Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

Bad news (for me at least) -- since the last time I ran Windows Update, I have been unable to load up Civ5 at all.

This will put a hamper on my modding until I can sort it out.
Well the one thing of inuit is when you start , no food bonus from ice/snow title.

And it really lacks of food, production and everything, i play this civ a lot and it turns out the capital always weak and do nothing. I rather suggest this civ base on tundra than snow, it really hard to play this civ correctly. And i thought if you want to build a civ snow/ice based, you should build first a system to work on this....
Uh, did you download the last version? You know... the one with food bonus from ice/snow tiles.
I'm not so sure about the Kraal. It's a good UI idea, yeah - probably as a Pasture-specific culture UI with extra bonuses on Cattle - but I had in mind this:-

UU: Imbongi (replaces Great Prophet)
Standard Great Prophet abilities and costs. In addition, an Imbongi may create a :greatworks: Great Work of Writing. Each time an Imbongi is fully expended, the base yields of the Palace and any Religious Buildings (Mosques, Cathedrals, Pagodas, and Monasteries) in the :c5capital: Capital increase by +1.
It makes Great Prophets useful throughout the game in a unique, especially if you're planning to bulk up Jo'burg to ever more glorious tallness. The base yields thing is specific because if you have Monasteries and a whole bunch of Wheat near your capital, it could get very OP very fast. I think it's an interesting concept.

For them as can't be bothered to Google it, iimbongi are important figures in Xhosa oral tradition; they're kind of like divinely inspired poets that live close to the seat of power and tell stories of the great and/or legendary chieftains of old. Hope that's helpful! =]
It'd be easy enough to change it to a GWAM replacement; the whole Great Prophet thing isn't set in stone. I just like the idea of the Palace becoming slowly more elaborate and storied as the years roll by, representing the growth of South Africa into the nation it ought to be. =]
I'd honestly prefer a pre-colonial military unit than anything else, but if it's the Great Person route, I'd prefer if all religious requirements are dropped. What would it look like then? (Also, why make everything revolve around the Palace, the symbol of the capital? South Africa has around three or four cities it can call "capitals".)
I'd rather have the Kraal really, if only because it's a precolonial reference while still having a Post Colonial name, more fitting for South Africa I believe.
Personal preference on my part. Hub and spoke Civs, man. They can put their spokes in my hub any time. ;]

Well, that and the fact that iimbongi used to live as close to the palace of the chief as they could. Also, they're the single most important part of the incredibly rich Xhosa oral tradition, being, er, the people who remember all the stories that comprise the incredibly rich Xhosa oral tradition. If you want to represent Xhosa culture, this is a quick and easy way to do it without getting bogged down in the African equivalent of the Hundred Years War.

Oh, and if that implies they're not relevant to modern South Africa, keep in mind that at Nelson Mandela's presidential inauguration, he was preceded by an imbongi. So there's that, too. =]
Kraals are massively relevant to modern South Africa as well. I'm pretty sure Mandela grew up in one, though I can't seem to find any reference at the moment. The point is that the Kraal is far more pan-South African than the Imbongi. It works far better for a potential Xhosa civ than anything else, given it's only really linked to the leader loosely - sorta like making James I/VI leader of Great Britain (under some name) then making all the uniques Scottish. Some sort of UU that's linked to colonial defiance - or even acceptance, to some extent - would work far better. Where you can have a military unique, I believe it's good practice to have one.
When are fish supposed to turn into seals? (v3 loaded)? Nevermind, I just had to hit "End Turn." Please return to your normal civing.

Spoiler :
I love the idea of a kraal, don't get me wrong - but I find it too similar to the Ikanda to get away with. I'd prefer a military UU.

I also want to have South Africa be Tourism/Diplomacy/Internal trade focused.
Either Afghanistan or Cree, followed by major updates.

We still need to get Malaysia lua ready alongside some music.
The Kraal's not overly similar to the Ikanda - the latter seems to be a military variant of the former. Besides, you're really not going to get anything more representative than the Kraal, as it works very well for tourism, and I can see it working for internal trade as well. It's sorta like saying the French Château is exactly the same thing as the default Castle. The former's more about culture, while the latter is about military - that difference is there, even though "Château" literally just means "Castle". I honestly see nothing wrong with having a Kraal as well as an Ikanda, given they're different civs and they have different uses.
I definitely get your point. It would be nice if we could use something that isn't a corral though.

Here is the UA that I'm thinking of:

Rainbow Nation: After an Ideology is adopted, gain one Delegate to the World Congress from each Domestic Trade Route.
Why not a corral? Honestly, there's not too many mods that have one. :p

The UA looks good, but it could be a tad powerful in the late game, even if you are forgoing gold - it looks balanced enough to work though. I think an early-game domestic trade route incentive should also be put into the UA, and the Kraal could help with that as well, given people typically would generally prefer to buy and sell within their country to avoid shipping fees. Perhaps "May use Domestic Trade Routes from the start of the game (both types)"? Anyway, there's this as well:

UB: Kraal
Replaces Granary. On top of the normal benefits, gain +1 :c5culture: Culture from each pasture worked by the city. Domestic Trade Routes to cities with a Kraal provide +1 :c5food: Food or :c5production: Production on Pastures, depending on the type. +2 :c5culture: Culture and :c5production: Production on top of the bonus Food normally (in case there's no pastures).
I agree with Viregel here, if the UA is trade route focused, a Kraal makes great sense for a building which would incentivise domestic trade, as it makes sense that the existence of tradeable livestock makes domestic trade more profitable.

That said, I personally think the Kraal suits a UI better, which can be built on tiles with cattle or sheep, providing +1 food and culture over the regular pasture and I'd add 'every city with a domestic trade route receives +2 gold for every kraal within its border' to the UA. That way domestic trade is a potential replacement for foreign trade right from the start, which makes the gameplay unique throughout the game rather than a late game scramble to cancel all your trade routes and redirect them to domestic trade once you hit the ideology.
Reedstilt has come up with this really, really interesting concept:

Leader: Nelson Mandela
Unique Ability: Rainbow Nation - After your Capital, Cities begin with 2 Additional :c5citizen: Citizens but are considered :c5occupied: Occupied. Non-Occupied Cities generate +1 :c5culture: Culture for every 2 Citizens.
Unique Unit: African Nationalist (Great Writer + Needs a Decent Name) - Does not produce Great Works of Writing. Instead it may “Call a Boycott,” putting all Cities in Resistance for 2 Turns. Doing so adds a cummulative +2 :c5happy: Happiness to all Cities with Bantustan Parliaments.
Unique Building: Bantustan Parliament (Courthouse) - +2 :c5greatperson: Great Writer points. City no longer counts as Occupied but extra Unhappiness is not removed. Once an Ideology has been adopted, Culture generated from Citizens also provides Tourism.

I do think we need a military UU though.
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