we thinking of the same Japanese guy here? I've never seen Oda go culture. He almost never keeps a small entire. He now will wage war on weaker neighbours and expand to the like of Greece. I've never seen him go tall before.
I often find Genghis to be a staunch ally in my games.
If I let him go, he starts out as an ally, but by mid-game after he's puppeted another empire into submission he invariably comes for me. I had one game as Pacal, where I was one turn away from a culture victory after fending him off all game he won through science after using the cities of 2 other civs to boost his tech.

I was just about to write the same thing, Genghis has been a total bro in most games that I've played with him. :lol:

It's Alexander & Dido who trouble me the most.
I forgot Alex, he's always a douche as well. Never trust that guy.

Are we thinking of the same Japanese guy here? I've never seen Oda go culture. He almost never keeps a small entire. He now will wage war on weaker neighbours and expand to the like of Greece. I've never seen him go tall before.
In almost all of my games he's in, he seems to get a pretty isolated start and ends up wonder wh****** a small number of cities. I have yet to really see his Bushido Samurai in action.
I'm surprised you guys don't have more problems with Suleiman. I hate him with the power of a thousand suns. Whenever I see him on the map, I *know* he's gonna be all buddy buddy then stab me in the back.

Also, Cathy and Alex.

Monty, Attila, Genghis and to a lesser extent er... Germany. I know they'll probably declare on me if they're close to me, if not, well, that means I've got time.
Dido is awful....she's been a backstabbing wench in every game I've had with her.

The other AIs it really depends on the map and their relative position on it and their power level. The militaristic civs seem to respect you after a while if they DOW and you're able to hold them off...civs like Songhai and Mongolia come to mind.
Just a friendly tip: 'weary' = tired, exhausted. You meant 'wary', as in cautious of something or someone. Although, some of the leaders you need to be wary of can cause weariness also, too true.

oh crud... thanks for the info! As you can see english isnt my main language!
I find it odd that nobody has the same issues with Napoleon like I do.

Also, I crack up when Biz Markie rushes you in the industrial period with landsknetchs...
I actually am a fan of Monty... seriously, Monty as an AI... he's one of the leaders I can go to war for 100 turns with, eventually make peace, and end up allying and attacking a totally new AI within a short period of time. Monty doesn't hold grudges.

I hate Ethiopia. And Polynesia. Both of them seem to send an ungodly number of missionaries and/or Great Prophets at me. Which is odd, because Ethiopia tends to stay small (though their UB does boost faith) and Polynesia has no boost towards faith whatsoever.
Ghengis acts like he did in life: A good leader and ally if you get on his good side, but lo the wraith of a demon if you piss him off.

Oda is a threat, but he's not one to be sneaky or backstab you.
For me, the closest aggressive civs can be the most treacherous, if not contained.

But generally, Rome, Alex and Suleiman.

I have met Cathy close by, a number of times but maybe she's heard about me and shies away. :)

More often other civs like the above attack her and eliminate her. Still I agree she's one to wary off.
Cathy, Cathy, Cathy. It's not that she's overly aggressive as Attila, it's that she's unpredictable. Her UA also means she could build a bunch of Swordsmen when you haven't even gotten construction yet. Her UA means in midgame she could flood you with Knights.

In vanilla she was like the only civ that consistently cancelled my RAs just so she can declare war, heck even Genghis didn't troll me with this... TWICE in a single game once. Her appearance in G&K didn't get any better.
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